You know, those guys from Leverage that I have been talking about? Yeah, I just imagined them as the guys from Unser Sandmännchen*.
Let me explain.
(The following probably won't make much sense to people who didn't grow up in Eastern Germany in the 80s, but hey, it's good fun anyways. ;D)
Imagine these guys:
as those guys:
1. Nathan Ford as Herr Fuchs (Mr Fox).
2. Sophie Deveraux as Frau Elster (Mrs Magpie)
3. Eliot Spencer as Moppie (the grumpy watch dog)
4. Hardison as Pittiplatsch (the tricksy goblin)
5. Parker as Schnatterinchen (the yellow duck)
It fits sooooo well.
*laughs and laughs*
I mean, just look at them: SO CUTE!
And for the Eliot/Hardison/Parker shippers:
Unser Sandmännchen is an (originally) Eastern German TV series that is broadcasted at around 6pm (I think) for small children, just before they go to bed. There is a beginning and end with the sandman arriving and then throwing his sand to make kids sleep. In between there is always a short story. I don't know if they still do the Fuchs und Elster and the Pittiplatsch stories, but they were always our favourites as kids.
PS: My mum always said I was
Plumps, a water imp from another of those stories. ;)
Crossposted to Dreamwidth.
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