
Apr 16, 2010 12:10

I was being virtuous and filing my paperwork, when I discovered some random doodles, which I will now share for the edification of the masses.

Exhibit 1:
I realised that Space Marines had primarchs, which sounds exactly like Primarks. This seemed really funny at the time.  Yes, I am easily amused,  .

Exhibit 2:
I have no idea why I drew David Bowie naked. I'm also not sure why his crotch appears to give WoW quests. All I remember is that it all made sense at the time. (I think Ceri and I were speculating whether he had rolled up socks shoved down those tight trousers in Labyrinth, which *might* account for the element of doubt).

wiffly_shwoo is easily-amused, creative, random

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