The Brothers Grimm

Dec 01, 2005 11:59

Brothers Grimm Was good, not entirely what I expected. I felt it was a touch disjointed, the story didn't flow terribly smoothly. Matt Damon's accent was great but not German which confused me a little. Heath's accent was APPALLING & by the end of the movie the Aussie accent was through & proud *shakes head* It was mostly lots of little things that annoyed me throughout the film nothing too big or overly shitty. I don't know know if I recommend it on the big screen... It'd be a good rental movie. It was kinda fun seeing how the wove the various fairytales into the plot either through direct reference "We defeat the witch with the gingerbread house in (some German town)" or indirect props/scenery like the bed being several mattresses stacked on top of one an other ala The Princess & the Pea. A few nursery rhymes made guest appearances as well. It was a fun film, kinda dark but not as dark as I expected so yeah... It's definitely worth a watch.

I'm going to add it to my DVD collection, it's definitely something I'd watch again when the mood takes me plus Matt Damon & Heath Ledger *grrowls* YUMMO! Some serious brotherly love angst there *wink* It was really followed through or developed properly which was also a little disappointing.


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