FIC: Unspoken (River/Simon)

Mar 15, 2008 14:55

Title: Unspoken
Author: Ann
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing/character: River/Simon
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Little Sister by Queens of the Stone Age
Kink:Incest, Hurt/Comfort

Notes/Warnings: Contains rimming and fingering. For the challenge.

Thanks to lvs2read for the great beta.

She can’t recall a time she’s ever not loved Simon.

He’s always been there for her. Always wanted as she has, but been more shy to take. Holding back and hesitating, not confident like he is when he doctors, as he was when he used to try and treat her. Not secure and certain sometimes, not feeling the surety River does when it rushes through her, takes her breath away and makes her lean that little bit closer to him.

Simon thinks it though, wonders and dreams, lets his mind take him where he wants to be, just doesn‘t say the words; instead he makes thoughts burn through her as she listens, her toes curling as heat gathers in her belly, pooling inside her and making her tingle all over as she closes her eyes and touches herself. Separated by only the corridor between their bunk, Simon lets thoughts move through his mind that aren’t at all gentlemanly or hesitant; instead of waiting, there he takes. Touching and giving himself over to her, wanting to be open and laid bare, yet in actuality he can’t find the words to ask.

First time it happened, first time she felt him like that could’ve been an aberration, accident even, his mind too tired for Simon to concentrate on hiding. Hiding thoughts like he used to try to when her mind was jumbled, chaotic and confused, a hundred thoughts that weren’t her own running through it and Simon not wanting to add one more.

Later River started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose; wanting to invite her in, instead of keeping quiet and taking to his bunk alone. Leaving her wide-awake and clutching at bed covers, trying to avoid touching herself as his thoughts invaded her own. Not at all silenced, like Simon wasn’t trying to hide and now, feeling so much so often, part of River knows it’s not because he doesn’t think she’s listening anymore, nor because he believes she’s blocking it instead.

He wants her to know, wants her to feel the rush of desirewantlove that she feels from him. Wants her to push aside her frustration and take what could relieve it, rather than he be the one to voice it. Not wanting to push her, not so soon after becoming well again. He turns her thoughts upside down instead, and makes her body warm, feeling that exhilarating, stomach-twisting desire.

Simon’s too stubborn in his own mindset, holding back too much to push or try and River enjoys the waiting. Lets the nights draw on to close to a week, barest touches between them during the day, though at night they both stroke and caress themselves, River letting Simon’s arousal touch her own, letting the frustration build, the desire grow until she can’t think of anything but Simon. Touching him, kissing and taking what he offers and also wants too.

But when she‘s ready to say, to admit and touch him as he‘s been touching her, it‘s too late. Simon’s already off-ship, joined the captain and Zoe on their usual Unification day drink instead, prepared for the ‘verse only knew what because the Alliance’s support has wavered from shaky to fanatical these days. Ready to doctor if the need arises, and River has no doubt it will, though she wonders if Simon’s wants to feel the same rush the others do, to try and let loose uneasiness and frustration in the same manner. Despite how appealing the idea is she doubts he could cause harm, could do anything to hurt someone.

River paces up and down, waiting for them, for him. Moves from Inara’s shuttle to the other and back again, too tense to find the comfort and security she’s used to on Serenity. He’s making her wait without realizing, like she’s made him, and she dislikes it, though the annoyance makes her body hum, makes the tingling all the more exciting and maddening.

Then she feels it. Hands clenching into fists as they come through the cargo doors, feeling assaulting her from all angles, making her close her eyes and shake her head in both amusement and sympathy. Annoyance fading though the desire's not lessened, not pushed aside but still waiting, wanting.

Jayne’s laughing, but it’s not unkindly and he slaps Simon on the back as he passes the lagging doctor. At one time she’d have believed he’d be doing it to annoy Simon, to purposefully make him wince or flinch, but Jayne looks genuinely contrite, if only for a second, when Simon winces in pain.

Simon didn‘t used to get hurt so much, never did get so bruised and bloodied as he has being on Serenity. He’s stronger for it though, fights back to it even if he uses words instead of fists, makes his own hilarity and exasperates people instead of hurting them. River thinks sometimes it suits him, though she doesn’t like Simon in pain, just looking more rough around the edges, not so fancy though he’s as proper and well-mannered as ever--likely to knock you out then apologize for giving sore heads, River thinks.

