Heh, start to finish, today was a great big Monday of a Friday. LOL
Last night, my trillian at work was being funky, so I shut down my computer instead of just logging off. Now, normally that's not a big deal. But.
This morning, when I got to work, it was FUBAR.
I pressed power and waited for it to boot up. A text screen came up saying my BIOS was installed successfully, a logo screen for somethingoranothertechnical came on, and then the windows is loading screen...
Then it started over. Rinse and repeat. For 8 minutes, before any of the techs got in for the day.
While I panic because my computer's freaking out.
When my boss-that-does-hardware-stuff came in finally, I tackled him at the coat rack to come help. He watched it for awhile. He pushed some buttons. Said this was very, very bad. At least they back my important hard drive up every night so I wouldn't have lost anything important.
I went to file for awhile, as I didn't think they really wanted to pay me to watch him fix my computer.
Then I did my Friday tidying (swiffer, empty office garbages, tough stuff like that). Stuffed some envelopes. Faxed some stuff. Ran out of things to do that weren't on the computer.
Vaccuumed everyone's offices, do dishes, rearranged my boss-who-does-administrative-stuff's bookshelves, stuffed envelopes for one of the salesladies...
Finally, it was fixed enough for me to at least do my deposit, but the refresh rate was so bad (and not changeable for whatever reason) it made me feel sick for the rest of the day.
This was the most boring day EVER. I wasn't wearing sensible cleaning shoes either, so my feet are killing me!