it's the end of special week people. not that i'm actually very happy, but this means that normal school is starting again. which is so sigh-some. and that also means the holidays are coming which means common tests are coming. the purpose of putting sec 4's common tests after the march holidays is defeated man. we won't even be able to study properly for the common test. what with unit camp on friday-sunday, and lessons on the other 4 days. might as well just start mugging now when we have free time. oh wells~ at least i have something to look forward to for after the common tests. motivation whoo~ honestly lol, that was one of my personal goals. 29th March :D
had learning journey in the morning. it was pretty cool. visiting the URA building and CBD. it's pretty amazing how so many things can cram into Singapore, which is actually uberbly tiny as compared to the other countries. got me wondering just how huge can the other countries get and just how many stuff they can cram into their countries if they had the planning stuff going on just like in Singapore. damn cool. after that, we vistited the Marina Barrage which i think is pretty cool, yet scary at the same time. it's scary how so much water can flow in and out from the barrage and the sea just like that. PLUS the gallery walk was soooo prettttyyy!! such a nice place to camwhore, I SWEAR. damn the awesome. not to mention the greenroof. the scenery was just soso nice and soso gorgeous! with the Singapore Flyer and the city's skyline and the nicenice sky in the background, it was just ULTRA nicee! and of course, us being 4S2B, there were tons of camwhoring that went on.
there were supposed to be lessons that day, but i only had bio and e math. didn't have malay nor physics, so ya..had like 2 1/2 hour free period. chiong-ed studying for e math test and SS mock exam that day. e math test was disastrous. the trigo question was like so confusing and i screwed up the whole question. the worst thing is, the marks for that question was more than half the paper. which therefore confirms i'm gonna fail this test. english mock exam was pretty hard. i didn't even understand the first passage all the way till i did the summary. so i just pretty much tikam-ed here and there for the comprehension part. doesn't help that i was coughing like crazy and had headache throughout the paper. the question for SS mock wasn't what all of us expected. what i mugged so hard for didn't even come out. luckily i read through the points for the question that came out, and that i was just discussing the points with amanda just before the teacher shushed us. phew. i hope i at least pass. i was making sure my links made sense and were specific to the point.
Champions Course by the MIND CHAMPS people. it's supposedly supposed to be from 8am - 6pm for the three days. but somehow, we always ended an hour or a half and hour earlier. it was boring the first day. nearly fell asleep. had all the normal boring games. it was ookkaayyy~ for the first day. didn't go to school for the 2nd day cause i took the cough medicine and couldn't wake up the next morning. mak didn't even try waking me up. lol. she said i was dead asleep. haha. the 3rd day, which was today, was PURE FUN! the change of atmosphere was so cool. all the games were all so fun and just so hyper-ing. everyone was so HIGH and just so HYPER today. during the breaks, everyone went crazy. some danced, some played fristbee, some waltz-ed, some ran around the hall chasing one another, some threw paper planes and played a game of monkey with it, some went backstage to play the piano. it was pure craziness. we even started this looong train which went around the whole hall singing to the YMCA song which was blasting. heck, the trainers even joined us. LOL. there was this point of time where it was so emotional. they made us think of the word love and relate it to we had to thinall the people whom we love, and the people whom we think love us. we had to think of them, close our eyes and imagine. it was just so tear jerking, especially with that music they were playing in at the background. then they made us write down whatever we wanted to say to those people. just anything. while we were writing down those things, people started spilling tears. i did too. could hear sniffles all around. so emotional please. it was actually pretty cool. and the activity after that made us cheer up like crazy. laugh and laugh and scream and cheer. experienced wild emotions today man. from high to low to high to ULTRA high! awesome! this course actually did teach me some things. study tips, learning how to balance emotions, priorities etcetc. i thought it would be pretty boring at first, but it turned out way much more differently than i expected. the trainers were crazily enthusiastic and with the music always playing in the background, it changed everything. i had so much fun, especially on the last day. damn fun :D
^ this was from class chalet last year.
i think it's a nice photo of us, even though there're about 10 people missing from this picture
and thus, we go our separate ways and live goes on. who ever thought things will turn out this way?