[Oneshot] Enemies Beware - Part Three

Aug 05, 2015 09:04

Part 02

Chanyeol wakes up from a deep sleep with a terrible feeling of dread washing over him. Something is wrong. He sits up, glancing around the room for anything amiss. He’s the only one awake; Sehun and Jongin are curled up together, sleeping peacefully on his right, and the rest of the pack is spread out around him in a similar state. Everything seems to be as it was when he fell asleep, but he can’t shake the feeling that something isn’t right.

The only other thing Chanyeol can think of is that’s something wrong with Jongdae. He wonders if the bond between them is strong enough to relay something like that from Jongdae to him. Either way, it’s too close to sunrise, Chanyeol’s pack had only just all fallen asleep and the vampires should be settling down to rest too.

There’s no way Jongdae would still be awake right now. But as he’s hit by another wave of panic, Chanyeol doesn’t care. He needs to figure out why he’s feeling like this. He carefully steps around his wolves, making his way out of the sleeping quarters as quietly as possible. He takes one last look at them before he shifts, heading to where the edge of the forest meets the start of the human city.

The feeling is somehow worse when he’s in his wolf form, the raw emotions eating away at him as he picks up the pace. A picture of Jongdae flashes in his mind, terribly weak and in desperate need of his protection. It spurs Chanyeol into running faster than ever, quickly darting through alleys as he avoids the few stray humans that are actually awake at this hour.

He’d willingly do anything for Jongdae. Chanyeol just has to find him first.

The scent of vampires is thick in the air as Chanyeol gets closer to the coven, his nose easily picking out the one he needs. He follows the trail straight to Jongdae, only a few blocks away from the coven. He finds the vampire leaning heavily against the wall of a bookstore, looking completely defenseless.

He shifts back into his human form about a foot away from Jongdae, close enough to scoop the vampire up into his arms as he stands on two feet again. “What happened?” Chanyeol asks, words dripping with worry. Jongdae feels stiff and too cold in his arms - a stark contrast from the last time they met on the streets.

“You came,” Jongdae breathes in a soft whisper, the corner of his lips barely tilting up in a smile.

Chanyeol holds Jongdae closer, arms curling around him protectively, possessively. “What the hell are you doing outside of your coven this close to sunrise?” He noses around Jongdae’s cheek, noting with horror that the sweet scent that usually radiates off of the vampire is fading. “Tell me what happened,” he pleads, licking along the delicate edges of Jongdae’s lips.

“Blood,” is all Jongdae says. His eyes flutter closed as he continues to grow weaker in Chanyeol’s arms.

“You need to drink?” Chanyeol guesses.

Don’t the vampires keep humans around so they won’t go hungry? Fuck, there’s no time for him to find a human for Jongdae to feed on.

Chanyeol shifts Jongdae until he’s cradling him in one arm, making sure to keep his head supported. He bites into the fleshy part of free hand, right at his pinky and he winces as he breaks through the skin, nearly all the way to bone. Chanyeol presses the wound to Jongdae’s parted lips, gently trying to coax him into accepting his offering.

He doesn’t know if it’s possible for vampires to survive off of wolf’s blood, but Jongdae seemed to enjoy the taste he got of Chanyeol’s before.

It takes a moment for Jongdae to latch onto Chanyeol’s hand, his lips slowly closing around the dripping bite mark. He hums, gently sucking and Chanyeol sighs in relief, fingers caressing Jongdae’s pale skin as he watches the vampire feed.

The more Jongdae drinks, the more of his strength returns. He starts to squirm as the minutes tick by and soon Chanyeol doesn’t need to support him anymore, but he continues to hold him close anyway.

“More,” Jongdae whines, pushing Chanyeol’s hand away from his mouth.

Chanyeol’s surprised to notice that the wound had closed completely, as if there was not even a scratch on him to begin with. That’s odd, it should have taken at least a week to heal. He ignores the thought for now since there are more pressing matters to deal with.

“Let’s get you to some place safe first,” Chanyeol says, pulling Jongdae with him as he makes his way to the edge of the building. He glances up at the sky, trying to see how much time he has left before the sun is above the horizon. It’s already started to rise; they don’t have a lot of time.

“This way,” Chanyeol says, linking his fingers with Jongdae’s as they cross the street together.

“Where are we going?” Jongdae asks. He’s still fairly weak so it takes a bit of effort for him to keep up with Chanyeol. “I can’t go back to the coven. I just need more of your blood.”

“What’s wrong with the food source you would normally feed from?” Chanyeol asks, hurriedly making his way toward the newest subdivision of the city.

“Your blood tastes better,” is Jongdae’s cheeky reply, giving Chanyeol’s hand a little squeeze.

Chanyeol turns back for a second to look at Jongdae, pleased to note that some of the colour has returned to his cheeks. He still looks a bit sleepy, but he’s definitely gaining his strength back. Chanyeol finds that he doesn’t mind the idea of giving up some more of his blood for Jongdae. In fact, he’s kind of looking forward to having Jongdae’s lips on his skin again.

The sky above them is steadily getting brighter, the colours changing from soft blues and purples to warm oranges and yellows. It won’t be long before the sun comes up.

“There are new houses being built a few streets up,” Chanyeol explains. He can see the buildings now, some more finished than others. “Some of them haven’t been sold yet. We can hide in there until sundown.”

