May 06, 2011 04:19
Now that you've got that visual, that's about what I did in the theater parking lot.
I had NO IDEA that Straczynski was the story writer for the movie. That's probably a good thing though, I don't think I could have been able to bear waiting those long months for Thor to come out if I had known. Straczynski wrote my favorite Thor story arcs, and is pretty much one of the best writers for Loki I've ever seen. <3
And then there's Tom Hiddleston. My praise for him borders on pornographic, so I'll spare you. Suffice it to say that I approve.
Is this how Christians felt when they watched The Passion? :P LOL. Bullet train to Hell, party of one.
And the bonus scene. I... If I could marry a movie clip...
Great day.
Epic movie.
Amazing night.
Best of all was the company throughout.
I say to you in full honesty that every inch of me is happy right now.