Aug 01, 2011 01:13
- Minimal queues in god
- I finally got something hanging-over from last downtime sorted out by the simple expedient of going there in person and asking nicely.
- There were loads of dryads at the event. And loads of other people I knew too.
- There always seemed to be something to do.
- I am ninja. Apparently to hide in a well-lit camp at night on full alert, I just need to stand still for a moment until the person *directly next to me* forgets I'm there. Oh yeah!
- The ease with which I got all the stuff I needed IC just by asking nicely. Apparently helping out friends without asking for anything specific in return pays off.
- One belt to hold my trousers up; one belt to hold all my pouches and tankard. That way I don't risk mooning the site every time I pick up a new item.
- Inadvertently participating in a conversation which basically amounted to tentacle hentai. Haha! Havocstan aren't that tough. Not when they're rolling on the floor choking and unable to breathe because they're laughing too hard.
- The huge freak-out on Saturday night when I ended up trapped in a tent by some incredibly aggressive undead, and we realised none of us were particularly competent fighters. Once we yelled a few times, some nice people came along and stabbed then in the back, but for a moment there I was genuinely convinced we'd all be dead. Woo adrenaline!
- Finding someone who seems to be interested in similar things to my character, only a good deal more knowledgeable.
- Hopefully I'll be getting hold of an item I've been vaguely interested in for years, but haven't been able to source until now.
- I found drugs which work on my character's biology!
- Making friends with a group of people I've always been a bit OOC in awe of.
- Going to the pub and learning dice games off Ophidians.
- Finally deciding what I'll be playing after my character dies.
- Someone finally talked religion to my long-time-undevoted character and came over neither half-arsed nor frothing loony. C'mon guys - I created a non-devoted character and assumed someone would make a reasonable attempt to persuade her in play. I'm still not sure they haven't missed the window on that one - by now she's quite happy and used to her non-devotion. If they are going to get anywhere, it'll take loads more effort than it would have two years ago when she was new and clueless.
- Rat Tribe performing surgery on someone with knitting needles.
- A random reminiscence from oxfordgirl about something that happened involving our previous characters years ago. I really don't remember it happening, but it seems so plausible and hysterically funny. (This keeps happening to me. Either there's some kind of conspiracy to embellish my dead Tlaxti, or I just have a lousy memory!)
- People still raving about my kit, even though I've had it for ages and I'd have thought the novelty would have worn off by now.
- Too hot. We've had worse, but still not too pleasant for someone coated in Snazz and wearing a plastic shrubbery.
- The event went way too quickly. Could have done with another day. And a few more months of downtime :)
- Everyone else I talked to seemed to have had a 'meh' ranging to 'bad' event for varying reasons. A shame - this one is probably the most fun I've had with this character.
- When my character confessed "I might have done something a bit stupid," to a friend, the resulting huge list of bizarre and disturbing (and *incorrect*) guesses I was given as to the exact nature of the stupid. I really thought my character was innocuous. Apparently her friends disagree.
- My character acquired a large undead army. I walked in. They walked in. (I just wish Tom would stop telling people about my undead army before it gets me killed. And - no - having a large undead army was not the aforementioned stupid thing).
- Correcting some truly bizarre misconceptions CP players seem to have about LT.
- On Saturday night I dreamed that everyone I knew got killed. However everyone I knew turned out to be soul-tainted and came back. And for some reason this was LT so we had an entire undead Bards' Guild. (At least it'd make that book easier to hide). The only person who wasn't soul-tainted was Sylverant, which was really aggravating as being his deputy I got promoted to head of college and actually had to do work. Not sure what *that* says about my subconscious...