[Oneshot] Enemies Beware - Part Two

Aug 05, 2015 08:56

Part 01

Getting passed the guards is relatively easy. He quickly makes his way down to where they keep the humans in the basement. It’s a long hallway with small rooms connecting to it. He walks down passed a few of the doors, letting himself into one on the right. He finds the human he’s looking for curled up, fast asleep in his bed. “Taemin,” he whispers, placing a hand on his shoulder to wake him.

“Again?” is the sleepy reply Jongdae receives. He gives Taemin a moment to stretch out his stiff limbs before nudging him out of his bed.

“Yes,” Jongdae replies. “Quickly now, we don’t have a lot of time.”

Taemin follows obediently as Jongdae leads the way back up the stairs toward the closest exit. “Same as usual,” he tells the boy, gesturing to the set of guards standing on duty by the door. “Go.”

Taemin puts on a lewd grin as he slips out of the shadows and he has the guards’ attention at once. He saunters over to them with compliments dripping from his lips. They easily fall into his trap, letting him pull them away from the door when he asks if they want a bite, or are up for something a little more intimate.

As soon as they’re out of sight, with Taemin’s muffled moans echoing off the walls, Jongdae heads for the door. He checks that the area is clear of any patrol guards before he’s lets himself outside. With a running jump he easily makes it over the wall without tripping any of the other alarms.

Chanyeol does not move an inch as Jongdae cautiously approaches, climbing up the stairs to where he’s sitting on one edge of the fire escape. His eyes only flicker over to meet Jongdae’s for a moment before goes back to staring over at the coven. Despite being wary of Chanyeol, Jongdae sits down next to him, close enough that their arms are almost touching. He gazes over at the coven too, but he finds nothing special about it.

“Is it wise for you to be wandering alone at night?” Chanyeol asks after a moment of silence passes between them. “There might be wolves out.”

“Wolf,” Jongdae corrects. “You’re alone too.” Chanyeol barely cracks a smile in response and it eases some of the anxiety that is making Jongdae jittery. Chanyeol’s presence beside him is strangely calming. “What are you doing out here?” Chanyeol doesn’t answer, still staring down beyond the wall that surrounds the coven. “You’re not after our prince, are you?”

Chanyeol snorts, finally turning all his attention to Jongdae. He studies Jongdae with dark, unreadable eyes for a moment. If it was anyone else, Jongdae might be afraid, but somehow he just knows that Chanyeol isn’t going to attack him. “What would I want with a vampire prince?” he asks eventually.

So he doesn’t know Jongdae’s true identity, to Chanyeol he might just be another vampire from the enemy coven. Jongdae hums, pretending to think it over. “You could kidnap him?” he suggests. “Or just kill him, that’d make the vampires angry. It might lead to a battle that would finally end this war.”

“I don’t want anything to do with your prince,” Chanyeol scoffs. Jongdae feels irrationally hurt by his words and has to remind himself that Chanyeol isn’t aware that he’s actually speaking to the prince. “And I’d rather that this war came to an end without any more bloodshed.”

Jongdae wonders why they’re still at war if the wolves don’t seem to want to fight any more than the vampires do. "If you’re not here for a fight, then what are you doing here?" Jongdae asks. "If you’re caught this close to the coven, the vampires won’t hesitate to attack you."

“You already caught me,” Chanyeol reminds Jongdae, nudging him gently with his elbow. “I haven’t been attacked yet.”

Jongdae laughs nudging Chanyeol back. “We both know that I’m no match for you,” he admits. “Besides, I’m not like the rest of the vampires in my coven.”

“I noticed,” Chanyeol agrees. “There’s something different about you. You’re either very brave or very stupid to abandon the safety of you coven walls when you know there’s a wolf around.”

Jongdae hums. “Just too curious for my own good,” he says. It’s something Jongdae’s parents used to tell him when he was younger, back when they were still with him. His mother used to worry that his curiosity was going to get him into a lot of trouble one day. “But you’re not going to hurt me.”

Chanyeol’s sharply turns his gaze to Jongdae. Red flashes in Chanyeol’s eyes, but he does not look away. “What makes you so sure?” Chanyeol asks, voice low and eyes narrowed.

Jongdae just shakes his head slightly. “I can’t explain it,” he replies. He has no words to describe the feelings gently simmering inside his chest, but somehow he’s sure that Chanyeol isn’t going to harm him. “I just know that you’re not going to.”

