I know I am a bad boy!

Mar 18, 2006 13:18

I know. I know. I haven't updated anything on here in a very long time. I am sorry to my faithful reader. Life has been pretty busy around here. J is finishing up orientation at work. On Monday he takes his boards for his nursing licensure. I know he will do absolutlely fantastic, so not too worried about that.  He is really enjoying his job and the unit that he is on.  That is a big relief for me becuase when he was offered the job, it was a bitter pill to swallow.  He wanted to work on the the 5th floor or at another local hospital.  However, because of the loan forgiveness program he was obligated to take the position that was offered to him.  Turns, out it was probably the best thing for him, next to getting a position in ICU or the ER.

I have found myself unemployed again!  I had to call in sick a few weeks ago because J collapsed at home and needed to be taken to the ER.  Well, because I am part time, they asked me not to return (the fucking bastards).  It was a temp job anyway, but still I am out of work again.  However, this might have been the best thing to have ever happened to me.  I had an interview on Thursday with New Horizons Computer Learning Center here in Albany.  I think that I am going to do their work study program for Network Systems and Security Professional.  It is an 11 month program which by the time you are done you have 8 computer certifications.  They also place you in an entry level position IT position during the program.  The big certifications are Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Cisco Certified Network Associate and CompTia Network and Security +.  I am really excited about it.  I think it will be the best thing I have done for myself since finishing my college degree.  I believe the program starts toward the end of May.  That will have me finishing in April of next year, which is fine by me.

So that is what has been going on in our lives lately.  I know it doesn't sound very busy, but trust me it is.  Anyway, time to go.  Will try to be better about updating and posting.  Ta.
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