?מה נשתנה הלילה הזה מכל הלילות
Mah nishtanah ha-laylah ha-zeh mi-kol ha-laylot?
"Why is this night different from all the other nights?"
-- One of the four questions asked by Jewish children at the
Seder table.
Well, nothing much different tonight. The full moon is really beautiful.. just looking at it cools me from inside.
Walking to Lamcy Plaza from school today, with
cutedevil_ash and
punkassfaery, I found out from them that my schoolmates are behaving like a bunch of nine-year-old girls who can't stop gossiping. Basically, people know that I'm gay. That's not the bad part.. the thing that pisses me off is that people are spreading baseless rumors that
abhishek_kar and I are sleeping together.
So what if I spend most of my time around Abhishek? So what if we sit together in Math and in Physics class? So what if we do all our work together?
I guess their respective families and friends would disown them if they didn't behave like complete cunts. Doesn't it itch them that they have absolutely zero proof for this ugly, harmful rumor and that they ought to ask for some sort of evidence/proof? Are they jealous of our friendship? Can a straight boy not be friends with a gay one?
You know, it's a bit like knowing that a straight guy is friends with a straight girl and then accusing them of sleeping together, without any proof. Seriously, what the fuck? May they rot along with their homophobia.
On that happy note, I wish my Jewish friends a happy, happy Passover. And a special Passover wish going out to Jennifer's anti-Semitic mom. Chag Pesach Same'ach, people!