Quiz: I'm School Smart, just don't ask me to do anything :o)
School Smart
You're more of a 'school smarts' kind of person. You are best with the theoretical things, and your intelligence is both natural and learned - a blend of personal, experiential knowledge and book learnin'.
80% theoretical intelligence
20% natural intelligence
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QuizGalaxy.com Diary: Friday 11/11: Dramaturgy and Dungeon
Friday I had been thinking about getting up early to get to university. Holly, the one person in the fresher’s lecture I went to the day before who expressed a desire to buy a Jongleur’s ticket said she’d have money that day, but I had been feeling a bit ill the night before and wanted to rest. Texted Sarah (the PhilSoc president/Philosopher-King) and
wrenny_bum (the PhilSoc Social Secretary) to let them know she wanted a ticket though :o)
Still, Friday lecture isn’t until the afternoon so I still managed to be up with a few hours to spare, which is good because mornings tend to be a rush for me. This way I can get up, have something to eat and take my time, have a shower, and then spend a few moments watching television. Is great :o)
Still didn’t get to University quite as early as I perhaps ought to have though… very briskly walked up to Highfield and found my lecture was about to start… so I rushed up eight floors of the Maths building to get to my Human Nature lecture before realising that my Monday Human Nature lecture is in the Maths building where my Friday Human Nature lectuer is in the Nuffield Theatre… Opps…
Anyway, got to the Nuffield Theatre fifteen minutes into the lecture, but still was worth it. :o)
We’d moved on from the stuff about individuality and free action to Erving Goffman’s writings on roles, which I had really enjoyed during Sociology. Not everyone liked them, and some people seemed to question whether they are really as significant as Goffman makes them out to be, but to me they are evidently essential to human nature and behaviour. We all live under roles, it’s how we understand how to act and how we predict others.
I think some people’s problems is that it can seem like it suggests we all live up to roles created by society with no free choice, which is unfair as Goffman makes plenty of room for ad libbing your performance. There are some very formalised roles in legal and official functions, and there’s a bunch of standardised roles we play. If we don’t know someone very well we fall into a certain role in relation to them and expect them to do the same.
Student and teacher, it may be your first day but there are things you expect from one another. Equally, there are roles to be found in how you relate to anyone. Perhaps you’ve just met a friend of a friend, which is different to meeting a friend of someone you don’t like. Also, note the confusion of roles when you meet someone like a teacher outside of the role you know them in.
Our lecturer mentioned something about how once his children came to sit in a lecture that he was giving out of interest and how they said he never looked at them. That’s because he has had to adopt a different role to the one normally adopted, despite the fact that it’s still him and they’re still his children, the relationship has altered and that means the adoption of new roles.
It’s true that in very intimate relationships it can seem as if roles fall away, but I think the better way of understanding it would be to say that we create very personal roles. We can still talk about the roles played by people that have been in a relationship for thirty years, it’s just they’ve had long enough to adapt and adjust the roles to taste, whereas people on the first date have more pressure to live up to playing to a more culturally hegemonous role in order to be seen as ‘acting correctly’, though sometimes we can be rebellious and carve out new roles for ourselves, but whatever we’re doing, whether we’re playing a role already established, or whether we’re altering an existing role to ourselves, or the very rare act of carving out new roles to live (like Femminism did for women) it can all be understood as the acting out of social roles.
Anyway, chatted with other committee members about Jongleurs, seems we have sixteen out of forty tickets left, so not doing too badly really :o) Still very disappointed with how asocial the first year is appearing to be, admittedly a lot of the second year aren’t being terribly enthusiastic at the moment, but that’s probably because most of the people I’d expect to be interested where onboard from the offset.
I had brought into university a little black wind-up alarm clock to help
elegy_of_flames get up in the morning as she’d been sleeping through alarms lately, but couldn’t find her and couldn’t ring her as she’d left her phone over at
lil_ravenfire’s place. Of course, once I was on my way back
lil_ravenfire had found
elegy_of_flames and given her mobile back, but by then it was too late… :o(
Oh well, worse things have happened, and ‘twas the Friday so it didn’t matter if she didn’t get her little Alarm Clocky until later on… as it happened we decided to go out to Dungeon anyway so I had a chance to give it to her later on :o)
Despairing with an Internet connection that wouldn’t stay constant or work at all really I ventured off, eventually, to meet
elegy_of_flames down University where I could use the computers in the library. Was a bit later arriving due to trouble finding transport, but did eventually. Meanwhile managed to catch the beginning of the episode Star Trek: Next Generation where Paris from Voyager is first seen, where he makes the mistake that lands him in jail as he’s seen at the beginning of the Voyager series, was interesting because I didn’t realise he was in Next Generation, though I know a ton of things that are stolen from that series for later use in Deep Space Nine and Voyager. Somehow I managed to forget to change my shirt before leaving, but, well, is only Dungeon at the end of the day, doesn’t really matter…
Anyway, after mucking about on livejournal and showing
elegy_of_flames various humorous things I have saved under ‘memories’ on livejournal, we got a bus down to Dungeon. Was a nice night, though very dead when we first arrived, ‘twas
wuzzard333 birthday, though the place was a little quiet really. Still, managed to get some okay music played and dance a bit, which is the main thing I suppose.
