The Time Warp!

Feb 02, 2007 13:38

Mwhahaha, wednesday night the BEST thing happened! One of my very gay regulars and I danced around the store singing 'Time Warp'. Trust me, that song is soooooo much more fun to sing with a gay man. *snerks* that would have to be one of the highlights of my month.

Now, Sunny Shores should be ready to post on Wednesday next week. I'm taking two days off to get over my depression, which means I must write, and write a lot, and that means I hope to have two chapters finished next week *dances* and then I can start working on a couple of little bunnies I've been given, including a nibbler of Will/Jack/Stoaway!Legolas. Yes, much fun involved.

On a musical note, 'Smooth' is pure sex and I want to have Rob Thomas's babies *nods*

I hope giselleslash writes more of something soon, she's helping my bunnies stay alive. And so is liriel1810 and timour *snoogles* never stop ladies

rambelings:story updates

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