And you just keep going 'till you run out of cake

Dec 28, 2008 10:27

Son and spouse got the orange box for Christmas, which means that there's been a lot of Portal playing in our household as we waited for the snows to melt. Things are finally to the point where we don't need the 4-wheel drive on the truck to get out of our driveway, which means, of course, that now we must go visit the relatives that we couldn't visit during the height of the snowpocolypse.

I think being snow bound has been bad for my weight management program, as I made many, many, many baked goods over the holiday, and come January, I will need to start working out and watching my weight again. (Like oh, so many others.) Is there a fandom-related weight watcher-thing online that I should join? Or should I just bug people like I do with my daily writing posts?

Speaking of daily writing, I'm going to get back to that in Jan. too. I have two SGA novels that need completed/revised, and there's no reason not to do them anymore. Oh, I know the fandom is having a terrible time of it, but there are only two episodes left to go; even if they pull the conceptual equivalent of a Blake's 7 on the show, we can make rainbows and unicorns from it, I'm sure. We're going to end up with a much smaller fandom, but that was always in the cards; at the gut level, I think three to five years is a pretty standard fannish lifespan, and we have most certainly hit that. We'll be left with mostly die hards by summer.

Hmmm. We really do need a 'things I love about my fandom' meme.

me!, sga

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