Mar 29, 2010 12:49
Okay, so spring is upon us, which means I, for a brief time, care more about my appearance. I was looking for a tinted lip gloss this weekend, and the selection was very sparse! I few years ago, I remember running across several, but they all appear to not be on shelves anymore.
Anyone have any suggestions?
My problems are that 1) A lot of them are very childish, and nothing against LipSmackers brand or any of the tween marketed pseudo-makeups, but... not my thing. Although, if the colors didn't *look* too much like kiddie makeup, I'd not turn my nose up against them. 2) A lot of the grown up ones available all have mint oils in them, which is a no-go with me (I have a bad reaction). I made the mistake of not reading the label closely this weekend and bought an organic tinted lip moisturizer that looked like a nice, respectable, subtle grown-up color and as soon as I opened it I smelled the peppermint oil. :(