I'm only interesting two days a week, so have some memes :o)

Mar 09, 2008 22:43

Diary: Week of 03/03: Bootlessness and DungeonX2

Been a bit lazy at work this week, only did one hour's worth of overtime :o(

Just been too tired really. Also, not many other people doing it, which means that I'd have been sat by myself for all that overtime, and that's just sad and depressing.

Meanwhile my boots have gone off to the repair shop so I didn't have them to wear out... had to wear my old clunky ones that are a bit too big for me instead. Horrific really :o( Not sure how I survived.

Weekend was good anyway though :o)

Was down the Dungeon on Friday were the university's Animesoc (comprised of largely the same people as the rocksoc were in attendance in a variety of costumes. Too me a while to work out that it wasn't Dungeon having a random theme but just animesoc deciding to cosplay at Dungeon :oP

Emma gave me a rose *nods* :oD

Saturday Sweetcyanide came down to play, and after feeding her muffins I took her up to Dungeon again. Not so many of the regular rocksoc people about as they had gone the day before, but still managed to be surprisingly busy. There were even queues (apparently for a significant amount of the night as well) :o/

Very busy inside as it was too cold outside for many people to brave it, and the dancefloor was cramped and nasty :o/

That being said, there were a number of special people in attendance to make it all worthwhile :oD

Sweetcyanide disapeared on the Sunday, and I ended up playing Lord of the Rings monopoly, which I won :oD Go me! :oD

Meme: Warning! - Please read!

(Stolen from Lacuna_raze)


Generally I hate the warnings that get sent around, but I must admit this one is important.
If a man comes to your front door, shows you an official ID badge and says he is conducting a survey and asks you to show him your bum, do NOT show him your bum.

This is a scam - he only wants to see your bum.

I wish I had got this yesterday. I feel so stupid and cheap.

**IMPORTANT** Please pass this on to all your friends and family as nobody deserves to have their bum seen by a perverted stranger.

If you don't pass on this message within 5 seconds of me posting it your head will turn into a cabbage.

Cryptomeme: Because it's more fun this way :o)

Previous cryptomemes... 1, 2, 3, and 4

1) Despite an age of mutual flirting, I still have no idea whether you're actually interested or not :o/

2) I was very worried that there was going to be some kind of inevitable personality clash or that I'd manage to offend you somehow... I'm so very glad that this hasn't happened and yet I've been able to maintain my honesty. Got to be a great sign :oD

3) You have no idea how liberating it is to be around someone much more deviant than myself :o)

4) One day I hope you can learn to appreciate your body as it is. Stunning comes in many forms, and you've definitely got one of them :o)

5) You're one of the few people that make me wish I was better at small-talk. Doesn't happen often :o)

6) Taking your emotions out on other people is bad. Biting your tongue sometimes is advisable.

7) If you're getting overly-serious and irate about little things of little consequence, like facebook invites or academic suffixes, you lose the right to criticise me for being overly serious about political and social issues.

8) Telling me to 'smile' or 'cheer up' is not appreciated... I smile for my own benefit only, not for anyone else's.

9) I don't like being touched without invitation. If you're one of the few people that I don't mind touching me there will be indication. If my body language shows that I don't want to be touched then I'll be rather miffed if you do anyway.

10) Whether your judging someone positively or negatively, it's still probably best to meet people before judging them

Link: How Kangaroos migrated from the Middle East: linky

Link: How Dinosaurs and Man co-existed: linky

Link: Peep Research: linky

game: monopoly, activity: clubbing, content: meme, activity: gaming, content: cryptic, content: humour, society: rocksoc, content: links, topic: friends, club: dungeon, person: ellie, fashion: boots, activity: geeking

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