Jun 25, 2009 23:39
I guess I'm going to update Livejournal again (fyi, I just typed Livejournal and the spellcheck is telling me it's misspelled. That's a lol). As most of the 2 people who read this probably knew, Jay is in Nevada for the summer doing some nature shit and he will not be back until August. This basically sucks and I have been left to my own devices to find ways to occupy myself. It is impossible to find a job around here and I do not start classes until July 7th so since he left, I have been doing a lot of, like, drinking. Essentially all I do is read a bunch of books, go to the gym a whole bunch, and drink a whole bunch of wine. It's a good life for a while, but I feel like a turd. Recently, I have gained muscle mass and a sneaking suspicion that I am an alcoholic. Am I really a lush, or just a college student? More later.
hell yes