I'm having a bad day

Jan 15, 2006 22:05

Ok, I'm really worried and scared and I'm freaking out. Well, I was, at least.

My computer is in a coma. I didn't do anything to induce it, I swear. I was loading my newly downloaded collection of Kabbalistic music into my playlist when my computer just froze and wouldn't move even though I hit Alt+Ctrl+Del like nuts and even tried some other tricks [like hitting Esc or Alt+F4] but nothing seemed to work with it. When I tried to restart it, it froze on the Intel screen and wouldn't go further than that. When I tried to restart it again, it wouldn't even start.

In a mental mess, I called callmextc who, just like my brother, is a computer whacko. He was sympathetic and offered to help me if I brought my 'puter to his place. It could be a problem with the hard disk or the processor, but I think it's the processor's own fan which is on its deathbed. This because when I restarted the computer, I didn't hear the loud hum of the processor's fan, but I heard the other hum from the other fan.

Gosh gosh gosh, I'm so worried. I hope I don't have to format any disks and I hope I don't lose any of my music. Right now, I'm just updating from my dad's laptop.

To add another, less ugly news to this horrid one, my Math notebook seems to be misplaced. All my notes and my workings of problems are in that notebook. But the textbook explains a lot, so I can just study from there.

Another bad news is that I had a Mechanics 1 test today and I went absolutely bananas when I read the last question. It was about vectors and resolving them... but I didn't resolve so I didn't get the correct answer. Fuck!

A good thing that happened on January 15th is that my sister Sarah was born, nine years ago. Yeah, we had chocolate cake.

I know there are people who are in situations that are worse than mine... but I still want my desktop computer back!! Gah!

"Ilahi, Ilahi, lamah sabachtani?"
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
-- Jesus of Nazareth, said upon dying on the cross.

math, derek, sarah, computer, me

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