Chanyeol studies him for a moment longer before he looks away. “You truly are different from the rest of your kin.”

A comfortable silence briefly falls between them. Jongdae almost gives up hope that Chanyeol’s going to say anything else when the wolf continues. “I need to get into the garden just inside the coven walls,” Chanyeol explains.

“I thought you said you didn’t want a fight,” Jongdae says, frowning. “If you go anywhere near there, the guards will be on you in seconds.”

Chanyeol sighs. “I know.”

“What is so important about the garden anyway?”

“No, I can’t,” Chanyeol says, shaking his head. “I’ve told you too much already.”

“Maybe I can help?” Jongdae offers, the words tumbling out of his mouth before he realizes what he’s saying. “I mean…”

“You want to help?” Chanyeol asks, eyes narrowing in suspicion. “Why? What’s in it for you?”

Jongdae reaches out, putting his hand on Chanyeol’s shoulder. The wolf growls, but he makes no move to shake Jongdae off. It almost hurts, having Chanyeol’s anger directed at him, and the scariest part is Jongdae doesn’t know why. There’s a part of him that wants to be close to Chanyeol, even if it’s just because his blood smells irresistible. “Just because our people are enemies doesn’t mean we have to be,” Jongdae says quietly, voice barely above a whisper.

Chanyeol takes a moment to consider Jongdae’s words. Eventually his expression softens and he leans into Jongdae’s hand. “There’s a flower that grows in your garden,” Chanyeol explains. “I need it.”

“A flower?” Jongdae echoes, trying to resist the urge to ask what Chanyeol needs it for. Of all the things Chanyeol could have asked for, a mere flower was not what Jongdae was expecting to hear.

“Yes,” Chanyeol confirms. “It’s a matter of life and death.”

Jongdae doesn’t understand how a flower can be so important, but he gives Chanyeol’s shoulder a squeeze before getting to his feet anyway. If Chanyeol needs the flower, for whatever the reason, Jongdae’s going to get it for him. “What does it look like?” Jongdae asks.

Chanyeol is caught off guard by the vampire yet again. Jongdae wants to help him? He’s wary of accepting any help from Jongdae when for all he knows, Jongdae is the reason Chanyeol’s hormones are all out of whack. Jongdae could be the reason why Chanyeol’s finding it difficult to concentrate on what’s important, like the health of his pack, and making him want to pull Jongdae close and bury his face into the vampire’s neck instead.

Jongdae doesn’t wait for an answer, but he does nearly give Chanyeol a heart attack when he jumps off the railing of the fire escape. “Jongdae!” Chanyeol yelps, peering down at Jongdae from over the edge. He lets out a sigh of relief when Jongdae grins up at him from the ground, completely unharmed. “Fucking vampire.”

“I heard that,” Jongdae calls up at him, laughing. He stares up at Chanyeol for a moment longer before he darts off toward the coven.

Chanyeol waits and after about a minute he sees Jongdae jump over the wall surrounding the coven. So that’s how he’s been getting in and out without his own people noticing. Chanyeol may have to try it the next time he needs to get into the vampire’s territory, if this doesn’t work out. He can hardly believe that he’s trusting a vampire, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

He paces back and forth along the small space of the fire escape landing, trying not to think about the increasing amount of space between him and Jongdae and how much it bothers him. It shouldn't bother him, Jongdae is a vampire, an enemy. But then why did he volunteer to help Chanyeol without knowing the reason behind why he needs the flower in the first place? It doesn’t make any sense.

Chanyeol nearly gives himself a headache thinking about it by the time movement from the coven catches his eye. He flattens himself against the side of the building, just in case Jongdae decided to return with guards or vampire warriors to try and take him out. Except Chanyeol only hears one set of footsteps climbing up the metal stairs and it’s not long before the vampire returns to Chanyeol’s side. He can’t explain the relief he feels as Jongdae holds open the bag in his hands, showing Chanyeol all the flowers he brought.

“Since I didn’t know which one you needed, I just took them all,” Jongdae explains, bowing his head slightly in embarrassment. Chanyeol didn’t think it was possible for a vampire, but Jongdae’s cheeks turn a bit pink, his face lit up by the moonlight. It’s almost... cute.

“It’s perfect,” Chanyeol replies. He’s not entirely sure which flower is the one he needs, but Yixing will definitely know. “Thank you,” Chanyeol continues and the words feel awkward being directed toward someone who he once considered an enemy, but it’s a feeling that he's getting used to now. “Really. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your help.” He could kiss Jongdae right now.

