So it's all fun

Dec 16, 2006 15:11

Well, I saw the new Bond movie today, and i liked it. A lot. Now I wouldn't say I'm a Bond fan, i've only seen Peirce Brosnens movies, which were fun, but not something amazing. But I like this Bond. He's a loveable bastard. He's full of layers and emotion. he's out for himself, and it just so happens that M lets him do what he wants. And he's so fucken yummy. I could do him all day.

Working on two different stories at the same time is fucking with my head. Part 6 of Becoming Visible is my Christmas tribute this year, and though still ansty, we start to see a silver lining for my boys. 'A Good Arrangent' is pure hardcore porn and a little darker then I'd usually write. So yeah, mad house! and I'm posting an un-betaed version of Tainted this week, so love me :P

rambelings:story updates, rambelings:movies

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