
Dec 13, 2006 11:14

-snigger- I've been writing hardcore porn at work. It's so amusing, but I cant turn my brain off. I'm going to write up the next few parts of this series, I'm hoping to finish it off soon, and then get stuck into everything else.
I'm Surprised how few people gave me bunnies too write for chrissie gifts... -pouts- feed me bunnies!

Title: Transparent
Author: Mel (
Series: Becoming Visible Part 5
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Orlando Bloom/Karl Urban
Warnings: sap, angst
Summary: Orlando ponders, worries and comes to a decision
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, I’m just playing
Author’s Notes: It’s amazing me how quickly and easily this is writing itself. I might have it finished in a couple of weeks, which’d be nice

Previous Stories
1. Invisible
2. Unseen
3. Hidden
4. Transluscent



We didn’t mention it again. I didn’t have to tell Karl how close I’d been to actually leaving the set, and he didn’t have to tell me how important it was to him that we would start letting our friends and family know about us.

Instead, we spent the long weekend in my hotel room, ordering up room service and watching movies. Both phones were turned off, and the Hotel phone unplugged. Whenever there was a knock on the door, I answered, mostly for room service and to let the ladies know the room didn’t need cleaning. Thankfully most of them would think I was entertaining a woman for those days.

Halfway through Pretty Woman I laughed, explaining to a bewildered Karl that he was like my own Vivian that I had smuggled into my room to have my wicked way with. He pointed out with a grin that he wasn’t gifted with Julia Robert’s legs, that I was no Richard Gere, nor did I have to pay for his services.

Sex with Karl is amazing. It was how we had first started, casual fuck buddies to release some tension. He can play my body so well. It mostly came with the time together, after all, things are never this easy at the beginning. Beginnings are messy because you’re learning. Learning what we like and don’t, what turns us on, what makes us so hot we have to fuck or explode. I can remember dancing around a lot of those issues in our first year. Where Karl would do everything to please me, sometimes taking nothing for himself.

By our second year I think I successfully got through to him that if this was going to work, he had to be happy with everything we did. That, even if I got off, I couldn’t enjoy our time knowing he wasn’t into it. It wasn’t all roses, that was for sure. Between the two of us we have the esteem issues of a fourteen year old girl. Working through that, whilst keeping out of the public eye, took its toll. We came close to breaking it off more then once.

But I would rather live everyday thinking I’m not worthy of Karl, then living without him. Thank goodness we dealt with that though, because there’s no one, six years later, that I am this comfortable with.

I’m not afraid anymore to say in this room that Karl is my everything.

Just as he’s no longer afraid just to kiss me. Before he’d fumble to say something equally romantic and meaningful, and would often come off forced and hollow. Romance is not Karl’s forte and he knows now that I don’t expect or need it. The fact that he doesn’t remember the date he first made love to me (August 11th 2001) or what I was wearing (orange button down shirt and old jeans) doesn’t bother me, it’s that he never forgets how he felt with me. That he knows what it meant to me.

So we spent those days together relearning ourselves. We didn’t talk about how this would pan out. Three days is not long enough to bathe in his scent let alone discuss coming out. It’d have to wait for Christmas, when I’d be curled in his arms for a full three weeks, when I had declined on every family and friend outing that had been organised. Mom was not impressed, but I insisted that I need to get away, whether she liked it or not, and I would be home for Easter.

When it was time for him to go I kissed him goodbye at the door, closing it behind him as he snuck out and cried myself to sleep.

This was never going to get easier. Most people were married with two point five children after six years together. Karl and I were lucky to spend a month together at a time. I am getting sick of watching the man I love walk out that door.

After many comments that they were glad I was back to my old self, I settled back into filming. And I thought. I called Karl every night and he’d talk to me till I fell asleep. Never about telling anyone, just comfort talk, from what Sidi was doing (she’s getting so much older now) to the late night movie commentary. Normal, easy. I knew he was waiting, but every time I came close to discussing anything, my throat would close and I’d freeze. Then the moment would be gone.

Towards the end of filming Johnny had been burning a hole in the back of my skull from his staring. When I asked him why he shrugged, still entrenched in Jack Sparrow’s character.

“I miss the Orlando with a little bite in his bark.”

The man pisses me off. But he’s right. I know Karl would like to see the real me all the time, and I’m beginning to wish that too. So instead of ignoring the comment, or apologising as I would normal, I grinned and told him where to shove his little comment.

Johnny grinned in return, giving me a thumbs up sign. Prick.

When the scene finished I called Robin and told her I’d except no more scripts for six months. She was pissed, and a little surprised when her normally meek and mild mannered Orli didn’t bow down to her orders. In the end she had no choice but to clear my timetable completely.

I still don’t know what she’s complaining about, she still gets paid the same whether I’m working or not.

I tossed up whether to call Karl or not, deciding to leave it as a surprise. We would be together soon, and if this new found conviction lasts, I won’t have to leave his side ever again. Which is perfectly fine by me.


rps fanfiction, fic:becoming visible, pairing:orlando bloom/karl urban

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