Job Title: Website Administrator
Purpose: The administrator will have primary responsibility for the maintenance and updating the Birth of the Dark Covenant databases and website. The administrator will also provide general administrative support. The position requires HTML knowledge as well as a familiarity with roleplaying & RPGs.
Job Description: Website support, including maintaining links, HTML editing, organizes and maintains the Website; identifies problems, suggests improvements; checks for bugs, acquisition, editing and posting of web content.
Minimum Qualifications: Must be someone I already know as well as an excellent speller (or spell checker). Having some roleplaying experience wouldn't hurt either.
Compensation: Ehn.
Benefits: Access to all of my website archives and info, which is an Alamak roleplayer's goldmine.
I have so many ideas coming up for the game website, but I don't have the time to regularly update it like I want to. Also, there are a lot of spelling errors throughout the site that I've yet had the time to correct. At the rate that the game is currently moving, the website cannot afford to lag behind, so I'm enlisting a little aid from anyone who may want to help and actually has the time to do so. If you're in school or work 8 hours a day, then this would probably just be another hassle that you don't really need right now. If I was able to pay, that'd probably be one thing. But as of now, I'm looking for any volunteers. The site administrator will also have access to Referee options in the game at
Rondaks Portal in order to frequently update the chronicles section. Of course, they'd also have complete access to every hidden nook and cranny of my Angelfire site which has a buttload of stuff from ye ole roleplaying days in Alamak. Don't everyone rush to apply all at once.