THE CHEVRON MEME: Seven Things I love about Stargate:Atlantis

Dec 29, 2008 20:57

So, smallbeer tagged me on this, and so I thought it would be fun to play along. The rules are simple: Name 7 things you love about SGA and/or SGA fandom. That's it. No more, no less Let's kick back and enjoy the love.

1. The Team: They have to be my first, my one, and my always. I love Rodney's bluster and vulnerability; John's stoicism and his dry-yet geeky sense of humor; Teyla's warmth and her ability to seriously kick ass; and Ronon's deadpan responses to all the craziness about him. They are fun and sincere, and they seem to care deeply about each other, even if they aren't always written that way. The team--and the actors portraying them--really make the show for me.

2. The Secondary Characters: Oh. My. God. How rich we are with secondary characters, from reoccurring characters like Radek Zelenka and Evan Lorne to people that fandom has pretty much created, like Miko and Parrish. No body goes to waste in our fandom. We write epics and histories of the most minor characters, populating their lives with all sorts of interesting events. There are stories about the common people of Stargate: Atlantis, like the chef in charge of the kitchens, as well as ones about the main team. We've made SGA a world populated by a lot of different people, and all of them have lives outside of the show or any other story being written. Everyone can be a hero if you look at it right.

3. We have rich alien cultures, even when all we are given on the show is pretty much standard medieval villager. We have steampunk cultures, and futurist cultures, and a few non-human ones. As a fandom, we have created a vibrant universe together.

4. Plus the visual art is amazing! painted_spires alone is amazing, let alone the works of all the individual artists. I am constantly amazed at what scrolls casually across my flist, from vids to other visual arts, like graphic novels, photomanips, and chibis.

5. As a whole, the fandom is crafty, and some days I get to see amazing things like puddlejumpers made out of cake.

6. I loved Teyla's job as the John Sheppard Emotion Interpreter, even though that makes her sound like Lieutenant Tawny Madison from Galaxy Quest. There is an AU out there somewhere with John as the ship's AI, and Teyla explaining all of that bizarre emotional stuff that goes on.

7. Which leads me to face_of_joe I love his constant mugging, and the change to read all the captions. Joe is a deeply funny guy.


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