Gender Confused

Mar 09, 2006 20:49

Thoughts: Gender Confusion

Being me I end up having to deal with other people's gender confusion all the time, I'm never quite sure how to handle it. For instance, last time I was down Dungeon I was sitting with elegy_of_flames by a table, was a quiet night so we weren't doing so much, and some guy we didn't know came across and started to talk to us and immediatly I got dodgy vibes of him. Of course, as soon as he started talking about how 'intersting' it was about the way we'd 'found our way in life' so early things clicked in my head, he'd fallen into a state of gender confusion and thought that me and elegy_of_flames were lesbians.

Now, this kind of thing would surprise me if it didn't happen so much. elegy_of_flames didn't expect it at all and didn't twig until later on, which was a bit embaressing really because the guy was obviously a perv, and when a perv who thinks you're lesbians starts asking you how secure in your 'way' you are and you answer 'well, no one is really sure are they?' you've just made a bad answer :o) When elegy_of_flames did quick and suddenly found the situation worthy of much laughing I made a quick exit feeling rather uncomfortable.

It's always an odd expierence for me when this happens. I don't dislike being effeminate, and, as I tend to think females are more attractive, being mistaken for one is not something I feel insulted by, but in some cases it can be awkward and I'm never sure how to respond. In the above case walking away was an easy option, the guy was just a random perv anyway, but what about when it's a taxi driver, or someone on the phone? I generally find it's just easier to carry on anyway, and I rarely correct people on the issue, but that almost feels decietful, but half of that is because I figuire they really ought to be able to work it out by themselves, I may not be a rugged male, but it oughtn't be that hard to work out I'm male, long hair + plucked eye brows /= female. The amount of times I've had this problem in toilets, or with security guards outside toilets, it's just silly.

I'm not sure where I'm going with this really, just makes me wonder about people sometimes. What is it with people that they're so gender confused? And how ironic is it that 'gender confused' is a term that's normally applied to people like me? I may be effeminate, I may be a transvestite, but I understand how my sex and gender interacts with my identity better than most people, and I'm not the one who can't tell a male from a female, so who's really gender confused at the end of the day?

Link: Got Lipstick? (Not Work Safe)

topic: sex and gender, topic: hypocrisy

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