Shifting Gears

Dec 29, 2007 19:29


Well, this is my first entry in this journal since the day I open this account. Therefore, I hope you like it.  I will love to hear from you so feel free to leave me comments. Thanks and see ya' all around.

Peace & Love and Strawberry Fields Forever

Title: Shifting Gears
Author: Wila_Lennon
Rating: PG-13 to R
Disclaimer: The Beatles are (sadly enough) not my belongings and I don’t claim this to have happened for real!
A/N: I hope you’re going to like this fiction, its base on a silly MSN conversation that I had with my friend katruzka. I found it funny and wanted to share it with others. Thanks to  fab4fic_lover  for always helps me with my verb tenses.

Brian woke up startled when he heard the insistent rings of his phone. He looked up to his bedside table and the clock reads 1:00 a.m. He was excessively tired and so sleepy that he couldn’t even manage to move. He grumbled turning his head around trying to ignore the phone.

The ring was persistent and it was so annoying that he finally decided that he has to get out of the bed to answer it or he wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep again.

-It has to be an emergency, no one ever calls me this late at night -He thought a little concerned.

He reluctantly lifted his body out of the bed with a groan and picked up the phone, still feeling groggy.

-Hello -He said trying very hard not to yawn.

-Well hello, it’s about time, I almost hang up!! -John replied very loud

-Hello... Is this you John? -Brian inquired, feeling very sleepy

-Aye, it is me. Did I wake you up? -John asked innocently

-No, I was playing pin pong! Lennon is 1:00 in the morning of course that you wake me up. -He said sarcastically

-Sorry, Eppy -John replied in a quiet tone

-John, what are you doing awake? It’s too late for you to be calling people around. I hope that it should be something important -Brian said with a loud yawn. -What do you want? -He added with a bit of annoyance

-Well, it is important. Eppy, Err… I got kind of... bad news… I crashed with the Rolls into a lamppost...-John said a bit ashamed.

-Oh Dear! What happened? -He said preoccupied

-The shift stick got stuck -John stated simply

-Stuck? But how could that have happened? -He inquired in a worried tone.

-Actually, I think the problem with the stick... is that it’s turning too hard, so it refuses to budge! -He explained

-Turning too hard? -He replied in disbelieve

-Yeah, and now it‘s stuck -John put on an innocent look

-Yeah John, I bet your stick is always stuck somewhere -Brian said rolling his eyes sarcastically

-Hey! Leave me stick alone... -He said loudly to Brian then he speak to someone in a more quietly voice -No, not you darling, you are doing it perfectly well luv. -John said with a soft little moan and a faint giggling is heard in the in the background.

-What was that? -Brian asked confused

-Uh, err...Nothing... -John replied innocently

-John, just tell me, where exactly are you? -Brian said letting out a resigned sigh

-I’m in a phone booth near to Abbey Road. -He informed calmly

-Ok, John get back to the car then, wait in there and don’t move. I’m coming in a moment! -He instructed.

-Uh, I think I'll come first. -John said with a soft groan

-What? But, you are already there! -Brian said getting very confused

-Oof! Yeah, believe me I am almost there! -John let out a soft whimper

-What do you mean? I don’t get you! John! -He exclaimed in frustration.

-I said, uh, I'll come first, and then you can get here. -John repeated in a mumbling

-John, what are you talking about?! You are not making any sense -Brian added with exasperation.

-Shifting gears of course! -John replied as if it was obvious

-John, just wait for me and don’t you dare to go anywhere! I'll be right there. -Brian said letting out an exasperated sigh

-Ok Eppy. I will not come, I mean go, I will not go anywhere, but I think I will have to come some time soon. -John confessed sighing softly

-Then, John, don't come or go anywhere -Brian said rolling his eyes -Just hold on there! -He ordered strictly

-I don‘t think I will, the stick is getting even harder! Err, I really don’t think that I can hold it any longer! -John said with a desperate whimper

-John… Be honest with me please, are we talking about the same stick? -Brian asked skeptically

-Uhmmm...Yeah, I s’pose so… About the one that got all stocked and made me crash because it got stiff and rigid, right? Aye, that’s the stick. -He clarified impatiently

-Alright, I’m on my way. And please, don’t do anything and especially not anything filthy or impish until I get there, John! You know how it can influence your popularity in a bad way! -He said in a scolding tone

-For fuck’s sake, Eppy! I'm not doing anything except for being sitting here! She is the one pulling at it! -John explained simply

-But... Who is she? -Brian asked curious

-Jenny of course -John informed calmly

-John, listen to me carefully! Leave the stick alone now, and most certainly, please do not pull it! You are going to take it off and break it -Brian indicate him firmly

-I’m not pulling it and certainly, I don’t want her to take it off either, but one thing is for sure I might be pushing it very soon. -He said frowning and biting his lower lip

-No, John listen to me, do not pull or push the stick. Okay? -Brian instructed seriously

-I’m not, but, Jenny is trying to help me with the stick gear y’ know. She’s moving it up and down, up and down, up and down... Uhh... -He described letting out a low delighted groan.

-Up and down? -He asked getting confused again

-Yeah, I told ye’ already, the stick is very hard and rigid! But Jenny really knows how to take care of it very well… She’s turning the gear up great; I think she might get it loose, uh, very soon! -He informed with a little moan

-John for heavens sake! Stay still in there and don’t do anything. -Brian replied in a warning tone with an edge of annoyance rising in his voice

-But, I’m very still Brian you really have no idea! -John assured

-Very well, John, I will be there then. -Brian said seriously and hung up

Somewhere near Abbey Road, approximately 30 minutes later. . .

-Ok, What exactly is going on here? -Brain asked inspecting the car shift stick gear

-Nothing special, really. -He replied with a smirk -Everything’s just Gear and Fab, like usual. -He added happily.

-What you mean by saying ‘nothing’, John? -Brian asked in disbelieve -But John you said a moment ago the problem with the car was that the shift stick was stuck. Are you trying to say now that it wasn’t? -He said exasperated and full of indignation.

-Well… -John reply doubtfully

-It was stuck or it wasn’t? -Brian asked starting to get angry.

-Well yeah, I suppose it was. -John said shrugging

-Was stuck uh? -He snorted sarcastically

-Yeah, it WAS stuck believe me... -John assured him with an innocent choirboy expression.

-But, John… It doesn’t appear to be stuck, not at all! -Brian said in confusion

-No, not anymore. Jenny fixed it -John flashes teeth

-She fixed it. But when… How...? -He asked obviously puzzled

-Well, she has her ways, y’know, that’s what she told me. Oh, bloody hell and turns out that she really has them! -He exclaimed enthusiastically.

-But, what was the problem then? -Brian asked becoming very annoyed

-Hmm, well… -John puts on a serious face -It seems that the stick just needed a bit of lubricant, some up and down rubbing, eventually it automatically got loose and it was incredibly amazing! -He explained with a satisfied dreaming goofy grin showing on his face. -Ye’ know, we should take Jenny with us on tour just for this matter. -He pointed out excitedly.

-What? Just to get shifts stick unstuck? -Brian asked warily

-Sort of, you know she is very handy. Really knowing how to shift gears and fix a stiff stick! -John replied wiggling eyebrows cheekily and giggling like mad.

------The End ------

"Dreams are the fuel of your mind and this society can’t cage you in their prejudice cells, because you are born the master of your own soul and that makes you free" A. Gautier

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