“It’s nothing,” Jongdae replies, smiling. “I owed you one, after all.” And when Chanyeol frowns at him, he continues, “for protecting me and Joonmyun from that other wolf.”

Chanyeol shakes his head. “Kris shouldn’t have tried to attack your friend,” he says. “He disobeyed my orders.”

“Your orders?” Jongdae whispers curiously. “Are you the Alpha? The leader of your pack?” There’s a sarcastic, amused tone in his voice.

Chanyeol stays silent for a while, studying Jongdae. “I am,” he eventually confirms. It’s probably the growing need to be beside Jongdae that forces the truth out of him. He doesn’t want to lie, not to Jongdae. It’s a strange feeling, but it’s not all that surprising when he thinks about everything he’s been going through since he first laid eyes on Jongdae.

If Jongdae had been a wolf, Chanyeol wouldn’t think twice about what he wants. He could have Jongdae under him without any consequences. He could kiss Jongdae freely, like he’s been dying to for a while now. The idea of taking Jongdae as his mate stirs something deep inside Chanyeol, a need that’s more powerful than anything he’s ever felt before. He takes a step closer, intent on holding the vampire in his arms, but he comes back to his senses at the last second before he lets his primal urges take over completely. Jongdae’s not a wolf and Chanyeol needs to remember that. He’s not allowed to have the vampire. It’s wrong.

He plays it off like he was just reaching for the bag in Jongdae’s hand and he pretends that he doesn’t feel the wave of need flow through him when their fingers brush. It makes it easier when Jongdae shies away from his touch. “I have to go,” Chanyeol says and Jongdae nods.

“I should get back inside too,” Jongdae replies, gesturing back towards the coven. “Before Joonmyun comes looking for me.”

“Thanks again,” Chanyeol says, before putting the end of the bag between his teeth. After he shifts he takes a moment to stretch out his paws before he takes off down the fire escape as fast as he can.

Chanyeol heads straight to Yixing’s tent as soon as he makes it back to the den. He nearly collapses upon entry with how drained of energy he is.

“Chanyeol!” Yixing is by his side in a minute and Chanyeol barely has enough strength left in him to revert back into his human form.

“The flower,” Chanyeol says, holding the back up in front of Yixing’s nose.

Wordlessly, Yixing accepts the bag and opens it. “It looks like you picked the whole damn garden,” he says, after examining the contents.

“Just tell me one of them is the damn flower that we need,” Chanyeol puffs, trying to catch his breath. The wound Kris left on his arm aches terribly, but Chanyeol ignores the pain.

“Let me see.” Yixing walks over to the table, upending the bag onto the surface. He knocks a few yellow ones off the table right away, pausing to look up and raise an eyebrow at Chanyeol. “These are weeds.” Some delphinium end up on the ground as well, hydrangeas and snapdragons. Multicoloured lilies and orchids are also pushed away. Finally, Yixing holds up a flower that Chanyeol has never seen before. It has silver petals with tips the colour of blood, shaped almost like a rose, but it’s smaller. It’s beautiful. “This is it.”

“But will it be enough to save my pack?” Chanyeol asks.

Yixing picks up the other two flowers from the table, holding the mini makeshift bouquet up for Chanyeol to see. “This is more than enough,” he says, laughing. He sets the flowers back down on the table for a moment as he goes to fetch a deer pelt to throw over Chanyeol. “You did well,” he praises, gently running his fingers through Chanyeol’s sweaty hair. “Sleep now and let me take care of the rest.”

The door to his bedroom opens before Jongdae reaches it and nearly smacks him in the face. “Thank goodness you’re alive,” Joonmyun exclaims, immediately wrapping his arms around Jongdae in an almost bone crushing hug. “I was just about to send the guards to go looking for you!”

“I’m as alive as I’ll ever be,” Jongdae replies cheekily, returning the hug, though not as hard. “I told you nothing was going to happen.”

Joonmyun wrinkles his nose as he pulls away to give Jongdae the once over. “You smell like a wet dog,” he deadpans, covering his nose. “And you’re covered in dirt and grass.”

Jongdae just laughs, doing a sort of twirl on the spot to prove to Joonmyun that’s there’s not a scratch on him. “But I’m still in one piece.”

