Cause Cannon is boring.....

Jan 05, 2006 05:18

Yeah, Mark/Roger fanfic goodness. It's short and probably filled with errors but i have no beta so either volunteer for the job or deal with the grammar. And onward to the fic...

Title: Better Than Lonely

By:Eden Rosetta

Rating: PG-ish

Pairing: Mark/Roger (Fluffy goodness)

Summary: Sometimes their lives can truly and honestly suck but, at least Mark and Roger will always have each other.

Better Than Lonely
By: Eden Rosetta

Withdrawl makes Roger as unpredictable as a wild beast. Some nights he is shaking and angry. Angry at April, angry at himself, angry at his disease, angry at Mark. So very very angry. On those nights he paces his room arms wrapped tightly around his torso trying to quell his shaking form. Inside, he fights with himself. On these nigths he has lashed out at Mark because Mark is the only one who is still there.

The junkie in him wants a hit so bad he wants to claw through the paper thin walls and beg his dealer for a hit. The real Roger, buried for so long under drugs, knows that another hit isn't going to get him anywhere because if he wants to live to see the age of 25 he needs to get clean. Another darker part of his soul wonders what the point of getting clean is when his life is ticking down like a time bomb waiting to explode. He never pictured this for his future but, he supposes nobody ever plans on getting HIV.

There are other nights when Roger is weak and shivering and sweating all at once. On those nights he has been known to vomit for hours until he ends up curled into a little ball on the bathroom floor. Mark watches Roger like a mother hen and when he has finally passed out from exhuastion he carries him back to bed where he gently strokes his hair until they both fall asleep someime in the hours before dawn rises over the city.

Tonight Roger is tired and meek. He lays in Mark's bed looking so very skinny and sickly pale in the stark silver moonlight that streams in through the dirty glass window. Mark is kneeling beside him leaning foward offering him a steaming mug of tea. Roger waves it off his stomach couldn't handle it at the moment. Mark frowns looking down sadly into the warm brown liquid the steam fogging the lenses of his glasses before he looks back at Roger who is on the edge of a fitful sleep.

"I don't want to be alone." Roger mutters looking at Mark through half-hooded eyes. Mark smiles down at him fondly and pushes a stray strand of blondish hair out of Roger's face.

"Your not, Roge. We have each other." Mark says as he watches his friend smile sleepily as his eyes fall closed and he descends into the most peaceful sleep he has had in a very long time.

mark/roger, slash, fanfic, rent

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