"Walking down the middle of Main Street USA"

Jul 18, 2012 22:49

My week has felt a little off since my days off this week were split. I have 6 days in a row starting tomorrow, though I'm not really worried. These days hardly feel like work compared to what I was doing 6 months ago, or even a year ago! The reason I had split days off was because we had a "work session" for our team. Now when I first heard of this session, I envisioned a large conference table with papers all over the place. However, this was more of a feedback/info session. I guess typically it goes work session during the AM and in the PM is Team Day, but we're lucky enough to have an entire day for our team day next week. We started with an Ice Breaker. It brought back so many CDT Meeting memories as we completed it. It was weird to be on the opposite side of the Ice Breaker though. They did announce what our Team Day is going to consist of. We're going to go on the Segway Tour in World Showcase, have lunch at Sanaa, and then get a tour of Golden Oaks, so I am pretty excited, and then my weekend follows that - I'd say that's a perfect start! I'll have the same days off as Duncan and that hasn't happened since I've started my Professional Internship and he's started Full Time at Animal Kingdom.

This morning we went back to Magic Kingdom since our morning was majorly disrupted on Monday when we tried. We were able to get a ton of things done before we headed out to lunch and home so Duncan could get ready for work. We got in at 9:00 and did Space Mountain, Peter Pan, Haunted Mansion, Thunder Mountain, took the train around to Main Street, so the mass about of people coming into the park and booked it out of there at 10:45. :)
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