
Mar 12, 2008 22:00

I watched Torchwood for the first time this season and I really enjoyed it. I actually really liked Gwen in this episode and...(more under the cut as well as a couple of questions if any watchers could answer.

felt sorry for her at the same time. Not a nice predicament to be in. I have to admit part of me wanted to shake her when she refused to cancel the wedding, the other agreed with her. She looked gorgeous though in the dress, very pretty. She went through stages of annoying me in the first season at times, even if i did like her in the first episode.

Tosh is so sweet! I hope she's getting on the screen a lot more this season.

There's definitely something between Gwen and Jack though I'm not sure I like it all that much. Perhaps it's one of those 'should have just shagged and got it over with' type wistful things that go away. Or not. Poor Rhys though, he's been through a hell of a lot-and just judging by first season here- most people would have walked away.

Owen...dead man walking? Is he dead? What happened there? Zombified?

Ianto, I'm not sure if he's getting vested in a relationship that's not or if Jack actually is trying for one with him. I must admit I can't see Jack settling down...not really at all if I'm honest, but if he did I'd guess it would take a long, long while.

Jack as a shapeshifter...ew, big time ew and those faces were grim and resident/evil/dawn of the deady. I'm sure to have nightmares now-great.

That said i now want to watch the whole series. I didn't think it would have a good plot like DW did but I enjoyed this one a lot; the plot, the emotions, all of it really.

Feel free to dis/agree and debate, I haven't seen the ones before so zombie!owen and Jack/Ianto(?) answers would be loved.

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