“Okay, okay,” Joonmyun relents. He shoves Jongdae into his bedroom, quickly closing the door behind them. “I get it, you’re not hurt, but I still don’t trust that dog. And would you stop moving around so much? You’re going to stink up the whole coven.”

Jongdae just hums, allowing Joonmyun to push him across the room towards the bathroom. He’s in such a good mood that nothing can bring him down. The only thing that would make the night better is if Chanyeol didn’t have to go, if he could spend the rest of the time until sunrise in the wolf’s arms.

He wonders why Chanyeol needs the flowers. He doesn’t care what Chanyeol does with them as long as it isn’t something that’s used to hurt the vampires. Jongdae doesn’t think Chanyeol would do that, but Joonmyun would convince him that it is a possibility. Joonmyun doesn’t need to know that he helped a wolf out; what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.

“But he’s the alpha,” Jongdae says, beginning to strip out of his ‘smelly’ clothes so he can take a shower. He doesn’t understand why Joonmyun’s pitching a fit, he thinks his clothes smell absolutely amazing, just like Chanyeol.

“Who is?” Joonmyun asks, making sure that Jongdae has a clean towel and clothes for when he’s done.

“Chanyeol,” Jongdae clarifies. “He’s the Lead Alpha of his pack.”

“He told you that?” Joonmyun raises an eyebrow in question. “Why?”

Jongdae shrugs.

“You didn’t tell him that you’re the prince, did you!?”

“No,” Jongdae replies, turning the tap on to get the water heated up for his shower.

“Good.” The relief in Joonmyun’s voice is obvious.

“At least not yet,” Jongdae amends.

“What do you mean not yet?”

“Well, he’s the leader of the wolves,” Jongdae begins. “And soon I’ll be the leader of the vampires.”

Joonmyun rolls his eyes. “Just get to the point already.”

“What if Chanyeol and I can put a stop to this war?” Jongdae asks, staring into the water as it falls from the shower head. “If there was a truce between us…” he trails off. “Maybe we wouldn’t have to be enemies anymore.”

“Just get in the damn shower,” Joonmyun says, softly slapping Jongdae’s shoulder. “Day dream about saving the world some other time.”

Chanyeol wakes up to something warm and hard slamming into his chest. “Ow, what the fuck,” he grumbles, pushing away whoever dared to wake up the lead alpha when he was having a particularly pleasant dream about a certain vampire.

“Chanyeol,” a voice whines right next to his ear, and Chanyeol must be dreaming because that sounds like Sehun...

Another body lands on the two of them and finally Chanyeol cracks an eye open. This is no way to treat their alpha, Chanyeol needs to know whose ass he’s going to have to kick.

Turns out it is Sehun who is spread out over Chanyeol’s chest. And Jongin’s the extra weight that’s covering Sehun. “Wha-”

“Thank you,” Sehun says, nuzzling his face affectionately into Chanyeol’s neck. His nose is cold and it tickles where it drags against his skin.

Chanyeol just stares because he’s still not entirely sure if he’s dreaming or if he’s awake now. “How?”

“You,” is Jongin’s simple reply.

“Yixing told us that you went and got the flower for us,” Sehun says and he’s acting more like a koala than a wolf now, with how hard he’s clinging to Chanyeol. The alpha struggles for a moment to get his arms free and then wraps them around both around Sehun and Jongin, pulling them closer.

“I was so scared that I was going to lose you,” Chanyeol admits, holding back the tears that sting his eyes from how grateful he is to have his wolves back.

“Don’t cry,” Jongin says, soothingly licking at Chanyeol’s cheek. “We’re all better now.”

“Yeah, we’re alright,” Sehun says. He pulls himself out of Chanyeol’s arms for a moment to flex the muscles in his arms. “See, good as new.”

“Tell us how you got the flower from the vampires?” Jongin asks.

“I didn’t,” Chanyeol says truthfully. “It was given to me.” Chanyeol is saved from having to explain any further when Yixing enters the room carrying a pail of fresh water.

“What are you two doing out of bed?” Yixing shrieks. Water sloshes onto the floor when he motions for them to get back into the beds he had laid out for them. “Did I say you could get up and move around?”

Chanyeol laughs as the two young wolves scramble across the room and practically dive into the safety of the pile of animal pelts on the floor. Yixing shakes his head at them, continuing further into the room to set the pail down on the table.

