(no subject)

Mar 02, 2008 23:16

Diary: Week of 25/02: Overtime, Antichrist and Dungeon :o)

Been doing overtime this week. Only did three hours a day for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday though, as I have a driving lesson on the Monday and the weekend begins on Friday :o) Still nine hours of overtime ought to look pretty good on my paycheck.

Unfortunately, between noticing that ASDA had a sale on chocolate and buying Lord of the Rings monopoly I may have undone any account balance increase it might have achieved :oP

The zip on my boots broke a few weeks ago, basically the zip came apart. Managed to fix it long enough to last until Saturday by taking off the bottom part of the zip, putting the zipper back on, and then sewing it back up. Worked well enough for me to be able to my leathers (linky) out to Antichrist on Friday in any case :o)

Managed to arrive in London fairly quickly, as the trains surprised me by only taking an hour and a quarter to arrive (been a long time since they were last that quick), which was all just as well given that it took me ages to work out where I was going and to get there :o)

Arriving at Vauxhall to find that my phone had no credit, and for it to die whilst trying to put credit on it, was a bit naff. Ended up having to follow the nearest gaggle of Goths to find my way there, which worked out nicely :o)

Arrived to wander around and spot a few familiar faces, actually talked to a few of them as well :o) Lots of very pretty people in pretty clothes (or lack thereof). Given that I'd never been to a fetish club before it was a bit of a new experience :o)

Found the stage soon enough to catch Kalki Hula Girl performing, which was nicely done :o) Didn't catch many of the other acts unfortunately, though I do remember glimpsing someone performing with fire and, a fair bit later on, three naked girls playing with each other on the stage. Perhaps that last one is less of an artistic performance (well, the bit I caught anyway), but it seemed to be appreciated all the same :oP

Spent the early part of the night with sweetcyanide and misterfallen. Managed to catch up with elise a bit later on, who became my dancing partner for the evening :o) I also managed to spot Zarah, who I hadn't seen in ages :o)

Went home with elise who had kindly offered me space to sleep :oD Had a fantastic night and lovely Saturday afternoon with her before getting on a train about half seven, getting back about eight, and then rushing home, showering, burning my mouth eating hot food, and then going straight out to Dungeon in order to go bother (and be bothered) by lacuna_raze, who was her usual entertaining self :o)

Sunday I mostly lazed about, with the most productive thing I managed being to finish watching Season one of Millennium :o)

Having now seen an entire season, I think I can fairly call myself a fan. It definitely exceeded expectaions, partly because I was expected a supernatural/religious version of X-Fils, but it's so much more subtle than X-files, with episodes only implying the supernatural, or otherwise being absent of the supernatural other than Frank Black's ambiguously defined 'gift', and even that is denied early on as being 'magic' or such like :o)

Worth watching :o)

Link: List of Obsolete skills: linky

Link: Newborn survives fall through train toilet: linky

Link: Electronic tattoo display runs on blood: linky

Link: Playgans: linky

person: elise, activity: clubbing, activity: working, topic: jobs and employment, event: antchrist, activity: flirting, location: london, content: links, content: reviews, club: dungeon, person: kay, person: ellie, topic: fetish

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