Diary: Week of 01/10: Jobs, Parties and Necromunda
Sorted out Job Seeker's Allowance again on the Monday, and got a phone call from PreferredIT the next day, which is nice I guess... really unsure about starting a job in recruitment as it certainly isn't anywhere I'd like to stay working, but may be necessary for now :o)
Also got some CVs sent of elsewhere anyway, so I'll work something out :o)
Finished reading 'Looking Windward' by Ian M Banks on Wednesday; I'd say it's probably the most emotionally moving stories of his that I've read. 'Fearsum Endjinn' (sp?) had some very rich characters and great setting, and 'Excession' had a brilliantly complex and intrigueing plot, but niether really got me feeling so much emotionally when I think back on them. This one has a very sharp and sad ending however.
Was up briefly to visit
chrisie1979 and
Fraggleonspeed on the Thursday :o) Down to two bottles of wine now though :o( (both sparkling Rose)
Friday I spent the evening playing Risk and Poker with family, and then got an initially bewildering call from
Elegy_of_flames after she'd met up with
sweeycyanide at Inferno but they'd only just realised who each other were :oP
Saturday I was down town to meet up with
psycho_smurf and Ivy down town for food and drink (which unfortunately was mobbed with football fans...). Then I dragged
sweetcyanide away for a student party (damn good-for-nothing students...) at
Nemetri's place (in celebration of her birthday) :o)
Unfortunately the uni buses were full of football fans and I ended up deciding that it would be quicker to walk, which was probably rather untrue. But still, after putting up with me dragging her walking across Southampton we did arrive, and she seemed to have tons of fun anyway :oP
Was a very good party in any case, and I think we were among the last to leave as well :o)
Sunday was mostly lazing about before I headed up to see
thepussykat and
littlecyberalex so we could play Necromunda :o) In a somewhat surprising twist of fate I actually ended up doing very well and only lost the one game whilst eventually forcing
littlecyberalex to give up his gang and start again :oD Go little Delaques! :oD
It was nice to end our little run of games by having captured his leader character and not allowed him to get him back in a rescue mission :oD
And thus the weekend ended on a fairly geeky note :o)
Meme: Cryptomeme strikes back!
As per my older versions:
here and
Fifteen observations about people without specifying who I am talking about:
You are as cute as a button but I was quite surprised by how well we get on together. I think I was mostly pleasantly surprised to find we have much more similar personalities than I thought we would have.
Spending time with you can be physically exhausting, but in a good way :o) Has been very fantastic getting the chance to do just that. Wish it could happen much more often :o)
When I met you I found you slightly intimidating due to you seeming very confident yet very distant. Glimpsing what you are like with people you know better I can see there's a side to you that's most more approachable. I'd be curious to get to know you better but I can be just as distant with unfamiliar people as you are.
Arguing with people online usually leaves me liking them more or thinking they're an idiot, and you're a case of the former. It annoys me that despite having seen you about in person I've never really taken the chance to say hello properly.
I mostly like you because you remind me of someone else
I always enjoy reading your entries. I'm fairly sure that I'd have you friended even if I didn't know who you were, which is fairly rare for me.
It's been great seeing you take some very important first steps to improving your life. I'm sure now you've started things can only improve. Best luck to you.
It's always tempting to focus on those few things that make you feel unattractive; I'm sure we all have them and can all relate. The ironic truth is that your obsessing over those few things is more unattractive then those things could themselves ever be.
In all honesty, I found you a bit disturbingly aggressive when I met you. I guess being such a passive person I've never really understood aggression. It always makes me feel uncomfortable even when it's not directed at me.
People who complain the loudest and most often about drama are typically those most guilty of it. Ask yourself why some people don't get involved in drama that often yet you are seem to suffer enough to always be complaining complaining about it.
Ending or starting a relationship should always be a selfish decision. Don't continue relationships because of pity, or 'benevolence', or guilt. It's unhealthy, and it usually ends up with no one being happy in the end anyway. It's a part of life where you have free reign to do what suits you best; take advantage of it!
I can respect good advice from friends as long as they treat me as an equal; I have friends inclined to give the odd lecture or two and I respect and appreciate that. When a person tries to 'mother' me or set themselves up as a 'caretaker' figure then that crosses a line and becomes insulting and patronising. Don't do it.
I know you don't ever seem to have much going on in your life, but that's little excuse for getting annoyed and angry over silly things that other people are doing and don't really have much impact on you. You're only making yourself upset in the long-run.
On at least some occasions emotional outbursts or moping isn't the way forward. On at least some occasions you need to slap yourself around the face and just get on with things. You don't have to be a robot about everything, but reigning in your emotions every now and then is an important life skill.
I'll bet you think this entry is about you, don't you? Stop being so vain. Just because I write something on my livejournal doesn't mean it's about you. :o)
Meme: LJ Crush Meme
LJMeme.com Crush Meme Number of crushes on me so far: 7
Not happy with a score of seven so I'm reposting it... :oP