“You’re not fully healed yet,” Yixing tells them, forcing a bowl of water into both of his patient’s hands. “If I catch you out of bed again, I will tie you both up.” Yixing is a soft-spoken wolf most of the time, but he’s scary when it comes to his job as the pack’s healer. Sehun and Jongin nod, not wanting cross him again. “And absolutely no shifting.”

When Yixing is done fretting over Sehun and Jongin, he turns his attention to Chanyeol. “How’s your arm doing?” he asks, fixing another bowl of water for Chanyeol to drink from. “Feeling any better?”

“It still aches,” Chanyeol replies, examining the dark scab keeping the wound closed. If it were any other wound, it would have been healed by now. It’s only taking longer than usual because it was inflicted by another wolf; their saliva slows down the naturally fast healing process. “But it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Yixing hums. “I’ll fix up a salve for you. It should help speed up your recovery.”

“Thank you.”

“In the meantime, I suggest you let Kris take care of all the hunting.” Yixing gives him a look that says his suggestion is non-negotiable. “And you shouldn’t be shifting either.”

Chanyeol growls in complaint, but eventually he agrees. He can trust Kris with the task of feeding the pack. He knows that Kris isn’t likely to let him or the pack down, especially since it’s his fault that Chanyeol is injured in the first place. But at least Sehun and Jongin are on the mend now, and that’s all that really matters at the moment.

He hates that the first thing he wants to do after finding out that his wolves will live is go to Jongdae to celebrate. The only thing stopping him from doing so is the sun, still blazing high in the sky. There has to be a way to stop himself from feeling like this.

As soon as Chanyeol gets the okay from Yixing, he shifts into his wolf form. It’s been too long - only a little over a week, but to Chanyeol it felt like forever since he was in touch with his wolf side and the first thing he does is howl, long and loud. Chanyeol’s limb feels as good as new and he takes off into a run towards the city as fast as he can.

When he gets close to the coven, he picks up that familiar scent - the one that makes his blood boil with desire. It’s fresh. Jongdae must still be close by. Hasn’t he learned that it’s not safe for him to be outside the coven when there could be wolves out? Wolves other than Chanyeol.

He follows his nose and it doesn’t take long before he catches up with Jongdae. The vampire is out walking again with another one by his side. Chanyeol pushes away the jealousy, the feeling that he should be the only one beside Jongdae, not Joonmyun. Chanyeol shakes the thoughts from his head. He came here to put a stop to this, not to allow Jongdae to get under his skin even more.

He lets out a growl, startling the pair. “A wolf has come to attack us,” Joonmyun hisses, backing away and pulling Jongdae along with him. “I told you that it wasn’t safe to be outside after hearing that howl.”

“It’s just Chanyeol,” Jongdae replies, sounding almost happy. He pulls his wrist free from Joonmyun’s grasp, stepping closer to Chanyeol. Joonmyun’s hands fall back down to his side, a frown on his face and he mumbles something under his breath that Chanyeol doesn’t catch. “What is it?”

Chanyeol aims his deep growl at Joonmyun this time and surprisingly Jongdae nods in understanding. “Give us a minute,” he says, turning to Joonmyun.

A moment of silence passes before Joonmyun reluctantly agrees. “Alright, but I hope you know what you’re doing. I’ll be close by. Be careful.” His retreating footsteps echo in the alley and Chanyeol doesn’t shift back into his human form until he’s certain Joonmyun is far enough away.

“I need you to make it stop,” Chanyeol says. He can’t help advancing slightly on Jongdae, the vampire’s scent too much for him to resist. He’s already denied himself so much already.

“Stop what?” Jongdae asks, taking a step back for every step closer Chanyeol gets.

Chanyeol makes a vague gesture between them that has Jongdae frowning, his head tilting to the side slightly. “Make it stop,” he repeats, uncaring of the fact that it sounds like he’s begging. He hasn’t been able to think about anything but Jongdae since their last meeting and it’s driving him insane. “This-” What was the word that Kris used? “-bewitching. Whatever it was that you did to make me want you.”

Jongdae’s back hits brick and his eyes widen for a split second before he schools his expression. But no matter how much Jongdae is trying to act tough, Chanyeol can see that he’s still a bit scared. There’s something that makes him tremble and if Chanyeol didn’t know any better, he’d think that Jongdae is just as affected by their close proximity as Chanyeol is.

But that’s impossible.

“I didn’t do anything to you,” Jongdae replies, sounding slightly breathless as he looks up into Chanyeol’s eyes. Vampires don’t need to breathe, there’s no reason for the slight hitch in his breath.

