Aug 31, 2006 22:45
It's been a busy summer, as it turns out, and despite hours upon hours of travelling, I didn't manage to get very much reading done. These are the combined efforts of July and August and in my defense two of those books were over 600 pages long. So there.
Douglas Copeland: Hey Nostradamus!
Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys
Lonely Planet: Best of New York City
Peter Irons: The Courage of Their Convictions
Jared Diamond: Collapse
Don DeLillo: White Noise
Robert Putnam: Bowling Alone
Completed: Lonely Planet
Still Reading: Goodwin, Copeland (HN), Diamond, Irons
Abandoned: DeLillo, Putnam
Total books read for July: 1
Total books read last month: 2
Total books read for the project: 31
Washington Irving: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Jared Diamond: Collapse
Philip Roth: Everyman (I just read this today. Awesome.)
Doris Kearns Goodwin: The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys
Douglas Copeland: Hey Nostadamus!
Peter Irons: The Courage of Their Convictions
Completed: Goodwin, Roth
Abandoned: The Rest (and I had to return Diamond to the BPL, unfortunately)
Total books read for August: 2
Total books read last month: 1
Total books read for the project: 33