He’s roughed up and looking more embarrassed than anything, but River can sense he‘s hiding the hurt well, pushing aside the ache to roll his eyes at Mal and dryly retort with words which have the captain smirking and Zoe laughing.

“Not too many people all that taken with us anymore and the ‘verse is a suspicious place - they don’t want a doctor touching and prying where he’s not wanted.” Mal’s chiding Simon now, though he looks pleased enough with him, feels that way too--River can sense it. Pleased and satisfied, with only a touch of annoyance that Simon had to get involved in things Mal doesn’t want him to be. Even if he likes Simon fighting alongside the rest of the crew.

“I’ll be sure to bear that in mind next time someone takes it upon themselves to go looking for a fight.” Simon’s smiling and River doesn’t need to listen closer to know what he’s feeling, she feels it herself. Warmth, pride and a small dose of pain and embarrassment. Simon’s always such a mixture of emotions, always so complicated.

When he catches sight of her, River notices his smile widen a little and feels the same rush of emotion sweep over her making her rise to her toes, fingers gripping at Serenity as he raises a hand in a half-hearted wave before disappearing back towards his room. Not waiting for her, not expecting her to do anything now, not realizing she’s moving after him, gaining an eye roll from Jayne who no doubt thinks she’s going to pester Simon, as she so enjoys doing to Jayne.

She walks especially slowly as she moves past Jayne, knows the man’s not forgotten how tightly she once held him in the clench of her fist, how close she came to robbing him of his chances to get any trim for a while. Uneasy truce or not, it’s still fun to torture Jayne, to watch the suspicion move over his face, especially when she smiles at him. It’s a fun few minutes worrying him, makes Simon wait even longer and gets her blood racing the more aggravated she can feel Jayne get.

But it’s Simon she really likes to bother, giving up Jayne to move to her brother’s bunk and enjoying the surprise that colors his face as she slides back the door and startles him.

“River?” Her name is a question as Simon stares at her, the sweater he’s just taken off still held in his hands. Darkened areas of skin showing on his skin which will soon show purple and blue whirls and waves, bruises that are already forming, that River can’t help stepping forward to run her fingers lightly over. Fascinated by how they mar Simon’s skin. Tracing over the lines on his chest, fingers ghosting over a nipple as he sucks in a breath, finally dropping down to stroke over the grooves on his belly.

“River.” It’s more a moan now, part pleasure part hope and she sees his fingers twitch, arms tensing as Simon pulls back a little, not certain she’s not playing, wanting to believe, but she’s left it so long he’s unsure.

“It’s all right, Simon.” She catches his wrist, stops him mid-turn and presses his hand to her cheek, lightly kissing his knuckles. As his eyes flick to her face, uncertain but carrying a dash of hope in them, River smiles a singsong tone to her voice, “Made you wait.”

He looks confused for a moment and then his eyes narrow, indignation on his face as he searches for words to convey just what he’s feeling, the right retort lost as she catches his mouth in a kiss, feeling no hesitation in pressing her lips harder, capturing Simon’s mouth as his lips part and his tongue brushes her. It’s only a moment before he’s kissing her back, annoyance lost as their tongues tangle, his hands on her back sliding slowly up to the back of her neck and then River’s sucking on his lower lip, pulling away to reach behind her and slide the bunk shut with a click.

She wants him laid bare and needing, unable to do anything but touch himself. Just as she’d been.

“Too much.” She plucks lightly at his waistband for a moment, “shouldn‘t cover so much, skin can‘t breath.” She murmurs the words against his lips as he tries to kiss her, turning her head to one side. “Want to see you, Simon, tease you like you teased me.” Her body’s humming again now, the bunk seeming hotter than before although she can see small pinprick-raised goosebumps on her arms.

Her hand’s flat against his chest, mindful of the bruises as she nudges him backward and Simon looks confused for a moment, nonplussed as he stares at her. Then he steps backward, hands moving to his pants, eyes on hers as he unbuttons them. He hurts in places all over, bruises she can’t see yet, but she feels Simon feel them. Still within arm's reach and River can’t help but touch, letting her nails lightly graze over his shoulders, not too far down because there are bruises there she’ll be need to be careful of too.