“I don’t want to feel like this anymore,” Chanyeol says desperately. “Like I need to be beside you.” He traps Jongdae against the wall by placing his hands on the brick next to Jongdae’s head. “Like I can’t live without you.” He leans in closer, his nose brushing against Jongdae’s cold cheek. “I want you so badly, Jongdae please, make it stop.”

“That isn’t-” Jongdae’s eyes drop down to somewhere around Chanyeol’s mouth and Chanyeol growls, pressing closer still. “Vampires can’t do anything like that. I didn’t do that to you.” Jongdae tilts his head up more, their lips barely an inch apart.

If Chanyeol’s urges aren’t caused by Jongdae, then what? What could it possibly be? There’s no other explanation that he can think of. Except…

No. It can’t be. There’s no way.

Chanyeol couldn’t have imprinted on a vampire, could he? But it does explain everything - Chanyeol wanting to protect Jongdae, how he aches to be close to him, the feelings of affection and attraction simmering in his chest. It’s not just in Chanyeol’s head; it’s real. There’s a bond that has already formed between them and Chanyeol realizes that he shouldn’t fight it anymore. He needs Jongdae.

It’s that thought that has Chanyeol giving in to his desire, closing the last of the distance between them.

Chanyeol’s lips are soft and warm against Jongdae’s and it would steal Jongdae’s breath away if he still had any need for air. Jongdae kisses him back with just as much urgency, and he moans, eagerly parting his lips for Chanyeol’s tongue. Somewhere in the back of Jongdae’s mind is the thought that this is wrong, Chanyeol’s a werewolf, but he doesn’t give a shit, not when it feels so right to have Chanyeol finally holding him in his arms.

The sound of Chanyeol’s rapidly beating heart is loud in Jongdae’s ears and it only fuels his hunger. The sweet scent his blood gives off as it flows through Chanyeol’s veins makes it impossible to ignore. It smells just as delicious as it did the other day, just as irresistible. Jongdae whines, sucking on Chanyeol’s tongue as he fists his hands in the material of Chanyeol’s shirt as an anchor.

Jongdae grinds his hips against Chanyeol’s thigh, moaning when he can feel the bulge of Chanyeol’s impressive erection pushing back against him. Chanyeol breaks the kiss to growl lowly into Jongdae’s ear, his warm tongue dragging against the lobe before he gently bites down. Jongdae gasps, a pleasant tingling sensation spreading throughout his undead body. He wants more, needs more.

“Chanyeol,” he moans, not quite sure what he’s asking for, but Chanyeol responds in kind, saying Jongdae’s name back to him as he licks affectionately at Jongdae’s temple. It’d be cute if it weren’t for the fact that Chanyeol’s hips are insistently rutting against him, pushing his back further into the wall.

“I want you so bad,” Chanyeol whispers to him and it makes Jongdae’s knees weak with desire. He groans, pushes his face into Chanyeol’s neck as Chanyeol runs careful fingers through his hair, almost as if he’s petting him. Jongdae presses a kiss to Chanyeol’s skin, but it proves to be a bad idea because he can feel the pounding of Chanyeol’s heartbeat against his lips. The scent of Chanyeol’s blood is so strong, so good, that it makes Jongdae’s head spin. His fangs ache and his mouth waters at the thought of the blood that’s rushing just beneath the surface of Chanyeol’s flesh. He’s so hungry.

To distract himself from sinking his fangs into Chanyeol’s neck, he reaches up and drags Chanyeol down to meet him in another kiss. Except the warmth of Chanyeol’s lips reminds him that Chanyeol is full of blood for him to taste and it’s not just in his neck. Jongdae whines and he stop himself from biting down on Chanyeol’s tongue when it sweeps passed his lips again.

Chanyeol’s large hands find their way to Jongdae’s narrow hips, sharp claws digging into his skin through the material of his pants. He keeps Jongdae in place as he grinds against him and Jongdae can’t help himself from crying out as the pleasure builds in the pit of his stomach, spreading through his body in waves.

When was the last time Jongdae fed? All he can think about is how much he wants a taste of Chanyeol’s blood.

Chanyeol growls again, softly but directly in Jongdae’s ear. He mumbles in an impossibly deep voice about all the dirty things he wants to do to Jongdae. The wolf whispers about tearing off Jongdae’s clothes, spreading him out on the ground and having his way with him. Everything that spills from Chanyeol’s lips is filthy, and Jongdae groans at the thought. Surprisingly, he wants all of that too, and so, so much more.

