Jun 04, 2006 15:43
Well I finally went to see X-men 3 it was really good but a trifle dissappointing. Oh Well...It had Beast in it so I forgive them for trying to stuff two films worth of info into one movie. My ducks are thriving (if there's anyone out there who cares). Their favorite passtime is swimming in the 5 ft kiddie pool I bought them. My duck with the fro seems to really like to dive for some reason... The poor chick however can not swim so he runs around the pool in circles so that he can be as close to the ducks as possible without actually being in the water. I need a life, one in which I have something more fascinating to update about other than my poultry. I warned all those people who said I should get a myspace account.
"I lack sufficient personality for myspace" I told them. But would they listen? Noooo. So now they are subjected to all the recent news about my ducks (and chicken).
In other news I finally bought a light saber! I've been wanting one since Hollie and I were little and still watching the original episodes. It is one of our goals to buy light sabers and dual each other. We are one light saber away from success! My light saber is green (like yoda!) and oh so cool. Except I've already had some problems with it. For one thing I hurt my head when I accidentally hit myself with the handle, and for another... I sort of hit my light fixture in my room. The lights won't turn on now but I'm hoping that this is just coincidence. I am a DORK....
duck related,