Chanyeol chooses the house that has a big ‘for sale’ sign stuck in the newly laid sod and is the furthest away from the construction zone. He brings Jongdae right up to the front door, grabbing the lock pick kit he always keeps on him for just this reason; he never knows when he’s going to need it. And after making sure Jongdae is out of any direct sunlight, Chanyeol works on getting the door unlocked.

Chanyeol gets the door open not even thirty seconds after he started to fiddle with the lock. “After you,” he says, holding it open for Jongdae as the vampire darts inside. Chanyeol rushes inside after him, closing the door and locking it to keep the sunlight out. It’s not perfect - there are windows all over the house, but it’ll do for one night.

Chanyeol barely has enough time to turn around before Jongdae is on him, hands fisted in the material of his hoodie. His eyes are dark and smoldering with lust as he stares up at Chanyeol. “Can I have more blood please?” he asks sweetly, pressing the full length of his body up against Chanyeol’s.

Chanyeol gulps. “We’re not completely out of the sun’s reach just yet,” he replies. Jongdae frowns, pouting so cutely that Chanyeol nearly gives in, but the vampire’s safety is his top priority right now.

He pulls Jongdae along as he searches for the darkest part of the house. There is no furniture in the new house, nor curtains on any of the windows. If Jongdae needs complete darkness then their only option is the second floor bathroom, but it’s a very cramped, uncomfortable space. “How dark does it need to be in here for you?” Chanyeol asks.

“This room is fine,” Jongdae replies, tugging Chanyeol as he walks backward into what is supposed to be the master bedroom. “As long as the sunshine doesn’t touch my skin, I’ll be okay.” He pauses for a second, eying the jugular vein in Chanyeol’s neck before his heavy gaze flicks up to Chanyeol’s mouth. “You know what, how about you just kiss me instead.”

Chanyeol chuckles, opening his arms for Jongdae as the vampire steps closer to him. “I can do that,” he replies, cupping Jongdae’s cheek in his palm while the other snakes around his waist. It has only been a handful of days since they last saw each other, but Chanyeol had been missing the feeling of Jongdae’s lips pressed up against his as soon as they were forced to part.

He’s not at all surprised when he licks into Jongdae’s mouth and immediately cuts his tongue on sharp fangs. The vampire lets out a high pitched moan as he sucks happily on Chanyeol’s bleeding tongue, unconsciously grinding his crotch against Chanyeol’s thigh.

“Fuck,” Jongdae whispers as he pulls away, lewdly licking the stray drops of Chanyeol’s blood from his lips. “I never knew that a wolf could have such amazing blood.”

He sounds so breathless already, so wrecked, and they’ve barely even touched each other. Chanyeol can’t help pulling Jongdae closer, possessively holding the vampire in his arms. He doesn’t intend to let go of Jongdae, at least until the sun sets. Jongdae doesn’t seem to mind when Chanyeol manhandles him, going pliant in his hands as Chanyeol gets comfortable on the floor with Jongdae straddling his thighs.

“I never knew that a vampire could smell so good,” Chanyeol replies, dragging the tip of his nose down the side of Jongdae’s neck. Chanyeol suppresses the urge to claim him, though he longs to make Jongdae his and his alone.

“What do vampires normally smell like?” Jongdae wonders, allowing Chanyeol to rub his cheek all over his exposed skin, spreading his scent there.

“They smell terrible,” Chanyeol replies, pleased by the combined smell of both their scents. “But not you. Your scent is divine.” He takes a deep breath against Jongdae’s neck and lets out a content sigh. “I can’t get enough.”

Jongdae tilts his head, bringing their mouths together again. “I could say the same thing about you,” he admits, tightening his grip on Chanyeol’s arms. “I don’t even need to breathe, but I can’t stop around you. And your blood…” he trails off.

“What about it?” Chanyeol asks against the corner of Jongdae’s lips. He licks affectionately at Jongdae’s flushed cheeks.

“I need some more,” Jongdae demands but quickly ducks his head sheepishly and adds, “please?”

It’s so cute that Chanyeol doesn’t even think twice about how wrong it is for a vampire to be feeding off of a wolf. He only debates dragging it out more to watch Jongdae squirm in his lap. He makes a show of pretending to think it over. “I don’t know,” he replies.

Jongdae pouts and Chanyeol can’t resist kissing him until he has the vampire moaning again, begging. “Alright,” he eventually relents, baring his neck for Jongdae’s fangs. The smile that lights up Jongdae’s face was definitely worth the slight teasing.

Jongdae kisses a line down from Chanyeol’s jaw to his shoulder first, and then settles his mouth against where Chanyeol’s pulse is thumping through his veins. It doesn’t hurt when Jongdae’s fangs sink into his skin, instead he feels a sort of a tingling sensation, slowly spreading from the bite down to the tips of his toes. He moans at the same time Jongdae does.

Jongdae squirms in his lap, and Chanyeol’s not sure if the vampire is purposely grinding his cock against his stomach or not. He doesn’t care though, because at the same time Jongdae’s also rubbing his ass against Chanyeol’s crotch. He can’t stop his body from reacting, not with the way he can feel Jongdae getting hard against him as he sucks on Chanyeol’s neck.

Chanyeol groans as Jongdae shifts closer, rutting harder against his stomach. Chanyeol holds Jongdae tighter, one hand slipping from the vampire’s waist to palm his ass. Jongdae gasps, finally detaching his mouth from Chanyeol’s neck. He gives the wound a final few licks before he pulls away, panting.