He digs his nails into Chanyeol’s shoulders as the wolf licks a wet line from Jongdae’s chin up to his temple, kissing the flushed skin. “Kiss me,” Jongdae demands, titling his head up and Chanyeol immediately complies, starting a trail of kisses and licks as he makes his way down to Jongdae’s waiting lips.

Chanyeol’s tongue sweeps into his mouth so easily and thoroughly that it makes Jongdae’s knees weak. He tries to ignore the aching in his fangs as he kisses Chanyeol, but it’s too much and he can’t help digging his teeth into Chanyeol’s bottom lip. Chanyeol groans in response, his hands slipping down to Jongdae’s ass and under, lifting him up off the ground. Jongdae spreads his thighs for Chanyeol’s hips, moaning as Chanyeol’s erection digs into his own.

Another thrust from Chanyeol has Jongdae’s fangs accidentally sinking into Chanyeol’s lip. The metallic taste startles Jongdae, but only for a second, and he lets out a long moan as he savours it. He nearly comes from the delicious taste alone, but it’s not enough. Feeling like he hasn’t fed in ages, Jongdae greedily sucks at the broken skin on Chanyeol’s lip.

Chanyeol doesn’t seem to mind, but eventually he does break the kiss to press his nose to the side of Jongdae’s neck. He breathes in deeply and nips at Jongdae’s skin. “Fuck, Jongdae,” Chanyeol growls, sucking a mark into Jongdae’s pale skin.

Jongdae runs his hands through Chanyeol’s hair, forcing their lips back together. He whines when he realizes that the puncture wound on Chanyeol’s lip has healed over completely and he curses the wolf’s fast recovery rate.

“Jongdae?” he hears Joonmyun’s voice call from somewhere far away.

Chanyeol must hear it too because his arms tighten possessively around Jongdae and he growls threateningly. “Ignore him.”

“Jongdae, the sun,” comes the same soft voice of Joonmyun. He sounds like he’s a couple blocks away. Jongdae can hear him fidgeting nervously. “It’s almost sunrise.”

“Fuck,” Jongdae complains against Chanyeol’s lips. “I have to go.” He doesn’t want to leave, but he doesn’t want to stay here and burn up in the sun either. He curses again. The decision to leave shouldn’t be this hard, but knowing he has to part ways with Chanyeol makes this one of the most difficult decisions he’s ever had.

Chanyeol only holds him tighter still, his face pressed against Jongdae’s neck. He growls every time Jongdae tries to move but eventually he gives in, loosening his grip when Jongdae reminds him of what will happen if he’s caught out in the sun. Chanyeol kisses him again, slow and almost sweet as he lowers Jongdae back onto his feet.

“When can I see you again?” Chanyeol asks, cupping Jongdae’s cheek in the palm of his hand.

Jongdae leans into the touch, his eye fluttering closed. For a moment he forgets that he’s in a rush and just enjoys the feeling of Chanyeol’s warm skin against him. “Soon,” is his reply. His cock is still hard and aching for release, but he ignores it for now, smiling up at Chanyeol. He’d love to spend hours wrapped up in each other’s arms so they can finish what they started, but it’ll have to wait for now.

Chanyeol hums and presses his cheek against Jongdae’s. The wolf nips at Jongdae’s ear again and he nearly gives into the desire to kiss Chanyeol again, but time is running out. He needs to get back to the safety of the coven before the sun lifts above the horizon.

“It’s a promise,” Chanyeol declares. He finally pulls away from breathing into Jongdae’s ear to press their foreheads together. “I’ll break into your coven to see you if I have to.”

Jongdae laughs. While the idea is stupid and dangerous, he’s secretly pleased at the lengths Chanyeol would go to for him. He can’t help tilting his head up for one last kiss. “I promise,” Jongdae assures him. “We’ll see each other soon.”

Chanyeol makes some sort of pleased rumbling sound from the back of his throat and this time he doesn’t try to stop Jongdae as he moves to pull away. He just stares at Jongdae with longing as he walks in the direction of the coven.

“Soon,” Jongdae repeats with one last look at Chanyeol before he takes off in a run to go find Joonmyun.

