Is this thing on? Last week I went to Raleigh with Ricky to see the Decemberists. After six long years of waiting to see them live, I finally did and it was totally damn cool. First they came on and played the entire Hazards of Love album. At first I was wondering who was going to sing the parts of the forest queen, originally performed on the album by Shara Worden who is so awesome that she makes me want to rip a phonebook in half. WELL, when they started to play "The Wanting Comes in Waves," Shara Worden basically materialized out of thin air on the stage and it was so great. I was afraid that they were only going to play Hazards of Love, but after an intermission they came out and played MORE STUFF, and at one point they pulled two little kids up on stage and Colin and Chris gave them their guitars and the kids just hacked away on them all the way through "Chimbley Sweep." Also Colin Meloy crowd-surfed. I was totally hoping they would play "Red Right Ankle," and a lot of people were yelling for it from the crowd, but they did not. Dude, it was just so totally awesome, I can't even tell you. I wish I could have taken pictures but our seats were in the balcony so the band looked like ants.
I found a video here of the band performing "The Wanting Comes in Waves." This was Shara Worden's first appearance. I guess she was in the back the whole time, but she has gotten a haircut so no one recognized her so everyone freaked out when she came out to sing. I know this is nerdy shit to post a video and probably no one cares but me, but she was just so awesome. I mean, she gave me chills.I wish I was friends with her. The video quality is not the best, but seriously, who the hell sounds this good live?
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