“Your blood is delicious,” he says like he can barely believe it, as he drags his fingers over where his lips and tongue had just been. Surprisingly it’s already healed but Chanyeol is distracted from thinking about it when all he wants to do is kiss Jongdae.

Possibly more.

Okay, a lot more.

Chanyeol’s head spins as the vampire continues to rock in his lap, throwing his head back in a moan when Chanyeol finally gives in and angles his hips to meet each of Jongdae’s thrusts. A moment later and Jongdae is trembling in Chanyeol’s arms, whining loudly as he clings tighter than ever onto him. He cries out a mangled version of Chanyeol’s name before slumping forward. He’s breathing heavily as he presses his face back against Chanyeol’s neck. “Shit.”

It takes Chanyeol a second to figure out what happened. “Did you just...?”

Jongdae squirms again in his arms, from embarrassment this time. “Shut up,” he mumbles hiding his face from the wolf.

Chanyeol just chuckles lightly, running his hand up and down Jongdae’s back. “It’s okay,” he tells him, but Jongdae just makes a hmph noise in response.

“It’s not,” Jongdae insists and Chanyeol feels cool fingers slipping beneath his shirt, tracing along the contours of his abs. It almost tickles.

“That’s not necessary,” Chanyeol says, grabbing Jongdae’s hand to prevent him touching any lower, despite the raging hard on trapped inside his jeans. He’d love nothing more than to have Jongdae spread out before him, moaning and writhing as he takes Chanyeol’s knot, but... Jongdae’s still recovering from what happened earlier, his exhaustion showing quite clearly. His concern for Jongdae’s health and safety takes priority over his own pleasure. “You need to rest.”

“I don’t-” Jongdae starts to protest but Chanyeol cuts him off with a kiss.

“It’s okay,” he repeats, adjusting Jongdae in his lap until he has the vampire’s head pillowed on his shoulder. “Sleep now. I’ll make sure the light never touches you.”

Jongdae grumbles but eventually relents, shifting until he’s comfortable in Chanyeol’s arms. As soon as he closes his eyes, he’s out, and Chanyeol smiles down at the vampire, gently smoothing a stray strand of hair from his eyes. He really is the most gorgeous creature Chanyeol has ever laid eyes on.

Jongdae wakes up a couple times during the day whenever Chanyeol moves. The second time it happens, he realizes that the wolf keeps doing it every time the sunbeam coming in from the window gets too close. Every couple of hours, Chanyeol very slowly and very carefully picks him up to physically move him to the safety of darkness. Chanyeol’s devotion tugs at Jongdae’s heartstrings. He’s falling for the wolf - falling hard and falling fast.

Chanyeol nudges him awake when the sun finally sets enough so that they can move around the empty house freely without Jongdae getting burned. He feels guilty about the dark bags under the wolf’s eyes for making his stay up passed when he was supposed to be sleeping.

“Don’t worry about it,” Chanyeol says with a wave of his hand like it’s not a big deal. “You’re safe, and that’s all that matters.”

Jongdae feels something powerful bubbling up in his chest and he pulls Chanyeol down by the neck to crash their lips together. He’s overwhelmed with everything that Chanyeol is making him feel - emotions that he’s never experienced before. He feels giddy, almost as if he’s actually alive, sighing contently against Chanyeol’s lips as their kiss deepens.

“I should really get going now,” Jongdae murmurs against Chanyeol’s lips. Joonmyun is probably beside himself with worry by now. It’ll be a miracle if the whole coven isn’t out looking for him already.

“Okay,” Chanyeol agrees, though he makes no move to pull away or even stop kissing Jongdae. “Me too.”

Jongdae can feel the arousal pooling in his gut as Chanyeol kisses along his neck, sucking another mark into his skin. “I’m serious,” Jongdae insists, even as his grip tightens around Chanyeol’s shoulders.

Chanyeol hums, licking along Jongdae’s neck now, dragging his teeth across his cool skin. “Sure.” Jongdae gasps when he bites down lightly, his knees buckling beneath his weight.

“Chanyeol,” Jongdae warns, but when the wolf finally pulls back, he finds that he immediately misses his warmth. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t give to spend the entire night with Chanyeol, getting to know him more, getting to map each other’s bodies out properly, but he needs to go or there will be hell to pay.

“When can I see you again?” Chanyeol asks, obviously making an effort to keep his hands to himself. He fails at it.

“Soon,” Jongdae assures him. “Tomorrow?” Chanyeol grins so widely and Jongdae wonders how he was ever afraid of the wolf in the first place. He’s more like an overgrown puppy.

“I’ll walk you back to the coven,” Chanyeol volunteers, and when he sees the expression of horror on Jongdae’s face, he quickly adds, “or at least as far as I can without anyone noticing.” Jongdae thinks it’s a bad idea, but Chanyeol is stubborn, refusing to take no for an answer.

When Jongdae is finished bypassing all the alarms and climbs through his bedroom window, he finds Joonmyun waiting for him on the bed. He doesn’t say anything at first, just gets up and rushes over to his best friend, throwing his arms around him and squeezes him tightly.

“I’m okay,” Jongdae reassures him, rubbing his back comfortingly.

Joonmyun pulls away after a moment, eyeing Jongdae incredulously. “You stink,” he tells Jongdae before ushering him off toward the shower.

