An eventful, uneventful week

Jan 27, 2007 15:23

Even though I really have nothing to show for the last week, a lot of things happened. Life is so screwed and if i didn't like it so much i would insist completely on throwing in the towel and getting a new one. Some times it just doesn't seem worth geting up.

It's amusing, I'll have a boytoy for Valentines. that's never happened before, and even though Valentine's day means ever so little to me, I cant help feeling happy about it. I'm not going to make a big deal about it, hell, the bo might not be into it. But I might see if i can i con him into comeing out for dinner or something. Something that involves shagging too *snerk*

Writing is at a standstill at the moment, I have two seperate chapters about 3/4 finished, but everytime i go to write i either get sidetracked, or cant write. I'ts all sorts of crap, and such a pity, I was having so much fun.

So smooches to all. I'll try my darndest to write more. wish me all sorte of luck


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