I require more money :o)

Sep 30, 2007 21:42

Diary: Week of 17/09: Fraggles, Edge, new people, and jobs

Week managed to start off very active as I spent money I didn't have, but due to this petered out towards the end when I had to slap myself for not behaving better :o(

Fraggleonspeed came to see me on the Monday and we drank copious amounts of wine before I tried to show her 'The Last Unicorn' but she feel asleep whilst watching it. Philistine >:o/ Somewhere in the drinking phase of the night we also went for a quick visit to see chrisie1979 before heading back again :o)

Tuesday we watched Shock Treatment and I had a driving lesson before the pair of us disappeared across to my brother's in order to play Risk (Fraggle managed to win somehow) and then Starcraft (which she very much did not win).

Wednesday we went down to the Edge, where we also met up with chrisie1979, and I got to wave at people who I hadn't met before :o) Nice cheap drinks ensured the night went well and that I could stomach dancing to Edge music *nods*.

Unfortunately after a while of dancing to my own Milo came up to me to tell me Fraggleonspeed had been kicked out and I had to leave :o/ I walked out the door to hear the bouncer say 'Here he is, now you can leave' before it being added that we were both barred.

Never underestimate how much a Fraggle can achieve whilst drunk and argumentative... (bad Fraggle!)

I'm assuming that if I turn up again and just speak nicely with the bouncers they won't mind me coming in again... which seems fair as I still have very little idea what was going on (and nor does Fraggleonspeed it seems...) :o/

I think by Thursday I was ready for some alone time for a while and a change of pace, although we did go to see chrisie1979 and watch Skins (which is rather good), but for the rest of the week I was pretty much alone.

If I had money I would have accepted thepussykat and littlecyberalex's invite out to the Dungeon on Friday, or Ophelia_machina's invite out on the Saturday, but instead I ran out of credit so couldn't even text them about it :o/

Did sign up to Graduatejobssouthampton.com, which seems fairly groovy and easy to use, except most of the jobs are in recruitment, which seems to be the graduate equvilent of working in a call-centre... but hey... can't be worse than job-seekers allowance... :o)

But now I've suddenly devoloped a cold :o(

Thoughts: Am I not 'enough'?

I saw on polyamory a post regarding how to respond to the question ' Am I not enough for you?'

Now, in my little world that the question is even asked is a huge red flag and probably means I won't ever date this person, or will soon cease to be, but putting that aside...

I tend to find the question so wildly misplaced...

In the most general sense one person will not ever be enough for me.

One person can't be everything I need, and I tend to get very uncomfortable if I have to spend too much time around any one person. Basing my life around one and only one person would be an extremely unhealthy decision for me and my life.

I think that's generally true for people. Co-dependent relationships where people base their life on one another seem rather unhealthy to me. I think it's good to have a variety of intimate relationships with other people.

Not necessarily romantic/sexual relationships of course, but perhaps close friends and family.

That does mean that one person will never be 'enough' generally speaking. I think it's best to accept that we have to share our lovers with other people in their lives, and that their worlds do not (or at least should not!) revolve around us.

In that sense no one person is 'enough' for me. I require more than that.

Of course, perhaps I'm answering the question wrongly. They don't mean generally, but rather romantically.

But that just gets funny because I don't need romances at all. I could be content and happy enough without them. 'Romantically enough' for me is fulfilled even when I am entirely single and with no partners what so ever.

This means if a partner asked me this question I'd have to tell them that they aren't enough, nor are they less than enough, but they are, in fact, 'surplus to requirements'

Isn't it fortunate that I'm all too eager to have 'more than enough'? :oP

'Enough' is a minimum. There's nothing wrong with exceeding that minimum :o)

Meme: Seven Deadly Sins

Greed:Very Low


Wrath:Very Low


Envy:Very Low

Lust:Very High

Pride:Very Low

Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

activity: clubbing, content: meme, topic: jobs and employment, content: thoughts, club: edge, person: fraggle, topic: relationships, activity: drunkeness

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