Despite his promise to Chanyeol, Jongdae isn’t able to see the wolf again as soon as he’d hoped. As it draws nearer to his coronation day, the elders of his coven take up more and more of his time. From sunset to sunrise they have him making preparations to take control of the throne, his birthright now that his family has been killed by wolves and he has come of age to rule.

It’s shortly before sunrise when there’s a gentle knock on Jongdae’s bedroom door and Joonmyun lets himself in. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Jongdae asks, marking his place in the book on his lap before he closes it.

“I’ve just been to see Minseok,” Joonmyun says, crossing his arms over his chest like he does when he’s upset about something. Jongdae thought that it’d be at least another few days before Joonmyun found out. He doesn’t want to have this conversation right now. Or ever.

“And how is our dear little human pet doing?” Jongdae asks, getting up from his bed as he makes his way over to the window.

“You’d know if you had been to see him,” Joonmyun retorts. “If you had been down to see any of them.” Joonmyun sighs when Jongdae doesn’t respond. He doesn’t have anything to say. “When’s the last time you fed?”

“The night we ran into Chanyeol.”

“That was days ago!”

“I know,” Jongdae replies. And the hunger is driving him mad. The craving for blood makes him antsy, unable to concentrate on anything else. His stomach hurts because it’s so empty and his fangs constantly ache. He can’t think about anything else. “Believe me, I know.”

“Are you actually trying to starve yourself?” Joonmyun asks softly, after a moment.

Jongdae scoffs. “No, of course not.”

“Then go down there and feed, damn it. They’re worried about you and frankly, so am I.”

“Thank you for your concern,” Jongdae says, sparing a second to glance behind him at Joonmyun. “But I can’t feed from them.”

Joonmyun stares blankly at him. “I don’t understand.”

“You’re not going to like it…” Jongdae trails off.

Joonmyun makes a sort of hysterical laughing sound, helplessly throwing his hands up into the air. “I haven’t been comfortable with a lot of things that have been going on lately,” he agrees. “Just tell me.”

“I’ll spare you the details,” Jongdae starts. “But Chanyeol kissed me.”

Joonmyun’s gasp is loud in the quiet room. “He’s a wolf!” he hisses, outraged.

Jongdae rests his head against the window frame, his eyes slipping shut. “That’s not even the worst of it,” he admits.

“You kissed him back,” Joonmyun guesses and Jongdae can hear the dread ringing in his voice crystal clear.

Jongdae nods, his body craving Chanyeol’s touch again from just thinking about it. “I tasted his blood.”

“Oh, Jongdae.” He hates how disappointed Joonmyun sounds.

“I know it’s forbidden,” Jongdae continues, trying to ignore the ache he feels for Chanyeol - like a part of him is missing. It hurts. “But I couldn’t help it. The scent of his blood was so strong and his heart was beating so fast; I needed to taste it.” He hangs his head in shame and at the same time, his knees give out from under him.

Luckily Joonmyun is there to catch him, scooping him up in midair before he has a chance to crash against the floor. “You’re even too weak to stand,” Joonmyun mumbles under his breath as he carries Jongdae toward the bed. “Wait here, I’ll go get Minseok. You need bloo-”

“I don’t want it!” Jongdae yells, frustrated. “I don’t want his blood.”

Joonmyun freezes, shocked at the outburst. He gives Jongdae a look that doesn’t need any words to get his point across.

“I already tried,” Jongdae groans, staring blankly up at the ceiling. “It tastes disgusting. Makes me sick.” He laughs, the hollow sound of it echoing off the walls. “The only thing I can think about is Chanyeol’s blood.”

The silence in the room is almost too much, but eventually it’s broken with another one of Joonmyun’s sighs. “If it’s his blood you want,” he starts off quietly. “Then you should go see him.”

“Ha,” Jongdae replies, bitterly. “First you want me to stay away from him and now you’re sending me to him?”

“You’ve got no other choice,” Joonmyun explains. “If you don’t drink soon, you’ll die.” He’s right. Jongdae can already feel his strength slipping away. His body will begin to break down soon and he’ll fade away if he doesn’t get any blood in his stomach.

“I don’t even know where to find him,” Jongdae mutters. “He’s always been the one to find me.”

“Then he’ll find you again,” Joonmyun assures him.

“I hope you’re right,” Jongdae says as he accepts Joonmyun’s outstretched hand.

Part 03

p: kris/suho, p: chanyeol/chen, #oneshot, p: kai/taemin, r: nc-17

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