Before we begin, I must deliver unto all of you, some political crap:
The Muslim World League Chief
blamed Israel, among other things, for the weakness of the Muslims.
Hokay, fottever. Just because you're in Saudi Arabia, doesn't mean you have to slam Israel for things that are not its fault. Gee, I wish you'd just get some margaritas and chill out, Mr Chief - 'cuz it's not the Jews/Zionist Entity this time. Na-uh. It's the Muslims themselves. What, with all your insane, blood-thirsty clerics and bigot imams, do you really expect the Ummah [Islamic nation] to achieve something substantial [which is positive/constructive in nature, by the way]? Oh, and let's not forget the beard-flaunting, poisoned Muslim youth - they're the brawns, after all [the brains being the said imams and clerics].
Ok. My cold keeps getting worse. Papa got me some Vicks balm to help me clear it up. I can't sleep horizontal - there's a large, acute angle between my back and the pillows. Oh dear, I've begun thinking in Trigonometrese.
My mom left for Indee-ah tonight. Home feels empty.. no corny Indian soaps running on the TV, no Ammi yelling at Sarah to take a shower and more importantly, only ONE person to hug in the morning before leaving for school.
@%#@$@! Core 3 test on Wednesday. I can't wait to rub my face in it.