Diary: From the Seventh to the Eleventh
Wednesday 07-02-06
- Wednesday I had my two language and the world lectures. They weren't the most intensely interesting lectures I've been to but still managed to be somewhat interesting. The lecture was begining on Frege, the reading I need to do is a book called The Frege reader, will have to get around to reading that at some point...
- Went to spend a little time at Gamesoc, though didn't actually play any games. Met up with elegy_of_flames and eldritchreality.
- Went back to mine with elegy_of_flames to watch DVDs and suchlike.
Thursday 08-02-06
- I was hoping to visit dreamfairyhel today but somehow managed to misread the time table. After my morning Varities of Scepticism lecture I've got another two lectures on Kant. I'm going to have to try really hard to find Kant interesting because otherwise it's going to kill me :o) I have a weekly reading list and it seems pretty intense, just hope his contributions to metaphysics are more interesting than his contributions to Aesthetics.
Friday 09-02-06
- Friday evening I had a two hour lecture on the Latter Philosophy of Wittgenstein, which at least means I shouldn't have to get up Friday morning for the next couple of weeks. The lecture itself was very good, though I ended up rushing very quickly for fear of being late only for our lecturer to be ten minutes late himself... blah. Anyway, the lecture itself was intersting, though it was mostly on the lead-up to the early philosophy of Wittgenstein in the Philosophy of Mathamatics, so title somewhat deceptive, but very interesting anyway
- Met up with elegy_of_flames down town after she was sorting out her living arrangements for next year, then came back to mine and watched some Angel
- Had planned to go down to my brother's to play Poker, but turned out me and elegy_of_flames were more in the mood to go to Dungeon, thus there we went
- Dungeon was quite quiet, but wuzzard333, amai-diamond, extinctfables and eldritchreality were all there so more than bearable, got a little dull as the night went on due to the music not being entirely up to highest expecations and thus left a little early though.
- Got home but was feeling a bit ill so went pretty much straight to bed rather than watch more DVDs :o(
Saturday 10-02-06
- Had intentions to go down town and do various stuff, few things I need to buy, like a mouse replacement for one of my computers, however, were generally lazy and watched DVDs instead
- My younger brother was other so had him come and install some new hard discs into my computers, still a few problems that need to be sorted, but nothing drastic. Niether would read without formatting so needed to download some file recovery software to save all my data
- Went down Dungeon again, though was even more quieter this time, and music sucked more. However, may have been worth going just for the guy who mistook me and elegy_of_flames for lesbians and decided to try to chat to us about how great it was that we had 'found our way in life' at such a young age. Unfortunatly I don't think elegy_of_flames quite trigged both that he thought I was female and was hitting on us, and so unfortunatly said something about no one ever being sure they've found thier way in life... not quite sure she realised how that fitted into the context of the conversation :o) I had to quickly make my departure when she finally did twig and couldn't stop laughing, she followed soon after and we left together :o)
Sunday 11-02-06
- Had really hoped to go to wuzzard666's and talk to amai-diamond about corsets but in a display of utter laziness stayed in and watched DVDs all day instead :o)
Diary: Week of Monday the Twelth of Febuary
My lecturer for 'Language and the World' and 'Varities of Scepticism' was off ill unfortunatly, so no lectures for Tuesday and Wednesday. Didn't fully click until I was in on Tuesday and then remembered whilst waiting for the lecture to begin. Even more bizarrely on my part I'd sat myself down at the wrong place anyway, though it seems that by some coincidence some other students did the same, then we all realised, went to the right place, and then realised with yet more students that none of us were supposed to be there at all.
Wednedsay I was really thinking of going down to Gamesoc because
allysaundre was supposed to be in town, but waking up neither me nor
elegy_of_flames could bring ourselves to get out of bed in time, and then we just watched Buffy and Angel DVDs instead. We did go down Dungeon that evening though, which was much more interesting than the last few times we went, no doubt due to the presence of people like
littlecyberalex and
thepussykat, always more fun when there's more people you know about I suppose :o)
Thursday's lectures on Kant were okay, though not quite thrilling me as of yet. Friday's lecture on Wittgenstein was much more interesting, I'm pretty sure I'm going to enjoy that module, I really like the lecturer as well, Ray Monk, he was the lecturer for Logic as well, which was my strongest subject :o) Interestingly enough someone made a
short entry about him on wikipedia.
