Jan 26, 2006 05:27
It has the makings of a lovely day outside, which makes it easier to be up before sunrise. I love the light breezes of the morning through my window, though I admit it doesn't motivate me to leave my bed. ;-) Far too comfy. I can practically smell the sea floating in on days like this. When I close my eyes it's almost like I'm there. I can pretend all I have to do today is lie on the beach. Alas, I think I'll be forced to enjoy just one more cup of tea before I get moving. What can it hurt?
I promised to play squash in an hour with Stacy. But I'm still sore and majorly jet-lagged so I don't know how much of a challenge I'm going to provide her with. My brain feels all fuzzy. Everything looks like a television flashback scene. It's hard to rev oneself up into getting one's ass handed over to them. After that humiliating experience I'll then have to go back to *dun dun dun* w...w www... *groan* Work. It hurts just thinking that word. Evil. Eeeeviiilll. When's it my turn to be lazy? I know there's going to be children there. I can sense it. Hordes of five-year-olds screaming and putting there bacteria-coated hands everywhere while parents either look on helplessly or chat with their other parenty-friends completely ignoring the chaos before them.
Until the age of sixteen children should be banned from all public places. Unless they can pass some kind of behavioral exam.
But all these thoughts of shrieking, gob-stopper sucking, smelly little versions of humanity are intruding upon my enjoyment of the morning. Bah.
*snuggles back down to enjoy the silence*
I kicked Rob out last night. I knew if he stayed over again I'd get even less sleep and my morning wouldn't be as pleasant. He has this tendency to listen to American rock music full blast everytime he takes a shower. Even though he knows it irks me. There is a time and a place for Nickelback. Six am is not it. He pretended to act all hurt, maybe he was - who knows? - but I find myself having very little sympathy these days. I guess I'm just tired of the same old thing all the time. Every relationship seems to end up exactly the same way no matter how they start off. It's boring.
But I don't think I'll break up with him. He's totally unpossessive and completely casual and it's good to have someone to hang out with every now and then. Even if said person isn't exactly exciting anymore.
I think my roommate just came in. I'll have to beat her to the shower. :-P