seasonal beginnings

Nov 26, 2007 09:44

I was trying to wait until December to begin my annual holiday fun. But mum's gone and made it impossible.

She and my step-dad ran off over the weekend to my sister's new house to help get things ready for the holidays, and my sis got a new tree and I had to listen to my mother talk about shopping after she came home. *oh god*

Ofcourse, I only knew they were missing 'cause like a responsible child I called to ask where they hell they ran off too, and if they were dead. (children) Bree also ran off to Tobago for the weekend (girl's weekend), my bro took the opportunity to get all happy with his gas-brained crew. who all seemed to be hiding from their respective girls/ moms 'cause I had the joy of being their check point.

Mom said this morning that I'm in charge of decorating the tree *horrible revelation* 'Cause our poor tree apparently pales in comparison to my sis - she said "it's like Ro's tree is a big, fat man and ours is this skinny little twig" (-_-;). I feel bad for our tree now, and they've again run off to my sister's. I mean she just deserted the poor thing! I have a vague idea about the colour theme we're going with this year, but it still feels mean, and I'm not as skilled as my mom with the decorating, Decorating just makes me tired and cranky (so does moving). Knowing the ardent shopper-holics that are my mom and step-dad - poor tree is going to get replaced.

I meanwhile am all stressed 'cause I'm sorting through my manga collection.

I need to do something about the "stress" - it's getting ridiculous. Being this tense all the time has not only made me older than I should be, but makes me way too twitchy.

Meme of DEATH XP

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4-7 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest (unless it's too troublesome to reach and is really heavy. Then go back to step 1.)
6. Tag five people.

Got tagged for a meme from 
laurie_bunter and must do it 'cause I'm just that neurotic. But it's so unfunny that my pc is in the study and I'm literally surrounded by books - and I'm not supposed to be particular, I freaked out 'cause the cover of Stephanie Meyers "Twilight" seemed (seems, the bastard) to be staring at me, and I refuse, I don't rec the series, it's merely adequate - not very good at all.

Stephen King's "Desperation" is in the pile next to it, most excellent, only "Wicked" is right under it T_T. See my problem?! I blame my family who like to 'rearrange' the order they call it clearing space or cleaning. LIES! Piles go on, and to my right it's usually clear space, but my mom got me this basket thing to put books in (it's tiny!) and there's my text of Home Remedies. *meep*

So I pick from the shelf directly ahead of me, a HS History text called "The People Who Came: Book 2", James Carnegie & Patricia Patterson, series editor Edward K. Brathwaite, Longman Carribean (1995), pg 123 122

Page 123 is a chronological list of the slave rebellions in the Americas - the universe hates me this I know, but I'll be smart and pick the page next to it! die!

From the 5th line:

"...For two days they burned and destroyed everything on the way to Jerusalem. They killed fifty-five white southerners but the thousands of slaves they expected to join them failed to do so. In fact, only seventy five did. A few miles away from Jerusalem they were defeated by armed planters and the Virginia state militia... "

(the rest of the paragraph is interesting, so I'll keep going since text without context bothers me)

"...Seventeen rebels were executed including Nat Turner. Before he died he was interviewed by T.R. Gray who wrote down Turner's story. It was printed as the Confessions of Nat Turner. For years after, when the word Jerusalem was sung in a Negro Spiritual, it did not refer to the Bible or hope of heaven but the place where Nat Turner had fought and died."

I now realize that the editing in this book bothers me a lot. This history text was my brother's, I don't think my school would have had such school didn't use the government curriculum, they used their own - for the most part. My bro went to a private school, which used the government curriculum. I never really thought much about it, but I never questioned my HS texts as being of a questionable standard.

xmas, books, meme, bookish thoughts

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