Oct 17, 2008 07:22

Okay, I know, this journal pretty much has flies buzzing around it from lack of use.

Whatever, so I'm not an avid blogger, I have other incredibly attractive qualities! But I digress, right now I need to make some major life decisions and I'm freaking out about them. How do I make a decision about the rest of my life, when I'm only 1/4 of the way through living it? It seems pretty unrealistic to me. Anyone agree??? Yes? Yes? Thanks, I'm glad for the support.

Alrighty, let's get into the meat of things, shall we? Some background: Currently, I'm on a semester off from a 4-year state school where I was studying Art education,  Criminal Justice,  Psychology. Because of my inability to make up my mind regarding my major and in turn, my future career, I am at the academic level of a Sophomore, as opposed to that of a Senior. This blows, and that's really all the comment I have regarding that aspect of the background info. I'm also working as a key holder at  a well-known trendy plus size clothing store at my local mall. This job has pretty much saved my life from the clutches of despair. Without this job to focus my energy into, I'm confidant that I would have combusted by now. I'm talking explosion into a fiery conflagration of DOOOOM (!) here. 
    Anyway,  I really, really love my job. I mean, LOVE love. Like the way that I love Gareth David Lloyd and want to do dirty things to his body kind of love. (not that I want to do dirty things to my job. XD) I've been thinking recently, that all of this aimless schooling is getting me nowhere. Why don't I go to school for something practical, something I already have a job doing, and something that my company may give me a scholarship to go to school for? This is how I came across fashion merchandising. I have a few aquantainces and a cousin go to school for this, so I was intruiged. My problem: I dont want to actually design. I really couldn't give a flying fart about designing, I just want to take what other people have made and make it look fabulous on the wall of some trendy boutique to the point where everyone who sees my wall needs to buy everything on it. I'm pretty ambitious if you couldn't tell.
    So, I want to become a fashion merchandiser and work as a district manager or some high up position at the store I'm currently working at. That's nice right? The problem, besides having to work my way up through the company, is that my school doesn't offer fashion merchandising, or anything relating to it. In fact, the only school that has a program that seems remotley reasonable is a 2 hour drive from my house and offers Retail Management and Fashion Merchandising as a degree. But get this...it's...a....COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!!!!! *dies*
    Now, here is the deal: I'm a smart girl. Really smart. Not blow things up with your mind smart or anything, but I'm pretty up there. Can I really bear the social stigma of going to a community college? I mean, I feel the need to explain to people now why I ended up at a state school, never mind why I'm still at the academic level of a Sophomore. Can I really hold an respect for myself if after all of these years of classes and money I end up with only an associates degree?????

Well, That's all for now. I figure that I need to tackle one problem at a time. And this is the one with the closest deadline. I know that there are only a few people that read this, but I'm not friends locking it, just in case someone stumbles across this by accident, I would love your input.


life crisis, potatoes

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