Was planning on getting the train up to go to Dr. Fell's on Saturday, I heard
littlecyberalex and
thepussykat were going so I thought it would be a fun time to check it out, however turned out
elegy_of_flames didn't feel up to it and I didn't fancy getting the train up by myself, so I stayed in with the computer instead *nods*. Have been playing lots of Fallout recently, nearly finished the game, but Saturday night opted to downloaded Maniac Manson Deluxe instead, very bizarre to see Maniac Manson realised in 256 colours :o) Decided to also start downloading a few other classics, like Archon, Colonization, and Masters of Orion :oD Could have gone to Dungeon, espicially as
allysaundre was there, but as it turned out I didn't get myself in order in time :o(
Instead, on Saturday night I managed to stay up until eight playing computer games, I'd been staying up quite late, or early rather, playing Fallout this last week, but Colonization is just so damned addictive I was up until eight, after which I decided to try out 'The Dark Eye' which is a fairly dark and odd game based around Edgar Allen Poe's writings, is quite, quite odd. If staying up until eight in the morning wasn't geeky enough, I stayed up chatting on the Internet and playing games all that day. Now, if I was sensible I'd have gone to sleep at eight and then provided myself with a nice sleeping pattern where I could get up comfortably in the morning, instead I was up until two in the morning still playing computer games... opps...
Diary: Week of Monday the Twentieth of Febuary
Monday I woke up realising that I had an essay tutorial to go to, though once I got there it turned out that there the tutor wasn't there, and the whole thing had been cancelled, bit of a pain really... Still, by interesting coincidence I did manage to bump into
allysaundre who was wearing both a suit and a beard (ick on the latter account, beards are nasty, definetly ought to go back to the non-beard look) :o) Went down town to pick a few things up and then back to Avenue campus to attend a study group on Wittgenstein, largely talking about the problem of colour exclusion as applied to logic, I'm pretty sure it can be tied down to phonomenology or definition, going to have to write something on it at some point. Friday's lecture is on Wittgenstein's attempt to solve the issue through phonomenology, hence I decided to leave creating my thoughts on the matter until after then. After that I walked up to
elegy_of_flames before getting a lift back to mine for the pair of us and watching lots of DVDs in my room. Some really good Angel episodes in series two, very dark.
Tuesday I had to get up for Varieties of Scepticism lecture, which was much needed as the lecturer had been ill for the last two. Unfortunatly mother had to drop me off early, and after
elegy_of_flames had gone I found myself too tired to actually read, or stay fully awake, oh well... did get some reading done later on. Was supposed to go to a PhilSoc social but beyond feeling tired et cetera
elegy_of_flames wasn't feeling her best so I decided to spend some time with her and keep her company.
Did manage to get quite annoyed with someone on
anti_feminism though. I'm not easy to annoy online, sometimes taking on intellectually 'arrogant' stances myself I don't mind it in others, I like it when people challenge me and some of my online friendships have been formed through debates like that, and I don't dislike people if they don't like me, or if they don't respect me. However, occasionally I meet someone that is beyond arrogant, or rather, they combine arrogance with pettiness and childishness. A person that writes long intellectual posts a lot doesn't bother me, I enjoy it, if they do it just to feel smart, well, that's not wholly respectable, but it's not awful, even if they do it to make others feel small, but at least it's only passive aggressive. When a person, and I've met a couple of these, try to make themselves feel smarter than others because of some genius complex through playground tatics it annoys me. As said, I don't care when someone challenges me intellectually, even if they do it badly and still think they're clever, they'd be wrong, but it only really irks me a little when they do it through insults and childish posts, not sure that anyoen that hasn't learnt to grow up deserves a genius complex, they're just brats.
Went in for my one lecture on Tuesday, but didn't go to the study hour immediatly afterwards. It would have meant walking fairly quickly to the Avenue campus from Highfield and I couldn't be much bothered, pretty lazy really. Wednesday I was up to get to university for a nine o'clock lecture for which my lecturer couldn't make it anyway, always a bit of a pain that. Lecture was held in place of the study hour the day after instead, was fairly intense stuff, philosophy of maths, bit hard to grasp, mostly because it was flawed and didn't entirely work, and trying to talk intelligably about the illogical can be tricky sometimes :o) Immanuel Kant lecture on Thursday was interesting, though the first one I was a little too tired, and the second one I was too busy day dreaming in, opps.