Jongdae’s just on his way back to his room from another long and boring council meeting with the coven elders. He knows it’s his duty as the crowned prince to sit in on these kinds of things, but they’re terribly boring. Jongdae would rather sit in a sunbeam than spend the rest of his undead life listening to the dull voices of those old fashioned vampires.

And they keep pestering Jongdae to find himself a nice vampire bride despite the fact that he’s told them many times that he has absolutely no interest in women. He wonders what their reaction would be if he told them that not only is he gay, but he’s actually kinda, sorta, maybe dating a wolf instead of a vampire. He’s sure it would be quite the sight, well respected vampire elders with wide eyes and a slack jaw. Hilarious.

But he keeps that information to himself for the time being. He may be prince, but he’s not in charge of the vampires just yet. His coronation is still a few months away and until then he is at the mercy of the elders.

“At least pretend that you still need to drink from the humans,” Joonmyun says out of no where as he grabs a hold of Jongdae’s arm. “Or you’re going to get caught real quick. Someone is bound to notice that you haven’t been down to see the pets in a while.”

“Oh, right,” is all Jongdae says. He hadn’t thought about it, so caught up in the rush he gets whenever he gets to see Chanyeol. He doesn’t protest as Joonmyun pulls him back in the direction he came from, down the hall towards the staircase that leads to the basement. “Yeah, okay.”

“Is there a human that you can trust?” Joonmyun asks as they descend the spiral staircase.

Jongdae doesn’t even need to think about it. “Taemin,” he says.

They head to Taemin’s room - the fourth on the right - and find him awake, reading a book on top of the covers of his bed. Joonmyun checks to make sure that no other vampires down the hall before closing the door behind him.

Taemin puts the book down immediately when he recognizes the vampires in the room. “My prince,” he greets, bowing respectfully toward Jongdae.

“Call me Jongdae,” he reminds the human. He doesn’t miss the way that Taemin’s eyes shift cautiously in Joonmyun’s direction. “Don’t mind him. Joonmyun doesn’t care what you call me.”

“So what’s up?” Taemin asks, relaxing a bit now that he knows that he can act normally around Joonmyun. “Are you hungry?”

“No, actually,” Jongdae replies. “We came to ask you for a favour.”

“Hold that thought,” Joonmyun says. Without another word he walks back out into the hallway, leaving both Jongdae and Taemin confused.

Joonmyun returns a couple minutes later with Minseok, having grabbed him from another room down the hall. He gestures for Minseok to take a seat on the bed beside Taemin and both humans exchange a brief glance when Minseok is seated.

“You’re not in trouble,” Joonmyun starts because of the nervous expression on Minseok’s sharp features. “We need your help.”

“I need your help,” Jongdae corrects. “I have secured an alternate source of blood from outside the coven, and I would like to keep it a secret.”

“So that’s why you’ve been getting me to help you sneak out all the time,” Taemin comments.

“You’ve been using humans to help you get passed the guards?” Joonmyun asks, eyebrow raised.

“It’s not my fault that they seem to have a bigger weakness to blood than anyone else in the coven,” Jongdae laughs, shrugging. It really has been way too easy to get Taemin to distract the guards so he can escape the coven walls.

“If you have someone willing to supply you with blood, why not bring them to the coven?” Minseok asks. “Why all the sneaking around?”

Jongdae tenses up at the question and Joonmyun puts a comforting hand on his arm. He knows Joonmyun wouldn’t have brought Minseok in here if he wasn’t completely sure that the human is trustworthy, and Jongdae trusts his best friend’s instincts. “It’s not someone the coven would approve of,” is all Joonmyun offers as an explanation. Minseok nods in understanding.

“What do you need from us then?” Taemin wonders. “If you don’t need blood, then...?”

“If anyone asks, tell them that Jongdae has been feeding from you lately,” Joonmyun tells them. “And only the two of you.”

“Let one of us know right away if anyone does ask,” Jongdae adds.

“Of course,” Minseok agrees. Taemin nods as well to show he understands.

“My prince,” a guard greets Jongdae when him and Joonmyun are on their way back upstairs after discussing the situation with the humans. He gives both Jongdae and Joonmyun a low, respectful bow. Not many of the guards do that for Jongdae anymore, not since his brother’s death.

“Evening Luhan,” Joonmyun says. “Did you come down to feed? We took some blood from Taemin and Minseok, just so you know.”

Luhan glances longingly at the closed doors where the humans are kept. “No, unfortunately I’m on duty right now,” he replies. “But I’ll keep that in mind for when I come back down to feed later, thank you.”

“What business do you have down here then?” Jongdae asks, equal parts curious and nervous that he might have been found out already. Luhan has soft, boyish features, but his looks are deceiving. Not only is he the Commander-in-Chief of the vampire army, but he is also the fastest and strongest vampire that Jongdae knows. He doesn’t want to be on the wrong side of Luhan’s wrath.

“Oh, just double checking that our pets are safe and secure down here,” he explains. “The scent of a wolf has been faintly lingering around the coven for a few days now. We’re just making sure that there are no weaknesses in the coven for any mutt to sneak through.”

“Oh,” Jongdae replies. “Do you really think one could get in?”

“Nah,” Luhan says, shaking his head. “But I think they’re up to something. Maybe planning an attack. They were probably testing out our security when the sensors on the perimeter wall were triggered a few weeks ago.”

