stuff I bought

Sep 09, 2009 11:49

I am going to make a list and will feel like a proper consumer (is for the last 2 months).
  • a vacuum cleaner (apart from the mice, the old one was quite a disaster)
  • a dustbin (I used to have my garbagebags just straight on the floor in the kitchen, somehow this induced messiness
  • blue boots (short) to wear on the motorbike (did I mention that Peter's rides a motorbike?) I used to wear armyboots but the laces were too much of a hassle (compared to the velcro of Peter's motorboots)
  • more shoes, these are black, medium high heeled (that is the same as high heeled for me, actually Peter said that my taste in heels was if anything higher than his). I find it hard to describe shoes even in Dutch, but with things like this I notice how much poorer my power of expression is in English. Lets try, black leather, sturdy but elegant heel of rubber, close fitting, the back of the shoe is a bit higher than usual for shoes of this type just enough to give it a quirky look, top of the shoe is open except for the toes, a broad leather strap across the top (right to left), with a fake button (it is actually fastened with velcro) the points of the shoe a rounded and point slightly upwards. I bought these for under a black dress
  • for me it is a short black dress (about 5 cm above the knee). Peter went shopping with me and he was positive and so I dared :-) It is a knitted dress (4 types of artificial fabric and some silk) with short sleeves. You can see an awful lot of this type of dresses in the shops here in the Netherlands, but all of them seem to be designed for stick figures. I bought mine in a shop specially aimed at the bigger woman (it is nice to sometimes only to fit in the smallest size) and I cannot point the finger to what exactly makes the difference, but this dress is clearly designed to fall smoothly over a belly and show your hips in a nice way. The dress is intended for my parents upcoming 40th anniversary (10-10-09) a big party for 70 people (that is big for my family). I intend to wear stockings and my garter-belt, I did a try out and found out I will have to take notice of how I sit down. Even sitting demurely will show a tiny bit of the edge of a stocking and a ... (one of those elastic bands that fasten your stocking to your belt).
  • in my quest for a dress I stumbled on a skirt I couldn't resist. (as I mentioned, Peter was shopping with me and he likes me in skirt and dresses, he is nice to have along, enthusiastic, patient and honest.) The skirt is black, cotton, round the middle is a band of about 10 cm embroidered with a flowery pattern (black on black) this band is tight and elastic, than the rest of the skirt is one big load of fabric, it is more than twice a circle wide I think just very plain and simple falling down till kneelevel. (does anyone understand my descriptions???)
  • I bought a deep dusty pink blouse with frills around the collar and short sleeves to go on top of the skirt. I will wear it this weekend for the birthday of Peter's sister and also next weekend when my family (of my fathers side) have a reunion)

So, now you know some of the things Ive been up to.
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