Spent Wednesday night with
elegy_of_flames watching yet more Buffy and Angel DVDs, of which we are going through at a fairly impressive rate. Unfortunatly Angel has stopped being quite as dark now, whilst just how morally dubious he was being in the last few episodes was quite morally dubious, most of the time he's just too light, Angel is at it's best when it's very dark and morally ambigous, definetly :o) Feel kind of guilty for not being as fully up with my reading as I should be though :oP
Lecture on Friday was very good, as a lead-up to Wittgenstein the lecture was on some thoughts about the relationship of mathamatics and other a prioro diciplines to the mind and expierence, including Immanual Kant's thought that such things were independant of expierence. The problem with this of course is the Eucleadian Geometry he supported is found to seem to be not accurate anymore, which meant a discussion of non-Euclydian Geometry and whether it can be made sense of, I shall no doubt produce a 'thoughts' section on my journal on this issue soon :o)
Went over to see
elegy_of_flames that evening where me and
eldritchreality got free food courtest of
elegy_of_flames' mother, then we went back to mine to watch Dark Crystal, so all fab :o)
eldritchreality headed off that night, and
elegy_of_flames headed off in the morning leaving me time to catch up on some Internet stuff before going to
squirmelia's party :o) Which was good, lots of fun had, including with the oddly frightening visit from one's youth in Pass The Parcel, complete with forfiets, :o)
Diary: Week of Monday the Twenty-Seventh
Monday's tutorial on Kant wasn't so bad, Immanuel Kant can be very dry at times but this seems okay, the study hour on Wittgenstein was interesting as well. Did some reading, somehow later on ended up playing Colonization again however, as I did Tuesday morning, opps, and as I did when I got back from university on Tuesday, more opps... :o) Still, I did some more reading after that.
I've already read half of Wittgenstein's 'Philosophical Investigations', a book principally about language, but I'd started to tire of it a little, his style is a bit like Nietesches, it has more form and style to it than a lot of philosophy, but can become too much of a ramble and a rant at times, and seems to not quite get to the point quick enough, so I decided to take a break and read the 'Brief Introduction' type book I have on Wittgenstein instead, which has been useful in filling in some details on the early philosophy of Wittgenstein as well. I did read a similar book on Kant recently, which was nice, and the material on Sextus Empiricus, so I don't feel to awfully off track reading wise, though I want to make an effort to take up the pace over the next couple of weeks. Don't want to catch myself having to hurriedly read at any point :o)
Wednesday had some fairly confusing lectures on Frege, I don't think I was quite as confused as most people, and I have a few different ways of interpreting what Genia was trying to explain using the example she was using, and depending on which I use the example is either good or bad :o) I essentially need to do more reading on Frege to sort it out, but that night I wanted to finish off a book on Wittgenstein instead, and then got distracted with Colonization for a little while (damn that game!), and then ended up chatting about whether moral subjectivism means we can't make moral judgements about other people, see
here and
here Thursday saw a fairly intersting lecture on Scepticism, summing up some of Sextus' main points (some of the arguments he gives are weak but the main point he's trying to make isn't so bad), then two lectures on Kant of course, followed by a study hour the next day. I'm actually starting to enjoy aspects of Kant, which is good. The two Wittgenstein lectures afterwards were better though.
Been given coursework questions, think so far they've not been too terrible, going to try to make sure to get plans in by next friday (deadline) so this time they can't accuse me of straying from the question (or they can, but before I've written the essay) :o) Should be fun in any case :o)
Thursday night I spent in watching some DVDs with
elegy_of_flames and Saturday I went up to London with
lil_ravenfire's friend Paul,
wuzzard333 and
amai_diamond to go to Slimelight :o) I personally found Slimelight rather enjoyable, got to catch up with a few people, and did a lot of dancing, unfortunatly there seemed to be a lot of drama, but characteristically I missed out on a lot of it, being elsewhere at the time et cetera. Towards the end it seems everyone got sleepy, and I found just about everyone else asleep on the seats, got a bit tired for the last hour and a half myself before waking up for some last minute dancing :o) Then some time hanging about at Starbucks and home, go me! :o)
University: Provisional Results for last semester
Taking a short break from studying to reveal how I did with my grades
Coursework Exam Overall
Aesthetics 62 62 62
Human Nature 70 64 67
Religion 50 70 60
Early Modern 65 73 69
Average 61.75 67.25 64.5
When Peter Johnson let me know my scores after doing coursework I wasn't entirely certain on whether he gave me the overalls or just the exam marks, though I figured it would be the overall (getting more in Aesthetics than Religion would have been bizarre given how shoddy my essay for Aesthetics in the exam was) :o)
I guess I'm not too unpleased with Exam marks. Aesthetics was bound to be poor, I simply don't have the flaire for the subject. I wanted to take it because I felt it would be good to get a grounding in that area, and I did I guess, though most of my interest lie in the theories of Art definition that I did early on, and that I wasn't actually assessed on at any point, which was a shame. I ended up doing my coursework on Ancient Greek theories of Art censorship (Plato) which was fairly interesting, but Art and Morality on my exam paper, for which I had much less to say generally.
In any case, My Early Modern score is my all-time-best so far, and I'm glad my revision paid off. Human Nature is lower than I'd like, and I have to wonder if the fact it was a bit scribbly played a part, but no matter, it's set me back on the right track, with that seventy pulling up the rather annoying fifty I got for the coursework.