That’s not at all what the wolves are up to, but it’s not like Jongdae can tell Luhan that. As far as the guards know, he only goes out of the coven once or twice a month, if that. And he wouldn’t be able to explain how he knows what the wolves are doing. So he keeps his mouth shut.

On the other hand, it is good news. No one has a clue that Jongdae sneaks out of the coven just about every other day to go see Chanyeol for a few hours. He will have to be more careful though, because he’s been unintentionally bringing traces of the wolf’s scent back with him each time he returns. But if they’re too busy looking for wolves, chances are that they won’t notice a vampire that smells like one.

“I should be getting back to doing my rounds now,” Luhan continues. “Just try to be careful anytime you’re outside of the coven, okay? Both of you.”

“Of course,” Jongdae replies with a smile even though he’s more worried about what would happen if a vampire found out about who he’s been seeing than he is about running into any wolf. “Thank you.”

“We’ll be careful,” Joonmyun promises with a wave as they resume climbing up the staircase and Luhan makes his way down.

When Jongdae sits up in his bed, having just woken up after the sun went down, he feels dizzy. It’s only been four days since Jongdae last fed, but he’s already started to grow weak. If he can’t meet up with Chanyeol tonight, he’s going to be in serious trouble.

And with the added security guards roaming the halls and watching the exits, it’s even harder for him to sneak out. The human guards are easy enough to get past; it’s the vampire ones he needs to worry about. He had almost made it out last night, but was seen by Kyungsoo just when he was about to jump over the wall. He chatted up the guard to avoid any suspicion but ended up wasting too much time and needed to go straight to his meeting with the elders after leaving the garden.

Jongdae keeps his fingers crossed that he will be able to make it out safely this time. It takes both Taemin and Minseok to distract the guards at the exit he’s chosen for tonight’s escape. Using the humans as a distraction never fails and soon the vampires on duty are pulled away by the promise of blood and possibly a quickie.

Once outside, Jongdae triple checks that none of the guards are around before he darts across the lawn. He easily makes it over but stumbles as he lands. Not quite as silent as he meant, but the guards don’t seem to have noticed. Free from the confines of coven, Jongdae heads over to where Chanyeol should be waiting for him.

When Jongdae gets to the house with the ‘For Sale’ sign still standing proudly in the middle of the lawn, the front door is already unlocked. He locks it behind him before heading straight for the stairs. He finds Chanyeol in the master bedroom, taking a few deerskin blankets out from his rucksack to spread out on the floor. Chanyeol smiles brightly when he notices Jongdae lingering in the doorway.

“Hey,” Chanyeol says, abandoning his current task as he makes his way over to Jongdae.

“Hey,” Jongdae echoes, allowing Chanyeol to pull him into a hug. He lifts his head, tilting it to the side in a silent demand, one he has never known Chanyeol to refuse. Jongdae melts into the kiss, relaxing in Chanyeol’s arms. He’s missed this. Coming back to Chanyeol after days apart feels like coming home.

“I missed you,” Chanyeol says when he breaks their kiss. He rubs his cheek against Jongdae’s, pulling him closer as he runs his fingers through the short hairs on the back of Jongdae’s neck. It feels so good, so comfortable that he’s nearly lulled to sleep. It took most of his energy to get here and now he can feel the exhaustion setting in.

“Missed you too,” Jongdae mumbles. He can hear Chanyeol’s heart beating steadily, and he’s hungry but he finds that it takes too much effort to lift his head.

“Are you okay?” Chanyeol asks, voice rumbling through his chest and into Jongdae’s as he speaks. Chanyeol pulls back a bit, so he can take a proper look at the vampire. “You look pale,” he comments. “Paler than usual.”

“I’m okay,” Jongdae replies sleepily. “Just hungry.”

Chanyeol narrows his eyes at Jongdae. “When was the last time you fed?”

Well, he would have found out sooner or later. “The last time I saw you,” Jongdae replies, and he sees something flicker across Chanyeol’s expression, but it’s gone before he can figure out what it is.

“You’re only feeding from me?” Chanyeol asks, surprised. “My blood can’t be that good.”

Jongdae manages a small laugh. “Oh, it is,” he assures the wolf. “But it’s also the only blood I can drink now. Human blood doesn’t sit well in my stomach anymore. I guess that’s why drinking from wolves has always been forbidden.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Chanyeol asks, brows furrowed. He’s upset, but Jongdae can’t blame him. He’d be upset too if he found out Chanyeol was hiding something as important as this from him. “What if something happened to you because you couldn’t feed from me in time?” Chanyeol pulls him closer again, pressing warm lips against Jongdae’s cool temple.

“I’m sorry,” Jongdae says. Chanyeol doesn’t reply right away, but Jongdae is shifted until he has his face pressed into the wolf’s neck. The scent of Chanyeol’s skin and the beating of his heart against Jongdae’s lips has his mouth watering in anticipation.

“Drink,” Chanyeol tells him, but it’s more like an order. He imagines that’s the tone Chanyeol uses when he’s with his pack. He wants to see how Chanyeol leads and takes care of his pack some day.

Jongdae’s so sleepy, but he doesn’t want to disappoint, so he obediently opens his mouth against Chanyeol’s skin. As he drags his lips and tongue along Chanyeol’s neck, he feels the wolf shudder, a tiny groan escaping. The corners of Jongdae’s lips twitch up as he gently sinks his fangs into Chanyeol’s flesh.

