I took a lot of time off. I did a lot of soul-searching. I read a zillion books. I made a list of things I wanted from my professional life. I tested the waters on ideas, some of which will yet bear beautiful fruit. I changed my life in important ways. I did things I love and learned a great deal. I told the Universe what I was looking for. I decided that I would have it. I asked for, and got, from friends and family alike, the space to find it the way my soul said to do it. I listened to the small voice inside a lot. I followed its advice, even when it seemed a little odd. I remembered to remember that there is very little difference between coincidence and miracles.
In the end, I applied for one job. I got it.
Today I accepted a position managing A Woman's Touch in Milwaukee (
I've been a friend and fan of the store since it opened in Milwaukee, and am in love with its mission. I had the great privilege to meet the owners...two delightful women, who conceived this wonderful place and made it a reality, first in Madison, then Milwaukee...and managed to convince them that it was exactly the right place for me. Or rather...and I love this...they managed to convince me to stop trying to convince them long enough for them see ME for themselves...and they agreed.
I get to learn, and teach, and reassure, and encourage, and inspire and talk about sex and pleasure in a healthy empowering way to people every day. Not after work, around work, in spite of work, or in hiding from work...but AS my work. They know who I am and what I do, and it not only doesn't bother them in the least, it's part of what makes me the right person, in the right place, at the right time, for them.
This position has not existed before. The day after I said "I WISH...", I got an email from a friend "AWT is looking for a manager on Craigslist, you should apply." I could have written the long and very unusual job description. I already had. It's management, marketing, outreach, teaching, speaking, public relations, event planning, strategy...in an environment I love, on a topic I'm passionate about, working with people I like, and FOR people I respect and can communicate directly and frankly with. People whose bullshit meters are the most sensitive I've ever seen. People who are willing to throw a dog toy at me when I let the insecure kid inside have my voice and get in my way.
I'm going to love this next phase of my life!!