Day From Hell....

Aug 20, 2010 19:57

Okay so maybe today wasn’t a day from hell but it was pretty damn close.

1. CEDAR POINT: I went to Cedar Point with my sister and her mom today which was fun…kinda. I have to admit that it wasn’t fun mostly due to me and my sister. Here is a re-cap of last night. I get to my sisters and we shop for today and get the food and stuff and we were all up until around one in the morning, which wouldn’t have been bad if me and my sister would have actually got sleep after that. We go to bed and I fall asleep for a half hour and I wake up before she is flipping and flopping and cant hold still. So we get up look at stuff on the computer try to sleep again and it doesn’t work so we get something to eat go back to bed that doesn’t work it is now three thirty-ish probably closer to four, finally we fall asleep and the alarm goes off at six something -.- we got ready left didn’t eat anything mind you because we are idiots, then all we drank was pop and energy drinks. I am feeling okay by the time it is one in the afternoon but my sister is not, so then her mom gives up more pop then I start to feel really sick needless to say we left at around four in the afternoon so we were there for five and a half hours so I guess that’s not to bad. But I still feel like I am going to die! It doesn’t help that it’s a two hour car ride each way.

2. UPROAR TOUR CHANGE: As I have stated before I am going to uproar next week, I get on face book to day and the a7x page says the concert venue had been changed but their actually page still had both venues listed, so I go to disturbed sight and it says that yes the venue changed. So finally after much confusion at the original venue they will be having a pre-party where the three smaller bands will play, the others will play at the new big venue. This change happened because they sold to many tickets to the show and the original venue is to small. So you go to the original venue and if your one of the first 2,000 you can get upgraded to floor tickets for the new venue they are honoring all tickets that have been sold. So we are going early to try and get floor tickets because if we don’t it will suck because I have been to a concert at the new venue and the nose bleed seats suck ass! Thank god both venues are on the same street.

So my day has been crazy partly my fault partly not ,I blame ticket master for the second fiasco. I am so tired right now. At lest I am still going to the show though <3

So sorry for the rant and thanks for reading it if you do.

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