A Little Tribute for John Lennon

Sep 10, 2008 13:49

Hello, this is a little tribute  I posted in other forum last October 9, 2007 for John's  B'day and I thought it would be nice  to also post it in here. So, This is my little tribute to John Lennon.
 John was more than all those things the press said about him. He was indeed “the sexy witty one” but he was really more than just a sexy face. He was bright, active, upward, hot, expanding and strong but also he was dark, passive, downward, cold, contracting and weak. He was the living prove of the paradoxical symbols of the Chinese Philosophy, he was both the "yin" (black) and the "yang" (white) the paradigmatic dichotomy of good and evil. His life was overruled by the interaction between this two energies a dualism that split his whole life in exactly two non-overlapping parts. Sometimes one of this forces seemed to dominate the other but they could not exist without each other, their coexistence and conflict are which caused everything to happen in his live and because of that John’s life has become anything but normal. As same as the yin and yang are not completely black or white, things in John’s life wasn’t completely black or white and as contradictory that it sound he was everything and nothing all in one.
He was a very intelligent and smart guy, he could talk about any subject imaginable and he could make any kind of comments about anything. He was both complicated and simple, witty, funny, outrageous, rude, pervert, gentle, sweet, clown, annoying, jerk, cute, romantic, possessive, jealous and on top of all those things good and evil, stubborn. John could be a total jerk one moment then and perfect Gentleman the other, he was an innocent good boy one minute and suddenly a complete pervert brat; he was the funniest and mischief of all clowns and from one moment to the other turned into the wisest philosopher in the whole world. He was a handsome troublemaker, a pervert sex maniac, he was sarcastic and cynic, but he was smart ,funny, a dreamer and a lover. He was kind of an irreverent sexy revel who always speaks his mind no matter what.

He was a bastard that you would love to death or you will hate to love it’s all depends. John Lennon is the better example of immortality , because he indeed has become immortal.

For all this and much more is that after 27 Years, we still celebrating today his 67 birthday and  I don’t need to say how much we miss him. His music, his wittiness and his particularly way of seen the live has inspired a whole generation and still inspiring new ones even when they didn’t  have the pleasure and honor of see him alive. John is the better example of  immortality. I prefer to celebrate live instead of commemorate the death here I let you some video links that celebrate the real true spirit of John Lennon’s life.


Youtube Links:





Happy Birthday John for all of us you always will be in this world from now to eternity, Forever and beyond to the end of times!


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