Player Information
Name: Li
Age: 27
AIM SN: pikaboochrysalis
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes
Currrently Played Characters: Dream
inceptionist Conditional: Activity Check Link: n/a
Character Information
Canon Source: The Dresden Files
Canon Format: book series
Character's Name: Elaine Lilian Mallory
Character's Age: Late 20s/early 30s
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a
What form will your character's NV take? Since Elaine's personal electromagnetic field/magical aura/mojo interferes with most technology, her NV will take the form of an enchanted
journal which will function as any other NV.
Character's Canon Abilities: Elaine is a wizard, powerful and skilled enough to have made the White Council, had she wished to do so. Her main elemental skills are wind and lightning/electricity, though she tends to work smarter vs. harder, drawing currents from power lines rather than trying to generate and channel the electricity all on her own. She is fluent in Latin, and can perform thaumaturgical spells, incantations, and evocations, as well as creating potions. She has a much defter touch with magic than Harry, excelling in wards, healing, and anything requiring a little more finesse than his "kaboom" magic, and is a skilled Reiki practitioner. She also possesses a wizard's
second Sight and is capable of entering a
Soulgaze upon making direct eye contact with someone for the first time.
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? n/a
Weapons: Elaine fights with an electrified chain-whip, which she charges by plugging it into a regular household outlet; and uses a thorn wand. She also has various jewelry which she keeps on her person and serve as shields or focus objects for both defensive and offensive spells.
Character History: Brief synopsis of her canon history can be found
here.Elaine never knew her biological parents, at least not that she can remember. She grew up in the system, in and out of children's homes for the first nine years of her life. When she was young, she used to imagine what it would be like to have a princely father figure come and spirit her away to his castle, and then one day, it finally happened. That was the day that Justin Du Morne came looking for a little girl to call his own. It was also around the time her magical abilities had begun to manifest, and he promised he would teach her how to become a great wizard, so that she would never have to be afraid again.
Contemporaneously with his "rescue" of Elaine, Du Morne brought home a young boy named Harry Dresden, whom he had adopted as well. Harry was the same age as Elaine, a burgeuoning wizard just like her, and Elaine adored him. Though they were both members of Du Morne's household they were raised as apprentices rather than siblings, and they studied and trained together day and night, in wizarding, and in their general education.
Justin Du Morne was a strict, sometimes cruel instructor, far removed from the affectionate father that Elaine had always dreamed of. He was harsh, aggressive, and emotionally abusive, and he wasn't above using corporal punishment to reinforce his teachings. He would often pitch baseballs at Harry in an attempt to get the boy to learn how to throw up a psychic shield, and Elaine watched Harry suffer more than a few bruises--along with the occasional, accidental broken bone--for his struggles--but once Du Morne turned the baseballs on Elaine, Harry learned how to shield in a hurry, and to do it well.
Harry became Elaine's champion, and she in turn became his tutor in the finer points of magic, his defense of her further solidifying her admiration of him. As they entered their teens, they quickly perfected a method of communicating with one another privately via a telepathic link spell they created through their unique, emotional bond; helping one another with both magical and mundane homework so that they would have more free time for other pursuits.
The first real family Elaine had ever known, Harry was Elaine's first kiss, and she his; they were each other's first everything. They shared her first soul-gaze on the night they became lovers, and it was a beautiful, innocent, and intimate thing. The protected one another, encouraged one another, and then when they were sixteen, everything changed.
Justin Du Morne, a member in good standing with the White Council of Wizards, tried to convince Harry to become involved in the blackest of Black Magic: the kind that involved human sacrifice. Harry refused, rebelled, and ran away. Harry was now a liability, and Du Morne send a powerful demon from beyond the outer gates--a being known as He Who Walks Behind--after Harry in an attempt to kill the young wizard before he could blow the whistle. Harry somehow managed to defeat the demon, and quickly returned to Du Morne's estate to rescue Elaine, but it was too late. Du Morne had already violated her mind with his magic, putting her under a powerful thrall, and making her a slave to his will.