Delicious, warm blood pours into Jongdae’s mouth immediately and he greedily swallows as much as he can. Chanyeol keeps one arm securely around Jongdae’s waist and the other slides up his back, supporting him as he feeds. Jongdae squirms slightly as he feels his strength slowly starting to return.

As his belly fills, it also triggers his desire for Chanyeol, which isn’t nearly as strong as when he first fed off the wolf’s blood. After a couple months of living off Chanyeol’s blood, he’s gotten used to it warming his belly as it slowly gets digested and absorbed into his system. Oddly, it makes him feel physically stronger, and he swears that he can run faster now. His senses are sharper, but that just might be from whatever bond he’s been forming with Chanyeol. They are almost so completely in tune with each other that it’s a little scary sometimes.

Chanyeol shifts Jongdae’s weight in his arms, like he knows Jongdae is almost done feeding, like he’s ready for it. Jongdae smiles against Chanyeol’s skin, humming in satisfaction as he begins to lick at the puncture wounds, helping them close. And even long after the marks have healed, Jongdae keeps his lips pressed to the warm skin of Chanyeol’s neck, savouring the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around him. He feels safe, protected.


Overwhelmed with emotions, Jongdae pulls Chanyeol in for another kiss and he makes sure to line their hips up so he can rock against the wolf. He’s worked up from feeding and judging by the hardness pressing back against him, Chanyeol is too.

“How long before you have to go back?” Chanyeol asks as his hand travels down Jongdae’s back to rest against his ass. He drags his fingers teasingly up and down against Jongdae’s jeans, just outside of where his entrance is. He’s always such a tease.

“A few hours,” Jongdae replies, moaning as he spreads his legs, pushing back against Chanyeol’s hands.

“Perfect,” Chanyeol says, making a pleased sort of growling sound as he presses one more kiss to Jongdae’s neck before he pulls away. It only takes a moment for him to remove his shirt. His pants and boxers are next, joining his shirt in a pile on the floor.

Jongdae stands frozen, mesmerized by the show of skin revealed before his eyes. Not matter how many times he’s seen it, the sight of Chanyeol, naked and hard for him, takes his breath away. He blushes at the smirk that Chanyeol sends him when he catches Jongdae staring and he quickly busies himself with taking off his own clothes, too.

Once they’re both fully naked, Chanyeol gathers Jongdae up in his arms, laying him down on his back on the fur blankets. The first thing that Jongdae does is stretch to grab the bottle of lube from Chanyeol’s rucksack, and he shoves it into the wolf’s hand as he lets his legs fall open.

Chanyeol chuckles, staring down at him with heated eyes. “You’re impatient tonight,” he says as he flips the cap open on the bottle before squirting a generous amount on his fingers.

Jongdae pouts, sending Chanyeol the best glare that he can manage with fingers wetting his entrance with cool lube. He moans as the first finger slides into him. “I missed you a lot,” Jongdae admits. “Missed this.”

Chanyeol grins, crooking his fingers into the spot that has Jongdae squirming. “Me too,” he returns. Another finger has Jongdae arching up off the blankets. “So much.” Chanyeol’s free hand comes up to rest on Jongdae’s hip, holding him in place as he works him open with his fingers.

Jongdae sputters a colourful mix of curses, whining as the pleasure builds. It’s too much, too soon and he doesn’t want to come without Chanyeol inside him. “Chanyeol-” he starts, but the wolf is already one step ahead of him. As soon as Chanyeol’s fingers slip out of him, they’re replaced with his dick. Chanyeol takes another moment to tease, smirking as he rubs the head of his dick gently against Jongdae’s hole. “What are you waiting for?” Jongdae hisses. “Fuck me already.”

Jongdae gasps as Chanyeol enters him in one swift movement. Despite the amount of prep, the stretch stings slightly and he needs a moment to adjust. Chanyeol uses the time to pepper Jongdae’s flushed skin with kisses, anywhere he can reach, and it helps him relax against the deer pelts. His own hands come up to wrap around Chanyeol’s neck, gently running his fingers through the soft hairs at his hairline.

Guiding Chanyeol’s mouth back to his own, Jongdae waits until they are kissing again before giving Chanyeol the okay. He breathes the word out against Chanyeol’s lips, emphasizing it with a wiggle of his own hips. It immediately spurs Chanyeol into action. Without taking his eyes off Jongdae’s, he pulls out almost all the way before thrusting back in.

Jongdae moans, clinging tightly onto Chanyeol’s shoulders as does his best to keep up, meeting the wolf thrust for thrust. He spreads his thighs wider, allowing Chanyeol to get that much deeper. With each push in, Chanyeol’s cock brushes against Jongdae’s prostate, making him gasp despite his lack of need for oxygen. He whines in an attempt to get Chanyeol to go faster, but the wolf just kisses him, muffling the desperate sounds that Jongdae makes.

“We’ve got time,” Chanyeol says softly, keeping up his steady pace of easing out gently before filling Jongdae back up with his cock. It’s slow, a lot slower than what Jongdae is used to from Chanyeol, but no less pleasurable. Chanyeol runs his fingers through Jongdae’s hair, petting him as he stares down at the vampire beneath him. “Just let me.”

Jongdae nods, unable to speak as Chanyeol rearranges him. He unhooks Jongdae’s arms from around his neck and laces their fingers together before pushing the back of Jongdae’s hands against the soft fur by his head. “There,” he says. “How’s that?”

