Dancing at Discos, Eating Cheese on Toast

Aug 11, 2008 07:06

Why don't I ever write in here? I used to update this thingy all the time. I thinks I should get back into that habit. If I am engulfed by the trash in my room and suffocate to death, it would be nice to have some kind of written record of my existence floating around the web forevermore.  For serious though, that's one of the things that really freaks me out about the internetz. I had a friend pass away recently, and no one in her family has bothered to delete her facebook. I know, I know, it's very selfish of me. Obviously, this is the last thing on their minds and all. But to be completely honest, it really freaks the shit out of me to look at Harry Potter Magic Spells (or whatever that app is called) and see her face looming out from the "recent spellcasters section". It has me wanting to delete the app. Also, I have requests from her. Like, requests for me to get an app that I don't have. I don't want to delete them. I mean, she's dead. So they sit there, in Facebook limbo with the skeevy guy I've never heard of's friend request and numerous "Sailor Moon" requests and I have to see them every time I log on. *exasperated sigh* Am I the only one who thinks about these things? Why can't she just be alive? :( 

moody -angsty ramblings

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