Leverage: a lot of love.

Feb 11, 2011 16:23

I have now (almost) finished watching seasons 1-3 of Leverage and I have to say that rarely have I felt more fond of a show.

I mean, I love them all*, and they all have their moments and reasons for why I love them so much, but there is a certain fondness that I feel for Leverage that I haven't felt since watching Remington Steele.

First of all, the set-up. Five criminals (okay, okay, four criminals and a former insurance guy - yeah, right, I know, might as well say five criminals) band together and start helping people who are in need due to the evil doing of other (mostly rich and/or evil) people. Robin Hood, here I come. Love it!!

The characters themselves are very well crafted.

There's Sophie, the "Grifter". She's smart and sneaky and seductive and she's not-so-secretly in love with Nathan, yet she doesn't let this influence the way she works with him (mostly). But besides that she is also the emotional centre of the group. She's the one who calms them when there's trouble, she's the one they go to if they need advice. She also seems to be from a noble family and that's the icing on the cake. :D

Then there's Nathan. He's the "Mastermind", but he's a bit broken, alcoholic (but a functional one, yeah, right) and yet quite smart. He's good at having the overview and organising things. He sometimes doesn't know when to stop and needs to be pulled back. He's so emotionally manly and thus unable to admit his feelings. But he does it so nicely that you really start to feel for him.

Eliot... Oh, Eliot. He's beyond awesome. Really. He's the official "Hitter", but there is SO MUCH MORE to Eliot. He know about cooking and art and fashion. He has the best hair in the history of ever and he can sing and has a smile to melt you into a puddle. And the man can growl. I just love how everyone sees him as the dumb fists and then he turns around and does something smart or knows something awesome and just... EEEEEEEH!

Hardison, the "Hacker" is such a sweety. I just love all the geeky stuff he does and yet he never shies away from doing something else either. He's also crafty and no one really appreciates all the work he does, except they do, in their own way. Plus, he's got the best lines.

And finally Parker. She's the "Thief". And watching her is like looking into an AU mirror. She's the kind of person I wanted to be when I was a kid. LOL. Yes, complete with all the crazy and the law-breaking. What can I say, I am strange. ;) But Parker, she's smart and bendy and so good at stealing stuff. She's also the most adorable kind of naive ever and her expressions are just.... *flails*. And when she's happy, she's really, really happy. I want her as my big sister.

Maybe that's why I am so fond of this show. ;)

But the plots are also good. And there is so much geekery in this show, it would fill a whole bookcase if I was to list it all. I never thought it was possible to get so many geeky references into a show that is ostensibly about crime. Absolute and utter WIN! \o/

There's a nice arc to every season and the characters are consistent and the supporting cast is a who's who of scifi past and present and it's just such fun to watch it all and follow the cons.

And every so often there is a moment that makes my heart ache with happiness. Like when Nate gives everyone their Christmas presents and then it starts to snow and just... &hearts &hearts &hearts

I really wish the fandom had some better fics. Those guys deserve so much more!

To cut to the point: You should totally check it out if you don't know it already. :D

*see tag list as to which shows are considered as 'all'. ;)

Crossposted to Dreamwidth. Comment there. (

tv: leverage

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