The Bird, The Dog and The Freak!

Nov 06, 2005 23:04

This is my final entry for a few days, until I get a chance to use a friends and use their computer. We found out today that he has been sending his dog to his parents for the week so that he can lock his door during the day. The reason he is locking his room is becuase he has moved the cable modem into his room and he is using his laptop computer, from work, to access the internet.

Here is the picture: Our 38 year old housemate, locking himself in his room every night, ordering a pizza, jerking off to porn internet porn and falling asleep face first into the remnants of the pizza. What a sorry, sorry excuse for a person. He goes to his parents house and visits his dog every night after work.

Oh and he hasn't fed his ferret in two days, if he doesn't feed her tomorrow we will start feeding her, cause there is no reason to take out your psychosis on the ferret, she is so cute too.

Well thats it for now, more to come in a few days.
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