“Good,” Jongdae replies, shuddering at the rough drag of Chanyeol’s cock inside him. It’s bigger than before, the knot starting to form. “Really good.”

Chanyeol had warned him, the first time they were about to have sex, that wolves fuck a bit differently. He had mumbled something about his knot, how his dick would be bigger than any vampire or human Jongdae had ever been with. Jongdae hadn’t quite understood what Chanyeol meant until he had it inside him. It was startling to feel Chanyeol’s cock grow deep in his ass, the stretch almost too much, but Chanyeol had prepared him well (he always does). Now being opened up impossibly wide by Chanyeol’s cock is something he looks forward to, and enjoys the time after, when he is so intimately connected to Chanyeol.

Chanyeol’s grunts mix in the air with all Jongdae’s moans, his thrusts slowing even more as his knot catches on Jongdae’s rim. Jongdae writhes against the pelts beneath him, crying out as the pleasure builds.

“I’m-” Jongdae starts, but the warning never makes it past his lips. He shudders as Chanyeol wraps his hand around his dick, stroking him hard and fast, a stark contrast to the steady movement of their hips. Jongdae whimpers as he’s pushed over the edge, spurting ropes of white between them.

Chanyeol groans, still gently rutting against Jongdae’s ass, knot stuck deep inside him. He buries his face into Jongdae’s neck as he comes too, affectionately licking and kissing his sweat damp skin.

When Chanyeol’s heartbeat starts to return to normal, he rearranges them so that Jongdae is resting comfortably against his chest while they wait for Chanyeol’s knot to shrink.

“Don’t hide something like that from me again,” Chanyeol says, content to run his hands gently through Jongdae’s hair, combing the tangles out. His other hand is resting against the small of Jongdae’s back, keeping him close.

He’s not really mad, only disappointed that Jongdae didn’t feel like he could trust Chanyeol enough to tell him.

Chanyeol feels Jongdae sigh in his arms, followed by a guilty look. “What?” He asks. “Is there something else you haven’t told me?”

“Well-” Jongdae starts.

Chanyeol’s heart sinks. “What is it?” He asks, worried.

Jongdae stares at a spot somewhere around Chanyeol’s shoulder. “I’m not... I’m not just a regular vampire from my coven,” he confesses.

Chanyeol narrows his eyes. “What do you mean? Are you trying to tell me that you’re not a vampire?”

Jongdae laughs, his whole body shaking with amusement. “No, of course not. I’m definitely a vampire.”

“Then what?” Chanyeol asks, brows furrowed in confusion. The longer Jongdae takes to respond, the worse he thinks it is. His mind runs away with all sorts of different possibilities.

“I’m the prince,” Jongdae explains softly. “And in a couple months, when I have my coronation, I’ll be king.”

“King,” Chanyeol repeats in awe. Definitely a lot better than any of the alternatives that his overactive imagination supplied. “That’s amazing. I have good taste.”

Jongdae laughs again, smacking Chanyeol playfully on the shoulder. “Be serious,” he complains. “What if we could join our two kinds? Have the vampires and wolves live together in peace.”

It’s not as if Chanyeol hasn’t already thought about it. In an ideal world there would be no more fights, no more death, no more living in fear. There isn’t much that Chanyeol wouldn’t give for a safe place where he and Jongdae could live together without having to sneak around behind his pack’s back.

Chanyeol holds Jongdae tighter. “That would be wonderful,” he says, pressing his lips to Jongdae’s forehead.

If only reality could be that simple.

“Who is the vampire?” Kris demands, appearing from behind a tree and startling Chanyeol as Chanyeol approaches the den. He looks pissed.

Chanyeol realizes now that he forgot to stop by the stream like he usually does to wash off the scent of vampire and sex from his skin. With Kris’ outburst, the pack is starting to gather around them. All of them must be able to smell it by now, Jongdae’s scent lingering on him. The wolves are staring at him in a various mixtures of shock, horror and confusion.

For once, Chanyeol doesn’t know what to do.

“I can’t believe this is where you’ve been sneaking off to all this time,” Kris continues in a snarl. He circles around Chanyeol, baring his teeth. He tries to use his slight height advantage to intimidate Chanyeol. It doesn’t work. “How many wolves have lost their lives to your little vampire slut?”

“Jongdae isn’t like that,” Chanyeol growls back, bristling at the insult toward his precious mate. “He hasn’t killed anyone. He’s not a fighter.”

“He’s still a vampire,” Kris spits, disgusted. There are murmurs of agreement from all around.

“I love him,” Chanyeol admits with a growl, startling himself as well as the pack. It’s the first time he’s admitted it out loud. He hasn’t even told Jongdae how he feels yet.

“Have you completely lost your mind? He’s an enemy. You disobeyed the rules for the pack that your own father implemented.”

“It’s not like that!” Chanyeol snaps, standing his ground. “I imprinted on him!”

Gasps echo from all around Chanyeol. Imprinting isn’t a rare occurrence, but isn’t all that common either nowadays. However, a wolf imprinting on a vampire is completely unheard of.

“Imprinted? On a vampire?” Kris barks out a laugh, sarcastic and hollow. Chanyeol thinks he’s the one that looks crazy right now. “You actually are insane.” He closes in on Chanyeol and shoves him roughly in the chest. “You’re no longer fit to be our Lead Alpha.”