After that we got food and headed back to mine, where we tried to order Pizza but the Pizza place we wanted to order from had run out of Pizza, which seemed a bit of a joke really :o/
Diary: Saturday 12/11: More Dungeon
Saturday morning I had to get out of bed early to move my computers downstairs so my brother Luke could take a look and fix them. Seems now both are running (though I haven’t set them up in my room yet) though my older harddisc isn’t installed yet, so that’s yet to come. Still, once I sort out my room and create space I’ll have my own computer to work with again :oD
We (me and
elegy_of_flames decided that we wanted to go to Dungeon again, were going to go to town to sort out getting her boots back from the boot store (they got broken, still need to replace mine come to think of it), but we never got out of the house quick enough.
Got a lift to her’s, stopping on the way to buy some tubs of ice cream and buying a cheap copy of Batman Begins :o) Spent a while eating ice cream at her’s before rushing around trying to get ready only to miss the bus anyway, but we got a bus down to Portswood, which was close enough really.
We wanted to go into Hobbit because I wanted to show her the cocktails names after people from Lord of The Rings, but when we got there the place was packed and we didn’t even bother to go in and instead headed straight down to Dungeon.
Tons of people down there, perhaps I ought to go to Saturdays more often I suppose, though more expensive than a Wednesday :o) I guess a lot of people are working more now and so can’t make it, least that’s what
eldritchreality suggested to me. Some people down there I haven’t seen for Christ knows how long… even got the pleasure of bumping into
dreamfairyhel again, was great seeing her as I haven’t seen her for quite some while.
Music wasn’t all that wonderfully fabulous, but I could still dance to it.
dreamfairyhel said the music wasn’t that danceable but I find it easy enugh to dance to, but then she just pointed out my ‘Goth’ dancing was just a case of stepping around a bit and moving my arms around, so that wasn’t too impressive. Meanwhile both her and
elegy_of_flames taunted me lots by calling me Goth. Was a bit mean really :o)
Anyway, got more food before going home to mine and tried to watch Batman Begins, though poor little sleep
elegy_of_flames feel asleep whilst watching it, poor little thing, everyone was aww! (and watch as she kills me for being patronising) :o)
Diary: Sunday 13/11: Batman Begins
Once we had risen ourselves from bed I and
elegy_of_flames went down to try watching Batman Begins again, though first I wanted to show her
Dead End hehe :o)
Still the best adaptation of the story I think. It’s not campy, it’s not silly, there are moments were belief has to be suspended, but that’s true of all movies, but even Tim Burton’s films failed to deliever a truly dark, atmospheric and moving piece of film.
Tim Burton’s Batman, and I’m referring to the first film, was more mysterious, odd and possibly insane, which was nice, but he wasn’t a deep character. Nolan’s Batman in Batman Begins is someone you know and can care about, when his parents die you know who they are and feel sad, in Burton’s batman they’re just faces. Batman’s costume, equipment and car are all real, rather than silly campy nonsense.
There’s a feature on the second disc that talks about the inspiration for the film, and it’s amazing how many of the scenes were taken straight from the comic. We’ve had some very good comic book films lately and the reason they’ve been good is through faithfulness and attention to the comic book. There’s a reason why there are certain comics that get made into movies, and that’s because they are good comics, to ignore the material is thus foolishness.
The Crow did well as a film because it captured so much of the comic book, Spiderman did well for the same, though it adjusted a lot. Tim Burton’s adaptation did better than anything before because it took those dark comics of the seventies and early eighties and gave us something closer to them than seen before. Nolan has given us something that’s straight from those pages, and that’s how it should be done.
Ignore the original Batman films, Batman is as in the Nolan film.
Can’t wait for the next ones.
elegy_of_flames of down town so she could go to a roleplay game, now I’m mucking about on the computer whilst paying some attention to a showing of Lord of The Rings on the television, though it’s a bit silly as I have access to it on DVD.
Ought to read really.
Quiz: Hehe, Atheist but so nearly humanist
You fit in with:
Your ideals mostly resemble those of an Atheist. You have very little faith and you are very focused on intellectual endeavors. You value objective proof over intuition or subjective thoughts. You enjoy talking about ideas and tend to have a lot of in depth conversations with people.
40% scientific.
60% reason-oriented.
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