She keeps her eyes on him until she moves to the side of the room, to Simon’s tiny makeshift counter. Barely box-sized but large enough to hold the small bowl of water Simon’s undoubtedly brought from the infirmary, clean cloth half immersed and soaking up water. Hearing his pants drop to the floor, she deliberately waits a few moments, tortures him a time longer and lets him step out of them before she looks up at him.

He hasn’t denied it, hasn’t refuted the claim that he was teasing her or even asked how she fathoms he has. Instead Simon’s blushing lightly, holding his pants in a clenched pile, which he drops to the side of the bed, surprisingly messy for the moment, though there are more pressing matters on his mind. Matters which tease at the edge of her own, would take her breath away now if she gave them the chance to, as they do most nights.

She drops her gaze down his body, stepping forward as she does, small chiding sound coming from her lips as her gaze passes his belly, over the still-rough bullet scar, and she catches sight of the nasty graze sweeping across his hip. Not a stab wound, nor a scratch, she guesses he must have fallen onto something and wonders just how far around it goes. Painful looking and spotted with blood, he needs it looked at, needs it covered and River's more than happy to do it, though her eyes stray for a moment more before she does. Past Simon’s hip, down a toned leg which shows little bruising, his feet pressed firmly to the ground, though River can tell from the slight motion that Simon’s not comfortable remaining so still.

He’s not entirely uncomfortable though, she notices, as her gaze sweeps back up, finally allowing herself to look at the flushed demanding cock that strains upward, fingers close enough to touch but not yet allowing herself to.

“Should take more care.” He’s not blushing as much now when she looks up at him, smiling slightly but not so shy as before.

“I thought it was my job to tell that to people.”

It’s rhetorical and she doesn’t answer, just turns back and grasps the rag, wringing it out before she moves back to him. She’s not long washed her hands and the doctor in Simon would normally protest that she should first, but he’s not thinking of anything but her as she presses it to the graze. He makes a small noise in protest, but remains quiet for the most part as she washes away the blood. It’s not too bad, but it down-sweeps around his hip, and when she reaches back to brush a hand lightly over his buttock, she feels grazed skin just before he stiffens and clenches his buttocks.

“Tell yourself first. Doctor needs doctoring sometimes too.” She smiles, pressing a weave to the front of his hip, fingers lightly pressing it down before she tilts her head upwards and kisses his jaw.

“I suppose so.” Simon’s smiling ruefully now, angling his head to sweep a kiss over her lips which she savors, enjoying it for a moment as their eyes close and lips meet. She interrupts it again though, this time lightly ghosting her damp fingers up his thigh, the barest touch to his balls making him start slightly and shudder as she traces her hand upwards. His skin's smooth under her fingers, the fine hair there rubbing against her fingers, almost tickling.

He tries to kiss her again, rocks forward into her touch as she wraps a hand around his cock, but she refuses him. “On the bed, Simon, on your hands and knees. No touching though. For me.” She neglects saying please and feels him pause for a moment, brow furrowing in confusion. Her hand stroking at his cock firmly dissuades him from questioning and when she moves her hand back, he does as she asks.

Paints a shuai picture that River knows anyone on the crew would give all the coin they had at that moment to see, but only she sees it. Feels her breasts tighten and neck tingle, touch of her fingers to her arms, to her belly, sending delicious light sensations through her. She watches Simon submit as he climbs onto the bed, aching for her as well as smarting where he hurts. She won’t tease him much longer, will soothe his wound and bring them both to release. It’s enough for tonight, and for tomorrow River has no plans to even leave their bunk.

“Don’t be shy, Simon, not anymore. Not with me.” She rinses out the cloth as she speaks, watches the water turn a light shade of pink before she walks back to him. His hand is straying to his cock now, fingers making a light grip which loosens when she climbs on the bed behind him and River feels a thrill dash through her that he‘s obeyed. She’d get him to lie on his belly if she could touch him as he did, but this is the only way she can tease and soothe all at the same time.

It’s a dizzying sensation feeling this control over Simon, feeling him give as he’s wanted to for so long and take as she’s denied herself. It makes her mouth dry, makes her fingers long to stray over herself. Her hand’s around his cock now, her knee slid between his as she kneels behind him. Gorgeous from this angle too, though she’s not surprised about that, instead concentrates on carefully cleansing the angry graze that flicks across his right buttock, her hand absently stroking his cock. River can feel him trembling as she applies the weave, arousal making his cock twitch in her hand as she strokes it, a tremor starting in her own body as if in unison.