Chanyeol narrows his eyes, hands clenching into fists at his side. “Is that a challenge?”

“You’ve become a threat to the wellbeing of this pack,” is all Kris says before he lunges at Chanyeol, knocking them both to the ground. The wolves surrounding them back up, not wanting to get caught up in the fight.

Kris has always been strong, but Chanyeol is stronger. He blocks the punch Kris aims at his nose and kicks the alpha off him. But it’s not enough to stop him and as soon as Kris is on his feet, he attacks again. Chanyeol easily dodges out of the way and he manages to hook his claws into Kris’ shoulders in the process, holding him in place.

“Just listen to me, please,” Chanyeol says, yanking Kris closer. He struggles with Kris for a moment until he gets his arm around the other alpha’s neck, trapping him in a headlock. Kris flails wildly, but he can’t get free. “Do you remember what you told me about when you tried to attack the vampires? It was the night we went to go get the flower for Sehun and Jongin.”

“You’ve just fallen more under their spell,” Kris snarls, ignoring him. Claws dig into Chanyeol’s arms, but he refuses to let go. “It was a trap and you fell for it.”

“No, I imprinted,” Chanyeol repeats. “But I didn’t realize it at the time.”


“It’s true,” Chanyeol says, unconsciously squeezing tighter around Kris’ throat until the alpha starts choking and gasping for air. Chanyeol curses, loosening his grip enough for Kris to breathe easily. “I think you imprinted, too, that night.” Kris tenses up in Chanyeol’s hold at his words. “On Joonmyun.”

Kris doesn’t react right away, frozen in his own thoughts. “Joonmyun,” he repeats in a soft whisper. Chanyeol knows what Kris must be going through, finally having a name to put to the face of a vampire that’s been stuck inside his head for so long.

“Stop fighting it, Kris,” Chanyeol pleads. He releases his hold on Kris’s neck and the defeated alpha falls forward onto his knees, the fight drained out of him.

With his victory over Kris, Chanyeol remains the Lead Alpha and he beckons the rest of his pack closer to him. “Jongdae, my mate, is the prince of the vampires,” he announces. This is an even bigger shock to the wolves and there are collective gasps sounding all around him. “Together he and I can put an end to this war.”

“But the vampires killed your father and sister, Chanyeol,” Jongin says from his spot in the front line of wolves gathered around Chanyeol. “And both of my sisters too.”

“We’ve all lost friends and family members to those monsters,” Sehun agrees, clinging tightly to both Jongin and Zitao’s arms. While the omega doesn’t mind hunting and killing animals for food, he is unusually sensitive regarding arguments and physical fights. Tao pets the back of his head comfortingly.

“I know,” Chanyeol replies, solemnly. “And I’m sorry. A truce between us and the vampires won’t bring back any of the wolves we’ve already lost. But it will prevent us from losing any more.”

Silence follows Chanyeol’s words, only broken when Kris gets to his feet. “The vampires are our enemies,” he says angrily. “They always have been and they always will be. Nothing is ever going to change that, imprinting or not.” As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Kris shifts, kicking up dirt as he sprints away from the pack.

Chanyeol sighs as he watches Kris’ form disappear between the trees and bushes. It’s not going to be easy, but he hopes that someday his pack and the vampires of Jongdae’s coven can live together in harmony.

Tonight’s the night. Finally, Jongdae has gathered enough courage to speak to the elders on the council about his idea to end the war with the wolves. He makes his way toward the throne room with his head held high. He needs to be careful though, to not let it slip that he has already been meeting with the wolves - well, one wolf - about forming a peace treaty.

Arriving at the throne room, he heads to the back where the door to the council meeting room is. He takes an unnecessary deep breath to calm his nerves as he places his hand on the knob. He can already hear voices from the other side of the door, ringing loud and clear in Jongdae’s sharp ears.

“But where is that wolf scent coming from?” one of the head elders shrieks. Jongdae flinches. Joonmyun had told him that he’s starting to smell like Chanyeol, but he didn’t think it was that bad.

“It has to be one of the vampires in the coven,” another says.

“Perhaps it is one of our pets?” The youngest of the elders asks. “A spy for the wolves?”

“No human is smart enough to pull that off,” the head elder scoffs dismissively. “No wolf either.”

“We should tighten up security again until the guards find out who is betraying us.”

“Of course,” the head elder agrees. “It was bad enough when we caught Jongdeok having an affair with that wretched wolf girl.”

Jongdae feels as if the carpet has been pulled out from beneath his feet. What the fuck are the elders talking about?

There’s light shuffling from the other side of the door. “For our own prince betray us like that…”

“We’ll find the vampire who is responsible for this awful stench violating our precious home and we’ll deal with them just like we did with Jongdeok. We’ll put stake through their heart at once.”

Jongdae clamps his hand over his mouth, stopping the gasp from escaping his lips. His stomach feels as if it’s being turned inside out and if his heart was still beating, it’d be in his throat.

His own vampires killed his brother for being with a wolf? He was told that it was a wolf that got his brother, tore him to pieces. He never did see the body; they told him there was nothing left of his brother. But they had caught the wolf responsible and ended its life.

It was nothing but complete bullshit. The elders committed the worst form of treason imaginable by murdering their prince.

And they have plans to do it again, they just don’t know it yet.

Part 04

p: kris/suho, p: chanyeol/chen, #oneshot, p: kai/taemin, r: nc-17

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