I Do SO Enjoy Talking to Myself

May 24, 2006 10:14

It should be noted that just about every single time I say that I'm going to be right back, I don't return for a good twenty days. (I am a miserable, horrible liar and I apologize. Really now. *whimpers vaguely*)

Have also realized that I have obscene amounts of music on this poor laptop and should probably clean him out before he explodes. *shrugs* Ah, but what a lovely explosion it would be ... all shiny and metallic and full of angsty songs.

Am doing quite well with this whole college thing. So I will be able to dorm again next year. (Yay!) Apparently complete and utter bullshit is the way to succeed in life ... because that's sure as hell what I'm doing.

Work eats my soul. All blendered up and through a twisty straw. I am not entirely certain if I can maintain this painful level of good-cheer for much longer without stabbing some random passer-by in the jugular. Honestly now people, the Mall isn't that terribly large ... there cannot possibly be that many people who want to purchase ridiculously over-priced photographs. Especially since we're open seven days a week. The people do not change - there is no sudden influx of people onto the island every freakin' day!

Ahem, yes ... so work. It sucks. My back agrees.

babble, procrastination, music, love

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