Godmother Carly and newly baptized Liam Originally uploaded by
Aimka. Yesterday was a very long but very rewarding day. It was the first time we had seen the sun in ages, and perfect weather for us and our guests to walk to church for Liam's baptism. My boy, who napped while we were all getting ready, was awake, hungry, and nursed practically all the way through the ceremony except for the bits where we had to go stand up at the altar for the actual water/chrism/candle blessings. Abbey, who was up there with us, decided to start performing since she noticed she had a stage and a captive audience. Both my mom and Bill's mom tried to round her up, but gave up. A shame we didn't have our video camera with us this time like we did for Abbey's since this one would have actually been something to see!
Afterward, we all walked home and I proceeded to finish up the cooking. The only hitch was when Bill tried to make espresso while the coffee maker was brewing and both ovens were on, thus tripping the circuit breaker. Bill thinks it was only a few minutes, but I honestly have no idea how long our kitchen power was out, and it took a while to get the ovens back to temperature and the hot food on the table.
I think folks had fun. Certainly a lot of people were on both porches enjoying the nice weather after all of the rain we've had lately. Although my dad was in a seriously funky mood. But then again, when isn't he in a seriously funky mood?
I can't wait to see the other pictures taken by my family since I have none yet of the actual event itself nor any of us at the church excepting a few shots I got of my simply gorgeous sister Carly holding her new godbaby.
see more pics from the baptism here