Trapped inside her own mind, Elaine fought back, her body a foreign thing, covered in evil runes, written in human blood. She watched herself place a binding spell upon her first and only true friend, watched him struggle while Du Morne began the incantation. She used a spell that Harry had worked out in a hurry, binding him with one of his own enchantments that was not as good as her own. It was weak, and Harry was able to break free to do battle with Du Morne, setting fire to mansion in the process, but he didn't realize that Elaine's mind was still intact, only suppressed, and he left her for dead.
With Du Morne's death, Elaine was finally able to reclaim possession of her faculties, but the betrayal had wounded her deeply. She no longer trusted the White Council, and her memory of the fire was so fractured that she believed Harry had died as well. By the time she heard about Harry's trial, and realized that he was still alive, she was too afraid to come forward, and instead sought refuge among the Summer Court of Faerie, where she remained until her debt to the Seelie court became so great that she would have to either pay back the favors done her, or her life would be forfeit.
It was then that she was finally reunited with Harry, only this time, as rivals--with Harry working for the Winter court. Even so, Elaine had learned.well her lessons in betrayal, and secretly aided Harry in his quest, her loyalty to him running even deeper than the scars left by Du Morne's training. After balance was restored between the Seelie and Unseelie courts, Elaine took up residence in LA, where she tore a page out of Harry's book and started a private investigation firm of her own, working with the police on missing children's cases--returning to Chicago only rarely, when the job necessitated. It was just too hard to be near Harry when he had clearly moved on with his life and she had barely patched her own back together.
Point in Canon: Around the time of Elaine's second return to Chicago in White Night, after Harry has rescued her from the Skavis, and has gone off to make his stand against the White Court vampires without her. On the one hand, it gave her time to recover from her injuries and the psychic trauma inflicted by the despair-feeding Skavis, but on the other, she was none too happy to be left behind...again.
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: n/a
Character Personality: Though she can often be guarded and reserved, there is also a passionate side to her, and a stubbornness that shows in her dedication to her craft, along with her will to survive. While she may not be one to go out on a limb for total and utter strangers on principal, she will often find ways to help those she cares about, even if it means sneaking around behind the backs of certain authority figures. She has lied, cheated, and gambled her way in and out of debt with the Fae, and spent most of her adult life running, hiding, and otherwise doing whatever it took to survive on her own.
She is cunning, intelligent, and much more subtle in her craft than her former lover and fellow Du Morne apprentice, Harry Dresden, but is not above sticking her name in the yellow pages in order to make ends meet. Her past experiences sometimes cause her to be hesitant to trust, or to open up, especially to members of the White Council, from whom she has learned to hide the depth of her abilities in order to avoid suspicion. In turn, her behavior may occasionally lead people to question her motives, but she has a compassionate heart beneath it all. She tries her best not to make waves, but thinks too highly of Harry to ever be truly selfish where he is concerned, and his altruism may in fact be rubbing off on her.
Even so, she is still plagued by nightmares from her past, a victim of guilt, fear, and depression. In an effort not to allow herself to live in fear, however, she has followed in Harry's footsteps and thrown herself into the work of helping others both in and outside of the magical community. It was her idea to form the Paranet, so that younger and/or less powerful wizards would have a support network, and be able to protect themselves and others from people like Justin Du Morne, and other paranormal predators.
She has always had a thirst for knowledge, and though her curiosity has sometimes gotten the better of her, she tends to keep a level head most of the time. She is well read, and her wizardry is not only well practiced, but its lyrical grace has become something of an art form. Like Harry, she is probably far too independent for the White Council’s comfort--if a bit less overtly outspoken--but she is learning, little by little, to let go of the old hurts and to carve a new path for herself. A path of her own choosing.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: n/a
Character Plans: Reuniting with Harry, meeting other practitioners, and perhaps establishing a Paranet in Siren's Port while she is there.
Appearance/PB: Elaine has been described as tall, slender, and leggy; "all graceful curves, and reserved poise," with elegant, long-fingered hands; "skin pale like the inner bark of an oak, hair the brown-gold of ripe wheat, and eyes the grey of storm clouds." Incidentally, she smells like wildflower and sun-drenched summer afternoons.
Leelee Sobieski. for her PB.
Writing Samples
First Person Sample
Here. Third Person Sample