Still hoping that an external examiner will up that Religion grade, in hindsight it should have been obvious Alex Neill wanted an essay more centrally about Hume, but I do feel my essay was mostly about Hume and did answer the question. Both me and Julie seem to have got slapped for having outside knowledge of the question, reading a question that posed a problem raised by Hick, resting on Hick's philosophy, I talked about Hick in what the problem was and how it related to Hume. Julie did the same with the Swinbourne Vs Hume question. Other students who didn't know as much about Hick or Swinburne talked more about Hume and were rewarded for it, but we rather got treated badly for having knowledge of them, which seems injust. Regardless I'm going to have to pay more attention to not only what the question says, but what the lecturer wanted it to say as well I suppose, no point complaining about it and being indignant if it's going to affect my grades.
Warning: For people in Southampton regarding violent muggings
Seems there was a little spate of violent muggins last Sunday night. One of them outside
eldritchreality's home, another close to the student Halls. In both cases the young youths in question weren't so much interested in mugging so much as violence, probably another case of reactionary youths trying to gain status through criminal deviancy, in the one nearby the halls one of the muggers went so far as to use a stolen phone to call the parents of one of the victims to gloat about beating thier son up. Now, as it seems thier being a high-profile about this I suspect they're be caught in time, but for the meantime I'd like to suggest people really do take care about how they travel of a night.
It always seems tempting to just walk places, I always used to do that. It seems like a lot of money to spend to get a taxi or whatever, and it's not as if something has ever happened to you before, until it does. I used to walk back home from night shifts down town all the time until I got mugged (fortunatly my muggers were relativly respectful, they just wanted money and didn't want to beat me up unless I made it necessary). Just be sensible.
New Club! Coming to Southampton! :oD
From The Joiners web site:
28/02/2006 :: UNIT 22 is here! (The Joiners)
Some of you may be hearing rumours of a new alternative club, coming soon to Southampton, brought to you by The Joiners team!
The rumours are true!
UNIT 22 - Town Quay - 2 Rooms - 2 Alternatives
Thursday - Punk/ska/emo/hardcore
Friday - Rock/metal/alternative/goth/ebm
Saturday - Indie/alternative/baggy/post-rock/funk
OPENING NIGHTS - MARCH 23/24/25 - Be the first to see Southampton's best new alternative nightclub!
Together with
Black Symphony Southampton is getting quite a bit more interesting over time :o)
Friday night sounds great to me :o)
Link: Article refuting the rather annoying Dr. Bailey's conclusions about the non-existance of
male bisexuality Quiz: Pretty much accurate nearly everywhere
the Observer
Test finished!
you chose BZ - your Enneagram type is FIVE.
"I need to understand the world"
Observers have a need for knowledge and are introverted, curious, analytical, and insightful.
How to Get Along with Me
- Be independent, not clingy.
- Speak in a straightforward and brief manner.
- I need time alone to process my feelings and thoughts.
- Remember that If I seem aloof, distant, or arrogant, it may be that I am feeling uncomfortable.
- Make me feel welcome, but not too intensely, or I might doubt your sincerity.
- If I become irritated when I have to repeat things, it may be because it was such an effort to get my thoughts out in the first place.
- don't come on like a bulldozer.
- Help me to avoid my pet peeves: big parties, other people's loud music, overdone emotions, and intrusions on my privacy.
What I Like About Being a Five
- standing back and viewing life objectively
- coming to a thorough understanding; perceiving causes and effects
- my sense of integrity: doing what I think is right and not being influenced by social pressure
- not being caught up in material possessions and status
- being calm in a crisis
What's Hard About Being a Five
- being slow to put my knowledge and insights out in the world
- feeling bad when I act defensive or like a know-it-all
- being pressured to be with people when I don't want to be
- watching others with better social skills, but less intelligence or technical skill, do better professionally
Fives as Children Often
- spend a lot of time alone reading, making collections, and so on
- have a few special friends rather than many
- are very bright and curious and do well in school
- have independent minds and often question their parents and teachers
- watch events from a detached point of view, gathering information
- assume a poker face in order not to look afraid
- are sensitive; avoid interpersonal conflict
- feel intruded upon and controlled and/or ignored and neglected
Fives as Parents
- are often kind, perceptive, and devoted
- are sometimes authoritarian and demanding
- may expect more intellectual achievement than is developmentally appropriate
- may be intolerant of their children expressing strong emotions
Renee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele
The Enneagram Made Easy
Discover the 9 Types of People
HarperSanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pages
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BY (FOUR) My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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