“River?” Simon’s breath hitches a little as he speaks and she knows what he wants, one of the things he wants just as she’s wanted him laid bare to her.

“Not yet, Simon.” She’s not sure he’ll be able to do as he wants tonight, even if she planned to Wouldn’t want him wincing every time he thrust into her, gritting his teeth as he pleasured her, determined to pain himself further by moving erratically, jerking and twisting, doing damage he shouldn’t be.

She presses a kiss to the weave, to his buttock, and feels his cock jump against her palm as she does. Moving the cloth over his other buttock now, she sweeps it around his hip, letting the rough edge of it run over his cock and balls, lightly up between his buttocks and back to her hand again.

“But you can touch yourself.” Now he can, now River needs both hands to enjoy herself, to pleasure them both. One hand to unbutton the front of her dress, to slip inside and rub her nails lightly over her breast, over one hardened nipple. The other to pleasure him.

He’s watching her now, craning his head so far around that he could do himself an injury, but River plays on it a moment, feels her breath catch as her fingers tease her own nipple, heat in her belly bringing a warmth down below that has her needing more. Simon’s hand is on his cock, not lightly stroking, but roughly so, almost too much so, but River won’t stop him. Her hand moves between her legs, pushes up underneath her dress where Simon can’t see but River knows he wants to.

But he can only watch, a groan on his lips as her fingers creep under the damp material of her panties and she presses one into herself, a sigh of relief coming to her lips as she does. Taking away some of her own ache and only increasing Simon’s. She presses her thumb up to the smaller nub that has her biting her lip when hot pleasure dances through her and leans forward, one hand spreading Simon’s buttocks as she presses her face between then and runs her tongue where she’s just trailed the cloth.

He’s no longer looking at her now, she can tell, shifting his weight onto one elbow instead and offering himself up more as she presses her face into his buttocks, her tongue playing over the small ringed hole there as she presses another finger up inside herself, twisting them and pressing deeper as he groans. She doesn’t use her thumb, not yet, too aroused by touching herself and doing this to Simon and feeling Simon…she knows she won’t last long if she does, already she's close to the edge, her thighs clenching, body humming and wanting to let go. Heat pools in her belly as she teases Simon with her tongue, swirls it over and flicks lightly, making him shudder and groan.

It doesn’t take long, they’ve both been waiting too long for it to. Simon’s the first to find release, spilling over his own hand as River’s tongue plays over him, stabbing and teasing, driving him into it. And then River takes her own pleasure, twists her fingers and presses her thumb over her clit, stroking hard and fast, side to side in a dizzying heady moment that has her pulling back as Simon leans forward, crying out as intense heat and feeling flashes through her. Unable to keep her eyes open, body spasming and clutching around her fingers as she rides it out. River feels herself gasp as Simon draws her close to him, somehow finding the energy to turn and take her into his arms, sweep his hand between her legs and join her fingers in teasing there, until she’s too pleasured to feel them touching there anymore, body too sensitive to lean into the touch.

Simon seems to know when she can’t take anymore though, just holds her tight to him and draws his hand out from under her skirt, nudging at her own as he does. He's kissing lightly at her earlobe, making the ache still remain, though it’s mostly sated for now. Holding her close as he has so many times in the past, though this time is different, special…exhausting. River closes her eyes, surprised that she could let herself just lean against Simon, let his quiet kisses and embrace sweep anything else away.

She turns her head up to him as she withdraws her fingers and feels his lips press to hers in a light kiss. It’s almost chaste and unhurried and River enjoys the leisurely pace, lets Simon kiss her lightly before he shuffles back, still holding her close though she’s not about to leave and he knows it. Pulling them both down and spooning up behind her, fingers playing over those on her hand, his mouth kissing at her neck, making the skin tingle in a way that makes her smile and wriggle back against him. Closer to him.

There’s no need for words, no declarations of anything that’s not been said and meant a hundred times before. Instead as Simon flicks off the light and River snuggles up against him, she asks him a question she knows will answer the question that’s trying to surface in his mind. “Simon? I won’t make you wait again tomorrow, if you don’t want me to.”

She hears his smile, feels his arms wrap more tightly around her as he murmurs in answer, “I‘d like that.”

het, csi, rounds of kink, firefly, river/simon, fanfic

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